China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 110: What the hell, you have a child so soon?

Chapter 110: What the hell, you have a child so soon?

Liu Yifei had another dream last night.

She hasn't watched the live broadcast for several days since she and Zhao Fei parted ways last time. This was because she deliberately avoided it, and also because she had recently taken on a new drama and was busy studying the script.

Although it is a TV drama script, she likes Zhao Paner in the drama very much.

Smart and courageous, proud and confident, even if he was unfortunate enough to lose his status, he never looked down upon himself.

So she no longer dwells on just making movies.

The general plot is that she had a fiancé who was the most popular girl in Beijing High School, but she didn't expect that before she could celebrate, her fiancé would break off the engagement. Unwilling to do so, she went to Beijing to seek justice.

The plot also unfolds like this.

It is worth mentioning that in Zhao Paner's biography, her fiancé and she are actually married.

After all, they had been engaged for three years, and they still had a marriage certificate and wore tokens together. It was equivalent to getting the marriage certificate now, but they were just short of a grand wedding.

Liu Yifei substituted himself into Zhao Pan'er. Whenever he read biographies, he unknowingly substituted his fiancé into Zhao Fei.

After all, her fiancé was a villain, and Zhao Fei happened to see some of her photos, which made her feel ashamed and angry, making her tooth ache with hatred, but she was helpless.

In this way, I think about it every day and dream about it at night.

She had a dream that night, and it was extremely clear.

It was a world constructed by "Meng Hua Lu". She had a teahouse in Qiantang, and Zhao Fei was a scholar who lived on the street because he failed in the imperial examination.

She saw that Zhao Fei looked Zhou Zheng, and although he failed in the imperial examination, he was still very ambitious, so she helped him, picked him up at home, and helped Zhao Fei register his household registration.

Zhao Fei was grateful for her life-saving grace and promised that if she wanted to go to high school in three years, he would marry her in a big sedan chair.

She didn't promise anything at the time, but she worked harder to run the teahouse and made money to help Zhao Fei hire teachers to teach him so that he could study every day.

It can be seen that although she didn't say anything on the surface, she had already acquiesced in the relationship between the two.

Just three years later, Zhao Fei married her after high school.

In this way, as time goes by, the relationship between the two heats up.

Exchanged marriage certificates and tokens of love.

They also made their feelings clear to each other.

Until spring came... Wearing a simple and elegant snow-white thin shirt, she stood in the moonlight and watched Zhao Fei sitting in front of the window, fanning himself with a fan in one hand and holding a book in the other to study.

The serious look made her extremely excited.

That was their first kiss.


Liu Yifei was in the bathroom, washing every corner of his body carefully. Even though it was a dream, this dream was so clear that it seemed as if it happened yesterday.

She is Zhao Paner, and Zhao Fei is her fiancé Ouyang Xu.

She had also been kissed by Ouyang Xu on every inch of her body, which was similar to the photo taken by Zhao Fei in reality.

Especially every frame and every feeling of the two of them together in their dreams.

every word spoken.

Just thinking about it made her shy.

But no matter how she washed, she still felt that she was not clean. She walked out of the bathroom helplessly, took out her mobile phone and looked up Zhao Fei's WeChat message, typing it out bitterly.


Send... No, no, can't send.

Inexplicably, people thought she was mentally ill.

But this feeling of wanting to beat him to death but having nowhere to start was really uncomfortable. Just then, her phone vibrated, and it was a message sent to her by a woman.

The avatar looks like a woman, wearing sportswear.

"I have to train in the past few months. I'm sorry that I can't see you anymore. I'll see you in the capital after I finish competing in the Winter Olympics."

Looking at this text message, Liu Yifei felt complicated, but she didn't talk about what she had encountered recently. She typed back: "I also took on a new drama, and I also can't spare the time, so you don't have to say sorry."

"That's just right. We'll get together after we're done. But I didn't save the photos we took together last time. Send me two. I'm too tired from training and I need to relax."

Liu Yifei didn't expect that the other party would mention the photos. After accidentally sending the photos to Zhao Fei last time, in order to prevent similar things from happening again in the future, she had deleted all the photos.

And it's safer this way.

Now she is considering whether to tell the other party about this matter. After all, this person was also included in the pile of photos, and she has the right to know.

But after thinking about it carefully, Liu Yifei still planned to hide it.

"For safety's sake, I have deleted them all, and... don't take pictures of you in the future. Although you are not from the industry, after all, this is not a serious matter, and it is not good for it to spread."

"Well... I really hope time can pass faster and we can meet sooner!"

Liu Yifei was quite happy to hear what the other party said before, but now he feels very awkward: "Go to training, you still have to win glory for the country."

"OK Bye Bye!"


Seeing that the other party didn't ask any more questions, Liu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief.

Delete the word 'scumbag' on WeChat. Although there is no way to scold Zhao Fei directly on WeChat, Liu Yifei also has her own way to open Zhao Fei's live broadcast room.

I saw the two of them in Norbulingka, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

The lake pavilions, pavilions and bridges, and the green mountains and green waters made her even more angry.

Type to send a barrage.

"Scumbag, scumbag...Zhao Fei is a heartless man who abandoned his wife and children."

"He also likes to cover people's eyes with red obscene clothes. He doesn't care about other people's thoughts at all."

"Also, this guy is perverted and likes to use a brush dipped in honey to draw on other people's bodies, and then...he is not a good person anyway."

cursing cursing.

Liu Yifei remembered the scene in his dream and couldn't help but tell it.

Anyway, there were barrages flying all over the live broadcast room. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see clearly. Even if you saw it, you wouldn't know it was her.

However, the audience in the live broadcast room cannot see that Li Hai in the background has been paying attention to the barrages since the last time he criticized the comments. Once he found something rhythmic, he would ban it directly.

So there are fewer and fewer people who lead the rhythm.

Moreover, Zhao Fei's performance today also took care of the audience, so no one scolded him at the moment.

This makes Liu Yifei's barrages particularly conspicuous.

Looking at the strange barrage on the report in his hand, Li Hai frowned slightly and instantly made the connection. After all, Zhao Fei had had a long-term affair.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

If what they say is true, if word spreads, not only Zhao Fei will be killed, but he will also suffer.

So he pulled out all the relevant information on Douyin's account behind this barrage. He didn't show it to anyone. Instead, he was alone in the office, investigating carefully and tracing the source.

Quickly check the other party's browsing history on Douyin, short videos, comments, etc.

Obviously, it's a trumpet.

But through his mobile phone number and ID number, Li Hai quickly identified a person.

He jumped up from his chair, it turned out to be Liu Yifei.

Either he has the same name or the same surname, but he is the A-list star Liu Yifei.

After learning the result, Li Hai was completely stunned. His expression was quite complicated. His admiration for Zhao Fei was like a surging river that was out of control. He even couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the live broadcast room.

"Brother, you are still awesome!"

"You have so much fun in your circle that you even have children."

"Alas... take pity on Mai Mai for a second."

After sighing for a long time, Li Hai gradually calmed down.

He had no intention of threatening Zhao Fei with this matter. After all, it was just a guess and could not be confirmed. Moreover, he and Zhao Fei had a relationship where both prospered and suffered losses.

So Li Hai didn't want to see anything happen to Zhao Fei.

After brewing his emotions for a while, and watching Zhao Fei and Mai Mai in the live broadcast room walking to the Lake Center Palace in the park, Li Hai shook his head and sent a message to Zhao Fei.

He knew that Zhao Fei didn't have time to reply, but there was something he had to say.

"Mr. Zhao, I am Li Hai. We have known each other for almost half a month. Although you have never seen me, I see you every day, so your appearance has been deeply engraved in my mind.

Even though I know you very well, I regard you as a brother. "

Huh, something seems wrong.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

"As a brother, your business is my business, so today I am still sitting in front of the live broadcast room to help you criticize, ban, and block you.

Originally, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room today was quite good, but my sharp eyes discovered some clues. Here are the words she scolded you in the live broadcast room.

I'll send you a screenshot so you can take a closer look. "

Haha, you should be shocked when you see this, right?

Will he jump right up?

"Brother, don't be afraid. Everything can be solved and I will help you. I have already investigated this matter clearly, so you don't have to hide it from me.

Liu Yifei is the fairy sister after all.

So it makes sense that you couldn't hold it back for a while. "

But you are going too far by covering your eyes. You really think you are Zhen Zhibing.

Damn, I’m inexplicably curious!

How about going home and trying it with your wife, blindfolding your eyes, dripping honey... tsk tsk.

I can't think about it anymore, I can't think about it anymore, business is more important.

"Looking at Liu Yifei's attitude now, it is obvious that she is on the verge of breaking out, otherwise she would not have sent out those barrages, so she urgently needs your comfort, and you know best what happened between you.

My opinion is to minimize big things and minimize small things.

This is good for both of you. Don't mess things up, otherwise it will be a big earthquake for the entertainment industry, so you must be careful.

Men, if you suffer a little loss, apologizing is nothing.

Below are some evidences and information about Liu Yifei that I searched for and sent to you in documents.

Don't worry, after posting, I will delete all the information on my side, including Liu Yifei's speech and information on Douyin, and all information will be encrypted.

Make sure no news about this matter spreads. "

This is the real brother!
Li Hai gave himself a thumbs up and continued: "Of course, brother, if you need help, just ask, and I will definitely help you.

Finally, brother, there are people around you, so there is no need to reply.

The province has unexpected events. "


Zhao Fei didn't know what was happening outside.

At this moment, the two of them had just finished lunch, and Norbulingka had almost finished watching, and was preparing to go to the Jokhang Temple in the afternoon.

"Brothers." Zhao Fei sat on the RV and said to the live broadcast room: "The Jokhang Temple is a Buddhist temple that was also built during the reign of Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo.

If you have the opportunity to come to the Jokhang Temple, you must pay attention to the rules of the Jokhang Temple. You are not allowed to enter wearing skirts or shorts, and you are not allowed to wear a hat.

Of course, you are also not allowed to take photos inside, let alone live broadcast.

So we need Liu Wei's help. "

"Can I wear sunglasses?" Zhao Maimai asked from the side.

"You can take it with you, but it's best to take it off after you get inside. As for why, you'll know when you get there."

Zhao Fei didn't explain, started the RV and set off.

Zhao Maimai didn't ask any more questions. She had gotten used to it after being with Zhao Fei for so long. Zhao Fei sometimes liked to talk half-talk.


Jokhang Temple is located in the center of the old city of Sunlight City.

When the two arrived, Liu Wei was already waiting here, obviously having arranged everything.

Most of the scenic spots and historical sites rely on "visual" to impress people, but the Jokhang Temple relies on sound, so as soon as he got off the bus, Zhao Maimai heard a continuous "swishing" sound.

It was caused by the friction between the believers and the ground when they kowtowed.

in bursts.

The stone road in front of the door has been polished so smooth for thousands of years that people can't even bear to step on it.

The devout believers began to prostrate themselves on the ground outside the Jokhang Temple and performed continuous prostrations. Most of them had traveled long distances from all over Qinghai and Tibet to come here.

Living in the open air, year after year, day after day, this mysterious power is undoubtedly extremely shocking.

In this case, who has the nerve to wear sunglasses?

"Let's go." Zhao Fei grabbed Zhao Maimai's hand and walked into the Jokhang Temple.

Although with the help of Liu Wei, the live broadcast was possible, Zhao Fei still lowered the camera slightly.

I didn’t take pictures of everything around me.

After all, the culture of the Dragon Kingdom has been passed down for 5000 years. There are some things that it is better to believe than to believe that they are not.

Only by being in awe can you stop doing things.

It’s also possible to reach high.

“The Jokhang Temple is the most splendid Tibetan-era building in Qinghai and the earliest civil structure building, integrating various architectural styles we know.

For example, the Tang Dynasty, Tibetan style, Nepal... and even the 'Asan' country.

I shook my phone just now, and I wonder if you have seen a smaller statue, which is the 12-year-old life-size statue of Sakyamuni that Princess Wencheng brought with her when she entered Tibet.

The reason why the Jokhang Temple is called a holy place by countless devout people is because of this Buddha statue.

That’s why many people say that the Jokhang Temple came first and then the Sunlight City. "


"Damn, why didn't the anchor tell me earlier? It just passed by in a flash and I didn't even see it clearly."

"Be content, it's great to be able to see a corner of it. Others will confiscate their phones when they come here. We also borrowed the light of the anchor to see it through the live broadcast."

"To be honest, when I saw the anchor in the Jokhang Temple, I didn't dare to say bad words."


"In fact, the original location of the Jokhang Temple was once a depression. In years with abundant rain, the depression turned into a lake. Therefore, when the Jokhang Temple was built, it was flooded several times.

The local people suggested changing the position, but Princess Wencheng disagreed and told the people that the entire Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was like a Rakshasa girl lying on her back.

The witch is in human form, with her head facing east and legs facing west. The lake where the Jokhang Temple is located is the heart of the witch, and the lake water is her blood.

In order to suppress the witch, the Jokhang Temple must be built in the middle of the lake.

Seal the witch's heart.

Twelve small temples will be built around it to seal the witch's limbs and joints.

Now there was no one to stop them, and many people began to fill in the lake and build temples, because the main means of transportation at that time were goats. Legend has it that after the lake was filled in, the goats in Qinghai Tibet were exhausted to death.

The name la sa also comes from this, which probably means the place where goats carry earth, which is the Jokhang Temple we see now.

To put it simply, it means pulling the soil over and spreading it on the ground! "

In front of Liu Wei, Zhao Fei was too embarrassed to say more.

But if you think about it for a moment, you will know that it is very difficult to fill in the sea and land even now, let alone 300 years ago, even if it is just to fill in a lake.

The goats were exhausted to death, but what about the 'people'?

And it can also be seen in the live broadcast room that the roofs of every building in the Jokhang Temple are all made of 24K gold, which will always sparkle.

So we call it the 'City of Sunlight'.

"I don't care what Princess Wencheng said, I just want to know that the Rakshasa girl should be a girl, so is she good-looking?"

"Brother upstairs, I advise you to calm down and imagine the slit girl, ferocious and terrifying, with a green face and fangs. Are you still able to do this?"

"It's not as scary as you said, isn't she called a witch? This made me subconsciously think of the betrayal witch Medea, Nangong Nayue, Scarlet Witch...

This seems a bit of a pity. What did people do and they were suppressed? "

Watch the barrage in the live room.

The corner of Zhao Fei's mouth twitched, but he didn't answer and forcefully changed the subject: "As long as you walk into the Jokhang Temple, your heart will naturally calm down.

Listening to the gentle murmur of the monks chanting sutras and worshiping the Buddha, as well as the fragrance of butter, Tibetan incense...all kinds of smells surrounding the tip of your nose.

Like a big hand, comforting you.

Leaves you calm and peaceful. "

Not only Zhao Fei, but Zhao Maimai was also very touched at this moment.

She did not believe in Buddhism, but as soon as she came to the Jokhang Temple, her heart calmed down and she was baptized silently, even if she walked around in a circle and walked out of the Jokhang Temple.

The feeling still hasn't faded.

Time passed quickly. By the time the two of them left the Jokhang Temple and said goodbye to Liu Wei, it was already past four in the afternoon.

After playing for a day, Zhao Maimai was also a little tired.

The two simply stopped shopping and went back to the hotel.

The third hotel is the InterContinental Hotel, known as the 'Holy Paradise'. It is also the most expensive of the three hotels and is located far away from the center of Sunshine City.

But they're leaving tomorrow, so don't worry.

It was already half an hour later when Zhao Fei and the two arrived here.

It can be seen that the entire InterContinental Hotel is in the shape of a pyramid, and the glass ceiling in the middle gives people an infinite beauty full of tension.

Especially under the west slanting sunlight, it is full of holy flavor.

As a five-star hotel, there is not much to say about the hardware facilities.The only thing worth mentioning is that this hotel also does not allow live broadcasts.

"Brothers, I want to apologize to you first." Zhao Fei parked the RV and said, "Today's live broadcast ends here. After all, hotels have hotel rules.

And this is also the largest city in Qinghai-Tibet, so there are many inconveniences for live broadcasting.

But we will leave here tomorrow and continue heading west. When we stay in the RV overnight, there won’t be so many rules, so you don’t have to worry. "

"See you tomorrow, anchor. It's time for me to pick up the kids from school."

"This bitch was very polite to us today and performed very well. I hope you will continue to work hard in the future. I will forgive you today and start broadcasting early tomorrow."

"My husband is getting off work, and I have to buy groceries and cook. See you tomorrow, Mai Mai."

"See you tomorrow." Zhao Maimai also waved to the live broadcast room. After turning off the live broadcast, he quickly followed Zhao Fei towards the hotel.

Open the room, go upstairs, take a shower...all in one go.

But this time Zhao Maimai entered the bathroom and locked the door directly, not giving Zhao Fei a chance to come in, because Zhao Fei was always dishonest and couldn't clean it even if he asked her to take a shower.

But then she didn't notice Zhao Fei pushing the door, so she was a little surprised, so she gradually sped up her movements.

As for Zhao Fei, he just saw the message from Li Hai on his mobile phone, so he didn't care about anything else, and he was completely confused.

Liu Yifei?


what's the situation?
When did I blindfold her?

Isn't this nonsense!
Zhao Fei really wanted to ask Li Hai what was going on?

But after reading it, I also figured out the cause and effect. It turned out that it was just because of Liu Yifei's barrage.

This confused Zhao Fei even more. Why did she do this?
Zhao Fei found Liu Yifei's WeChat message a little unjustly and sent him a message: "When did I use honey on you to write calligraphy with calligraphy?"


On the other side, Liu Yifei is currently discussing the character Ouyang Xu (Zhao Fei) with director Meng Hualu.

Because of last night's dream, Liu Yifei felt very uncomfortable and wanted to change Ouyang Xu's character.

Although the overall situation remains unchanged and he is still a heartless person, the most important thing is that he and Zhao Paner are not happy.

In other words, Zhao Paner did not lose her virginity during the three years of getting along with her.

Of course, the reason why Liu Yifei wanted to change this was, firstly, because of the shameful dream last night, and secondly, to make Zhao Paner's character more perfect.

After all, Zhao Paner finally ended up with the first male lead in "Meng Hua Lu", Gu Qianfan.

After hearing this, the director felt that it made sense and nodded: "Yes, yes, we are a heroine-led drama after all, and everything is centered on Zhao Pan'er.

But in this case, it will be even more difficult to find an actor for Ouyang Xu, a scumbag villain? "

"You can find someone new." After a day of thinking, Liu Yifei felt that he just scolded Zhao Fei in the live broadcast room and didn't feel relieved at all, so he thought of another way.

But she is not in a hurry, and she must take her time so that no one can see it: "Besides, I am the first female lead, and the male lead Chen Xiao will play the role. Xiao Yun and Liu Yan are actually already popular enough, even if a new person is added. no problem."

Upon hearing this, the director had already noticed Liu Yifei's underlying meaning.

Obviously trying to stuff people inside.

This was a routine operation, so he didn't expose it. After all, it was really difficult to find an actor for such a scumbag.

And as long as Liu Yifei can be hired to play Zhao Pan'er, "Menghua Lu" will be her first return to the TV drama field after "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

The impact is unprecedented.

The director can still make the final decision for a mere male villain, so he tentatively asked: "It's really hard to find someone who can reject the immortal. Do you have a suitable candidate here?"

"Cough cough."

Liu Yifei coughed twice, feeling a little hesitant for a moment.

I don't know if this is the right thing to do.

After all, this is not fair to Zhao Fei.

However, she didn't know how many times Zhao Fei appeared in her heart today, making her uninterested in anything and extremely irritable.

I want to chat with Zhao Fei, but I am afraid that Zhao Maimai will overthink it.

What's more, Zhao Fei doesn't have time during the live broadcast.

She kept thinking about Zhao Fei, which almost made her collapse, and then she thought of letting Zhao Fei play Ouyang Xu.

First of all, Ouyang Xu's setting in the play is that although he is her fiancé, he breaks off the engagement at the beginning. It can be said that he is the only man who rejects the fairy.

She and Gu Qianfan, played by Chen Xiao, are a real couple.

In this way, people would not associate her with Zhao Fei as a couple.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei can't act. When filming, he can ridicule him, laugh at him, bully him openly...

In this way, she can see Zhao Fei and chat with him on the set.

I can also avenge the photo and the bullying in my dream last night.

It's the best of both worlds.

Even if Zhao Maimai knew about it, he probably wouldn't object. After all, everyone knows her personality and hobbies, even if they have changed recently.

But others don’t understand this.

Of course, she didn't really want to have anything to do with Zhao Fei.

It's just that she feels uncomfortable and annoyed. The main reason for this is Zhao Fei. Even if this is just her trouble, it has nothing to do with Zhao Fei.

But women, when have you ever been reasonable?

So at this moment, she no longer hesitated, pretended to frown and thought for a while, picked up her phone and flipped through the short videos. When she saw the short video of Zhao Fei's travel, she paused slightly.

"Hey, you think this person is okay?"

"Here, if I remember correctly, he is a travel anchor, right? Can he act?" The director's mouth twitched, not expecting Liu Yifei to recommend such a person.

Even if Zhao Fei is very popular, if he doesn't know how to act.

That... is also very troublesome.

What's more, people may not be able to agree.

"Yes, it's indeed inappropriate. Director, please go back first. I'm thinking about it." Liu Yifei strategically leaned back on the sofa as if seeing off guests.

Seeing this, the director's face changed slightly, and he was secretly complaining that your performance was too direct!

But he could only think about this in his heart, and said with a smile: "The role of Ouyang Xu is not very important in the first place, and it does not require much acting skills, not to mention that Zhao Fei is very popular now.

If he really joins, it will be a bonus to our Menghualu. "

"Since you said it's suitable, director, I won't comment. I heard that the crew is still short of investment. I like Zhao Pan'er very much, so if the director has any difficulties, you can come to me."

Seeing that the matter was accomplished, Liu Yifei also handed over the sweet dates.

Especially when I think about the future on the set, Zhao Fei will not know how to move or look for the camera. As a senior, I will go up and give him a slap in the face, and I will be very happy.

Who let you accidentally see the photo?
Who told you to be an arsonist?
Live it!

"What are you talking about?" Liu Xiaoli came over at this time. During this time, she was anxious about the progress of her daughter and Zhao Fei.

Especially the relationship between Zhao Fei and Zhao Maimai is getting deeper and deeper.

She always hopes that time can pass faster.

Let Zhao Fei finish climbing Mount Everest as soon as possible and come back as soon as possible.

Now after listening to the explanations of the two, I realized that Zhao Fei was actually going to film a movie with his own girl, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "This, isn't it appropriate? Zhao Fei is just an anchor, can he act?"

"Yes, but the director said that Zhao Fei is very popular and has traffic." Liu Yifei took a sip of tea.

"Well, since it is the director's wish, we don't want to say anything, but... if it is really popular and can help the drama, wouldn't it be better to let Zhao Fei play the first male lead?

That’s it, Gu Qianfan! "


"Absolutely not."

The director and Liu Yifei stood up at the same time and looked at each other with a somewhat complicated look.

Zhao Pan'er and Gu Qianfan had an intimate scene, and Liu Yifei was afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear it anymore. After all, he had done it many times in his dreams, and it became a habit.

Seeing such a big reaction from the two of them, Liu Xiaoli was not anxious at all, because this was all within her expectation. The reason why he said this was to let the director confirm this matter.

Don't regret it later.

So she also stood up and said: "That's what I said, why do you have such a big reaction, but... Director, you need to know that although Zhao Fei can't act, he is very difficult to hire.

And he still plays a scumbag. Are you sure Zhao Fei can agree? "

The director took a deep look at Liu Yifei, and then nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, leave everything to me."

After saying that, the director didn't dare to stay any longer. He was afraid that Liu Xiaoli would make some excessive demands later, so he simply turned away and left. After all, he had just reached a verbal agreement with Liu Yifei.

Seeing this, Liu Xiaoli was afraid that her daughter would see something, so she went upstairs.

Liu Yifei sat back on the sofa.

I picked up my phone again and watched the short video about Zhao Fei, and my mood instantly became beautiful.

But at this moment, she suddenly discovered that Zhao Fei had sent her a message, and she quickly straightened up and clicked it with a slightly serious look.

"When did I use honey to write calligraphy on you?"

what's the situation?
Did she see the barrage I posted this morning?
Impossible, even if he sees it, he won’t know it’s me!

Liu Yifei was a little panicked, and his fingers were trembling a little: "What are you saying, I don't understand?"

Zhao Fei: "Okay, then I'll send you a screenshot. How dare you say it wasn't you? And you're blindfolded! When did I blindfold you?"

What's going on here?

Looking at Zhao Fei's message, Liu Yifei collapsed and felt extremely ashamed. After all, these things only happened in her dreams, and now Zhao Fei exposed them.

She just felt ashamed.

So no matter what, we can never admit that the barrage was sent by her.

"Did you pronounce it wrong? I'm Liu Yifei!"

"I know you are Liu Yifei, and I am looking for you, but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn... I will send you a file, please read it carefully."

Click on the file sent by Zhao Fei.

Looking at all his records in the live broadcast room, including comments, gifts, mobile phone numbers, etc., it was obviously investigated by Douyin's backstage.

unambiguous evidence.

Liu Yifei's pretty face suddenly turned pale.

"Don't blame Douyin's backstage. The live broadcast room needs to control the comments. I noticed something was wrong with your barrage and investigated it, so it is a coincidence.

But I’m wondering, haven’t I just seen your photos before? You’re not like this, are you? "

Now Liu Yifei finally understood what was going on.

But she was even more devastated.

Could it be that she was angry and posted the barrage that this was her dream?

That was too ridiculous, and she couldn't say it.

But now Zhao Fei even throws a question in her face, and she always has to give a response!

"Why don't you say anything? You won't tell me that 'Huihui' did it accidentally again, right?" Seeing the silence of the other party, Zhao Fei asked again.

Although in his understanding of Liu Yifei, he was not a fussy person.

But Zhao Fei felt that this fairy sister seemed to have a physique that could attract the 'Peach Blossom Luck Capsule'. She had an inexplicable photo incident last time.

This time it was even worse, he turned into a heartless man.

If he really did it, it wouldn't hurt to be scolded. The key is that he has never done this before.

So Zhao Fei guessed that this time it was probably the Peach Blossom Luck Capsule that caused it, otherwise it wouldn't be so outrageous.

But Zhao Fei is also very curious, what happened to Liu Yifei, what happened to him?How could you say those words?

Seeing Zhao Fei's repeated questions, Liu Yifei didn't want to explain.

Completely messed up.

The other person can think whatever they want to think.

It wasn't the first time anyway, so she gave a serious smile: "You guessed it right, it's made of Huihui, so... what do you want?"

"I see, then help me dust it a few times."

Zhao Fei shook his head. The other party obviously didn't want to talk and couldn't ask, so he simply put the matter aside for the time being: "Don't let Hui Hui play with his mobile phone in the future."

"Let me thank you on Huihui's behalf."

Throwing the phone aside, Liu Yifei originally planned to let Zhao Fei go for the time being and not force others if he didn't agree to play Ouyang Xu.

Now that the incident has happened, old and new grudges have been added together, Liu Yifei decided that Zhao Fei must play Ouyang Xu.

Otherwise, how will you find your place?

So she quickly contacted her assistant, called the director for investment, and put forward the conditions. Zhao Fei must be there, and he could only play Ouyang Xu.

Or get your money back!

the other side.

Zhao Fei thought for a while, but did not explain the cause and effect to Li Hai. After all, he didn't know what was going on, so he replied on WeChat: "Don't worry, it's been solved."

Li Hai, who was carrying a jar of honey home, saw Zhao Fei's text message.

A look of admiration suddenly appeared on his face, and he secretly exclaimed: "You are really a role model for our generation."

This made him want to go home quickly and try the effects of honey.


At the same time, Zhao Maimai also finished taking a bath.

She came out wearing a bathrobe and planned to dry her hair with a hair dryer, but as soon as she picked it up, she was picked up by Zhao Fei who came over.

"I'll blow it for you."

"Yes." Zhao Maimai nodded gently, naturally not refusing.

"Let me ask you something." Zhao Fei thought of his plans yesterday and continued: "After your trip, will you go back to school or go filming?"

"Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

“I plan to turn off the broadcast for a while after this trip, take a break, and give some time to plan the next live broadcast for the trip.

By the way, integrate into your life and accompany you. "

Hearing this, Zhao Maimai felt extremely sweet in her heart.

She didn't want to separate from Zhao Fei, and she was also worried about this issue, especially if Zhao Fei continued to do travel live broadcasts in the future, would he find other women?
When the time comes, something will inevitably happen to a man and a woman alone.

It's just that Zhao Maimai has been selectively forgetting because he is afraid of quarreling with Zhao Fei.

Now that Zhao Fei took the initiative, obviously asking her what she thought, how could she not be moved?

"I'm not sure, but I should go back to school for a few days as soon as possible. Ah... By the way, I also wrote a web drama script about a story on a bus.

It’s a drama with a female protagonist, and I think it suits me well.

It's just that I'm still a little short of investment, so it's still in preparation, but it shouldn't be a big problem, so I may also go into filming. "

"Whatever the difference is, I'll invest." Zhao Fei patted his chest and had no hesitation.

"No, sooner or later we will find investors. After all, the script is really good, and..." When he said this, Zhao Maimai hesitated.

But in the end, he didn't hide anything and said nervously: "And there is a kissing scene in this drama. If you mind, I don't have to do it."

"Kiss scene?"

The corner of Zhao Fei's mouth twitched. To be honest, no man would mind his girlfriend kissing someone else, even if it was for acting.

However, Zhao Maimai obviously liked the script, so it was hard for him to force her to give up.

It was a bit awkward for a while.

But he soon came up with another idea to get the best of both worlds: "Maimai, didn't you just say that you still have enough money to invest? Then if I invest money, can I play the male lead?

Then we can still stay together every day. As for the kissing scene...

It's okay for us to do sex scenes. "


Hearing what Zhao Fei said, Zhao Maimai also slapped his thigh, jumped up excitedly, and hugged Zhao Fei with his backhand: "It would be great if you could play the male lead.

By the time we finish filming, it will be almost summer vacation, and then we can continue traveling and broadcasting live, seamlessly.

However, I'm just worried...are you okay? "

Zhao Maimai looked suspicious. After all, being an actor is not that easy.

It’s not just about acting.

Of course, as long as you have money, these problems don't matter. Zhao Maimai is mainly worried that Zhao Fei's acting skills are too poor. When the online drama is broadcast, she doesn't want to see everyone scolding Zhao Fei.

"How can a man say no?"

Zhao Fei patted Zhao Maimai's butt, then carried her towards the bathroom: "That's it, I'll call Wang Jinghua and talk about it later. As for now... take a shower!"

"You take a shower, just take a shower. Why are you holding me? I'm done?"

"You help me rub my back."

"No, my hair has just been dried!"

"Then put on a hood..."

"You, you, you, I think you have bad intentions." Zhao Maimai punched him twice angrily, but he was happy in his heart and did not refuse.

When Zhao Fei saw this, he no longer hesitated.

He took off his clothes and went straight into the bathroom.

After a while, a shy voice came from the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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