Chapter 124 The Effect of Bad Luck Halo

Liu Zecheng's questions were like a barrage of questions, one after another.

He was afraid that Zhao Fei would ignore him after answering a question.

He said it all in one breath, leaving Zhao Fei no chance to avoid.

If Zhao Fei refuses to answer, then there will be room for him to use it. The pen in his hand does not mean he can write whatever he wants.

"Ha ha."

Zhao Fei looked at Liu Zecheng, who looked resolute, like a soldier about to go on an expedition. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stroked his left arm, took out a bad luck halo, crushed it gently, and applied it to the opponent.

[Bad Luck Halo (effective for 5 minutes, triggering certain conditions to make people around the player fall into bad luck): 1 fan points exchange. 】

It's been a long time since I took this thing out, and Zhao Fei has never used it once.

Now is the time to try it.

Even at this moment, Liu Zecheng's face was still bruised and swollen. It was obvious that the injury from the beating yesterday had not healed yet.

It's funny no matter how miserable you look.

But if you dare to bully Mai Mai and go against him, don't blame him for being rude.

"You just said that I have greater ambitions, yes... you are absolutely right.

I also wear a mask all the time.

I can't take it off even if I want to.

It's like my money, I can't spend it all.

My luck has also been very good.

You see, I have inherited a house in a school district since I was a child, and now I also have luxury cars, villas, luxury watches...etc., more money than I can spend in a lifetime.

So what can I do? I am also very helpless.

Just like this live broadcast, I repeatedly asked everyone not to buy gifts or spend money. Yesterday, I checked the live broadcast records and found that another [-] million was made.

This... oh!

So my biggest ambition is to spend all my money. "

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Liu Zecheng's mouth twitched, and his heart suddenly felt sour.

The wound wrapped with gauze felt a little itchy.

The other reporters around looked at Zhao Fei a little strangely.

I sighed that the person in front of me was indeed different from other celebrities.

When people are interviewed, they try to cover up as much as possible and say things that are beneficial to themselves.

Zhao Fei, on the other hand, not only didn't hide it, but also said it openly, showing that he didn't deserve a beating.

This willful look is worthy of you.

But what Zhao Fei said is very reasonable. Doesn't the mask mean that Zhao Fei has a physical illness to deceive himself that he is not sick?

You still have money, but you're going to die soon. Why don't you spend it to keep the cubs?
Therefore, this statement is impeccable.

"As for "Menghualu" and "The Beginning", there is nothing to say.

What you said is absolutely correct. I can’t film, and I have never filmed before... But who said that if you can’t film, you can’t film?
It is precisely because I have never filmed that I want to go.

Just like you have never eaten a meal worth 180 million yuan or applauded twins, the game is just a novelty and the main focus is an experience.

So I brought money into the group.

Otherwise, why would you keep so much money? "

Liu Zecheng's veins were twitching, and he felt that the wound was more itchy, and the white gauze was gradually stained red by blood.

However, he ignored it and still gritted his teeth and asked.

"With your irresponsible attitude, are you worthy of the audience? Are you worthy of your fans? And... are you worthy of Xu Haiqiao?"

"Are you kidding me? Why should I be responsible?"

Zhao Fei looked at the other party strangely and said confidently: "I paid for this, why should I be responsible? And who is the Xu Haiqiao you are talking about?
Why should I be responsible for him? "


Liu Zecheng felt that his outlook on life had been severely damaged today.

If you want to refute it, it is a bit untenable from various angles, and I even feel that what Zhao Fei said is quite reasonable.

Yes, people spent money.

Why should you be responsible?

If you have the ability, you should also spend money.

This is so special.

Very irritating!
"Um... Reporter Liu Shicheng, you seem to be bleeding. Do you want to bandage it again?
Wounds in plateau areas are not easy to heal.

Moreover, bleeding can easily lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain and cause confusion. If you are accidentally hit by a car..."

"You're going to get hit by a car when you go out."

Liu Zecheng couldn't think of any way to refute, and he couldn't help but became angry: "The entertainment industry has become a mess because of immoral people like you.

Do you really think you can do whatever you want if you have money?
Let me tell you, there are many things in the world that you can't do no matter how much money you have.

For example...your body!
Ha ha! "

Hearing this, Zhao Fei laughed secretly in his heart and was not angry at all.

After all, he wasn't sick at all.

But Liu Zecheng provoked him so much. If he let him go easily, then all the monsters and monsters would come around and bite him.

So from the corner of his eye, Zhao Fei saw a car speeding towards him in the distance.

Then he smiled again.

"You actually said that the entertainment industry is a mess, you, you, you... you are so arrogant, everyone has heard it, and I didn't say it.

It was Liu Hecheng who said, "The entertainment industry is a mess."

On the contrary, I think people in the entertainment industry are very cute.

They are all my seniors. If you are short of money in the future, you can come to me.

Also, I advise you to go to the hospital and bandage it quickly. Look at the blood on your forehead. Good guy... it's all wasted. If you donate blood, you might be able to save someone's life. "

"you you you……"

Liu Zecheng pointed at Zhao Fei and was speechless.

What do you mean it's all wasted?

If you share my blood, you should donate all of it, right?
Didn't I just accidentally tell the truth? What did you emphasize?
It's just a mess, okay?

If you don't emphasize it, even if there are so many reporters on the scene, no one will take it seriously.

But you were worried that others wouldn't hear you, so you emphasized it again.

You want me to offend everyone in the entertainment industry on purpose, right?
Damn it, why don’t you die?At this moment, Liu Ze was so angry that it could be said that five Buddhas ascended to heaven.

But he also felt that his scalp was getting more and more itchy, so he stretched out his hand to rub it.

Looking at the blood on his hands, his eyes suddenly went dark.

Not caring about causing trouble for Zhao Fei, he turned around and prepared to go to the overpass.

Seeing this, the photographer on the side also quickly supported him and walked slowly towards the hospital opposite.

As I walked, I planned to shout a few words.

He was a bit overwhelmed and wanted to back off for a while, trying to save some face for himself, but was directly interrupted by Zhao Fei: "Slow down, you need to be careful of cars when crossing the road, hurry up and take the pedestrian bridge, don't cross it."

Upon hearing this, Liu Zecheng stopped in his tracks.

He also became angry and turned around to cross the highway railing, intending to cross the road.

"If you say no, I insist on leaving. Just wait for me. For the rest of my life, I, Liu Zecheng..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Zecheng was directly hit by a speeding car.

Then everyone heard Liu Zeche's drawn-out voice.

"I, Liu Zecheng, in this life...hey, hey, fuck...thump."

Standing next to the sewer, the man who had just opened the manhole cover and was about to take out the water was suddenly splashed by the splash of sewage. He wiped it and looked around blankly.

Looking at the car leaning to the side and the stunned people.

Asked: "What thing fell down?"

"Hey, they say be careful of cars, be careful of cars... Why didn't this kid look at the road? He didn't even walk on the pedestrian bridge, but he climbed over the railing to cross the road.

This is terrible. "

Many reporters couldn't help but laugh when they saw the corner of Zhao Fei's mouth raised, obviously gloating about his misfortune, but he kept shouting "Be careful of cars, be careful of cars".

It's really too bad for Liu Zecheng.

He was knocked out by the car about three meters high and luckily fell into the sewer.

A big living person disappears in the blink of an eye.

In fact, if Zhao Fei hadn't said, "Don't cross the road," he would have already stepped onto the overpass.

It can be said that Liu Zecheng was hit by a car entirely because of Zhao Fei.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei is still unreasonable. After all, Zhao Fei is trying to persuade Liu Zecheng not to cross the road.

The driver got out of the car in a panic. He drove around the car for several times without finding anyone. Finally, he realized that it had fallen into the sewer. He reached out and tried to fish it out. The smell was too strong.

But when he saw the cameras surrounding the reporter, he immediately spread his hands and said, "Everyone, you all saw that the guy just couldn't walk on the overpass.

It’s not my fault that you had to cross the road.

I wasn't speeding either. "

"Little things, little things."

Zhao Fei stepped forward, patted the driver on the shoulder, took out his business card, and said: "If this person gives you trouble in the future, just call me and I will testify for you."

"Thank you, thank you." The driver also saw the reporters around him. Coupled with Zhao Fei's dress and temperament, he was obviously a big shot.

"Ahem, you all have cameras and it was recorded just now, so you really don't blame the driver for what happened, so..."

Hearing this, how could many reporters not understand what Zhao Fei meant.

If I don't help, I won't even think about interviewing in a while.

What's more, I really didn't blame the driver, so they all nodded and agreed to help.

Of course, even if the main cause of the car accident was Liu Zecheng, the driver would still have to pay a certain amount of hospital fees.

This is even less of a problem for Zhao Fei.

Just tens of thousands of dollars.

Minutes later, Zhao Fei watched Liu Zecheng's photographer and uncle work together to rescue Liu Zecheng and carry him to the hospital.

Zhao Fei turned his head and ignored it.

I don't think it's life-threatening.

This can also be considered as testing the effect of the bad luck halo.

Because Zhao Fei saw with his own eyes just now that the photographer helped Liu Zecheng to cross the railing. At that time, the photographer obviously saw the car and wanted to drag Liu Zecheng to avoid it.

But at that time, Liu Zecheng wanted to rush forward, but the photographer did not move.

It can be said that this car accident had the effect of a halo of bad luck and the stimulation of Zhao Fei's words.

Both are indispensable.

In this way, Zhao Fei probably understood.

The effect of the bad luck halo is not life-threatening.

Within 5 minutes, the debilitating spirit possession will be triggered, and you may say the wrong thing, fall down, or choke yourself when drinking cold water.

It's like a little prank.

Normally the effect is not great, but at critical moments, it is still very useful.

Especially when the other party is performing on stage.

However, Zhao Fei didn't know that the halo of bad luck was not only affecting the person involved, but also the people around him.

For example, Liu Zecheng's private money was just found by his wife.

There is even evidence of Liu Zecheng's cheating.

In just 5 minutes, Liu Zecheng lost both his life and money.

The effect of the halo of bad luck, if applied to a star actor, would be explosive.

After all, star actors are more concerned about influence.

Especially personal life issues.

Liu Zecheng's business is over.

Zhao Fei answered some questions from reporters until they left with satisfaction.

Zhao Feicai returned to the RV and asked Zhao Maimai about Xu Haiqiao.

Only then did I see some comments online.

I couldn't help but feel a little angry.

It's a bit too vicious to curse people to death for just one character.

So Zhao Fei is now looking forward to meeting Xu Haiqiao,

If I don't give him a halo of bad luck then, I'll be sorry for the Weibo he posted.

(End of this chapter)

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