Begin from the original form of torture and become immortal

Chapter 855 Sephiroth can’t hold himself any longer

Chapter 855 Sephiroth can’t hold himself any longer
Therefore, when Angel comes back, he can say that he went to relax, but as for Genesis, if a person of his character really has something to hide, it is absolutely impossible for him to come back.

"Sephiroth, we are here to tell you the truth."

Angel got straight to the point and told Sephiroth straightforwardly.

"the truth?"

Sephiroth was puzzled. He didn't know what the truth Angel and Genesis were referring to. These two former friends now seem to know something important.

An ominous premonition surged deep in Sephiroth's heart, and he vaguely felt that he might hear some facts that he did not want to accept next.

"Sephiroth, you were born in the Jenova Plan, and you are the strongest monster in that plan."

Genesis's voice was cold and firm, as if he was pushing Sephiroth into an abyss from which there was no turning back.

Sephiroth frowned, and his face darkened when he heard the word "monster."

"Mom's name...what do you mean?"

Sephiroth sighed softly, walked up to Genesis and looked at the apple.


He looked up at Angel, hoping to find some comfort in his eyes, but Angel just stood aside silently and said nothing.

"First-class warrior Sephiroth! Jenova Plan G created Angel...and monsters like me. And Jenova Plan S used countless failed plans as a basis to create the perfect person like you. monster."

Sephiroth was speechless for a moment, his heart filled with confusion and doubt.

"Poor Sephiroth, you have never seen your mother, right? You have only heard a name, right? Although I don't know how you pictured her in your imagination..."

Genesis' words threw Sephiroth into complete confusion. He always thought that he was the most powerful warrior of Shinra and the pride of mankind, but now, he was told that he was just an experiment and a monster.

"Project Jenova...that is the general name for a series of experiments conducted by Shinra Corporation in the past. These experiments were all conducted using Jenova's cells."

"Jenovia is a monster that Shinra discovered in the strata two thousand years ago."

Genesis's taunt made Sephiroth feel a sting. He gritted his teeth and tried not to let his anger burst out.

"You do not have the ability to create clones, and your body data will not spread. In other words, you will never degenerate. Sephiroth, you are the strongest monster!"

Genesis continued, his voice void of emotion.

Genesis looked at Sephiroth's gaffe.

Genesis's voice echoed in Sephiroth's ears, and every word was like a knife, piercing deeply into his heart.

"What exactly is the Jenova plan!"

There was obvious anger in Sephiroth's tone, and he could not tolerate anyone referring to his mother in such terms.

Sephiroth's voice was full of tension and anger, and he was very concerned about what Genesis just said.

He took out a blue-purple apple and raised it in front of Sephiroth.

When Sephiroth heard this word, the anger and confusion in his heart became even stronger. He had always thought that his mother was a gentle and strong person, but now, he was told that his mother was just a source of cells for an experiment.

Genesis's words left Sephiroth completely stunned. He couldn't believe his ears. The mother he had always admired and been pursuing turned out to be a monster?

"Those words you just said, whether they are nonsense to confuse me, or whether they are the truth that I have been searching for..."

His voice was a little hoarse, but full of determination.

He raised his hand and knocked the apple out of Genesis's hand. The apple rolled to the ground and broke into several pieces. "It's like this rotten fruit, meaningless."

Genesis was stunned for a moment by Sephiroth's words. He did not expect that Sephiroth would refuse to accept the truth so decisively.

"Ha ha ha ha."

But Genesis quickly regained his composure and laughed, his laughter full of sarcasm and provocation.

"I see... he is indeed the most perfect monster."

His words were full of contempt and provocation towards Sephiroth, but Sephiroth did not waver at all.

He turned and left this once familiar place. His heart was full of doubts and confusion, but he knew that no matter what the truth was, he had to find the answer himself.

He couldn't let himself be bound by this so-called truth.

Genesis looked at Sephiroth's leaving back with a sneer on his lips.

He knew that this most perfect monster had begun to waver, and his heart had begun to collapse.

Angel stood silently aside, his eyes full of complex emotions.

He felt sad for what happened to Sephiroth, but also felt helpless at his own powerlessness.

He knew that this truth was too heavy for Sephiroth, and whether he could withstand this blow was still unknown.

Sephiroth subconsciously escaped and left his room.

Standing in the corridor, he didn't know what to do for a moment. Where should he go?

His intelligence, wisdom and calmness allowed him to instinctively stay rational after reacting and refused to believe Genesis's words.

Sephiroth is a very calm and rational person. He will not be easily swayed and believe in others without evidence.

Now the first thing Sephiroth thinks of is Chang Wei!
My friend Chang Wei is the only one who can share it with me at this time.

So Sephiroth went directly to find Chang Wei, and then found that Chang Wei was on the phone with Tifa.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you, okay."

Chang Wei said to the other end of the phone.

Sephiroth couldn't hold himself any longer. It was the first time he heard his friend speak such a tone and say such words.

The annoyance and impact caused by Genesis's words just now miraculously dissipated under this situation.

Chang Wei knew that Alice and Zack could make phone calls in the original plot, but there was no reason why he and Tifa couldn't, so he gave Tifa a mobile phone, and the two young lovers talked on the phone every day.

Chang Wei and Tifa were ashamed when Shinra Company reimbursed their phone bills. The phone bills of two people were comparable to the phone bills of a hundred people.

Sephiroth listened outside with his hands folded and his aunt's smile on his face for a full hour.

He felt amazing that someone could talk to him for an hour.

After finally hanging up the phone, Chang Wei found Sephiroth.


(End of this chapter)

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