Chapter 13 Worthy of being an expert

"The little girl is quite thoughtful."

Zhao Fei smiled bitterly. No wonder Zhao Maimai didn't admit that she was herself in the live broadcast room, and even called him brother. It was obvious that this girl had thought of some inconvenient things during the trip before she came.

After all, as an actress, she can make people in the live broadcast room guess, but she cannot admit it in person.

Now he even spoke out in advance to prevent Zhao Fei from having any wrong ideas.

Zhao Fei didn't care. He packed his suitcase and walked downstairs. "I'll go back to the RV to sleep. Don't be too late. Go to bed early."

In less than 5 minutes while Zhao Fei was packing his luggage, needles could be heard in the room, and Zhao Maimai was also struggling in his heart.

Why doesn't he respond?
You don't want to sleep in the same bed with me, do you?
Although the bed is quite big, it's... so shy.

Thinking about it carefully, sleeping in the same bed doesn't seem to be a big deal. After all, they are sleeping together, not together.

It's not impossible if she says something soft.

After all, he had been driving all day and was quite tired.

Hey, what did he say?
Didn't hear you clearly?

There was a slamming of the door closing, and Zhao Maimai, who was almost sweating from the cover, immediately raised his head and gasped for air. When he saw Zhao Fei leaving, his eyes suddenly widened and he hit the quilt with a pillow angrily.

What do you mean?
After all, I am also a big star. I am fair and tender, but I don’t have the fragrance of your RV?
You didn't even hesitate, just left like this?
Not as good as animals.

I was thinking this in my heart, but on the surface, Zhao Maimai obviously relaxed a lot and started to change into pajamas neatly...

On the other side, Zhao Fei really wanted to go back to the RV, but when he looked at the sky outside, it was too dark... so he simply moved his wife's lounge chair to the second floor to survive for one night.

Now that his strength has greatly increased, he can lift a solid wood recliner weighing nearly a hundred kilograms with one hand, which is no big deal to him.

It feels so good to be strong.

Zhao Fei even felt that he could bring down a cow.

"Everyone, it's getting late. You should go to bed early. We'll see you tomorrow."

"It's only nine o'clock. Did the anchor turn off the broadcast too early?"

"That's right, the nightlife of other anchors has just begun, and it's about to end. It's not like I can't afford the money, so I'll start with rewards."

Brush brush.

Gifts floated by in the live broadcast room one after another.

Planes, rockets, everything you need for a carnival, it can be seen that there are many rich people in Zhao Fei's live broadcast room.

But Zhao Fei doesn't appreciate it at all. I am a second-generation rich man, am I a person who is short of money?

"Stop it, I'm not doing live streaming to make money, and you may not be richer than me."

"Fuck, what this bitch says is so irritating."

"Although it is irritating, what this guy said seems to make sense. A modified RV costs 8000 million, which is too much to afford."

"I'm so angry."

"Okay, okay." Zhao Fei looked at the dense barrage and said with a smile: "We still have a long way to go, so don't worry. If you really like the live broadcast, just pay attention and help me forward it to promote it.

Make me more famous.

Let more people know that I, Zhao Fei, a second-generation rich man who overestimates his abilities, leave me with no choice but to climb Mount Everest. "



"Brothers, please move so that this bitch has no way out."

As Zhao Fei was off the air, tens of thousands of water friends who had nowhere to go took action one after another. Some of them cursed Zhao Fei, while others actually helped him spread the word.

But in any case, they indirectly heated up the topic.

The number of searches for Zhao Fei and Zhao Maimai on the scarf has increased again, and the staying power is very strong. After all, he will live broadcast every day in the future.

The topic of live broadcast is not temporary, but lasts for a month.

Some video bloggers also discovered Zhao Fei's popularity. They searched for Zhao Fei's live broadcasts during the day, edited and synthesized them into short videos, and borrowed money from them.

These short videos include beautiful scenes.

He also specially photographed Zhao Maimai.

There are also some classic quotations said by Zhao Fei, as well as the story of the family.Wait, there are all kinds of things.

Zhao Fei doesn’t see the value of short videos and doesn’t care about the money. But for bloggers who specialize in short videos, Zhao Fei is now a dead whale.

It perfectly explains what is meant by "one whale falls and all things come into being".

Therefore, it indirectly brought greater popularity to Zhao Fei. It can be said that the first shot was fired on the first day of this trip.

There were also some experts who specialized in 'behaviour' and carefully investigated Zhao Fei.

It was okay if I didn’t investigate, but I was shocked when I did, and quickly edited an article, which aroused heated discussion as soon as it was published.

Title: Zhao Fei seems to be a rich second generation, but in fact he is a careerist.

Text: When a person is labeled with the words 'second generation rich', our first impression is that of a playboy and inhumane person.

I want to resist, but I can’t help but want to explore.

How do the rich second generation live?
What do you eat for breakfast every day? Does a meal start with four figures?
Isn’t it particularly easy to find a girlfriend... Wait, this kind of gossip about other people’s privacy, especially the daily gossip of a special group like the rich second generation, is something we ordinary people like to hear.

Most rich second generations know how to hide themselves.

Zhao Fei, however, did the opposite and took the initiative to admit that he was a rich second generation, minimizing the public's aversion to the rich second generation identity, and then showed his private life to the public through live broadcast of his travels.

This way of catering is just right.

Not to mention the fact that he was accompanied by a beautiful woman on the way, which gave him the basic conditions for a popular topic.

This is undoubtedly a perfect project.

It can be seen that Zhao Fei is not as simple as we think on the surface, and he is also quite talented, has unique insights into history, and yearns for poetry and distance.

In today's society, young people are fast-paced and have abnormal aesthetic appreciation of young meat. The Internet is full of all kinds of hostility, especially online live broadcasts, which have a lot of traffic. It is not uncommon to do things that refresh people's outlook on life in order to ask for gifts.

However, Zhao Fei's live broadcast was a breath of fresh air.

He neither seeks profit nor fame.

So the question is, why does Zhao Fei do this?
I did some research just now and looked at Zhao Fei's past live broadcasts, and found out that he wants to climb Mount Everest!
Risk your life to go.

This requires great courage and courage, which has to be admired. Some people may say that Zhao Fei chose to live broadcast in the hope that someone would supervise him and give him motivation...

This is what Zhao Fei himself clarified in a short video.

But do you really think that’s what happened?
Let me tell you, it’s too small…

The layout is small.

If a person really wants to do something, even eight cows can't stop him. If he really doesn't want to do it, no one can persuade him.

Then there is only one answer. What Zhao Fei showed to the society is a valuable spirit of self-challenge, self-salvation and self-transcendence.

He believes that what people really pursue is to grasp life and live more meaningfully.To expand personal abilities, break through the upper limit of growth, and realize the dreams in your heart.

It just so happens that all of this can be achieved on the way to climbing Mount Everest.

This can also allow Zhao Fei to re-recognize himself and life.

And tap into your own potential and treat life with a positive and optimistic attitude.

After all, everyone knows that Zhao Fei was a rich second generation before, and squandering money and drinking and picking up girls were probably his best and only abilities.

So he reflected on changing himself, and even changing many people like him in the world.

This includes me and you.

This is the real reason why Zhao Fei chose to live broadcast his trip. He hopes that there will be fewer young people in the world who are confused about life, behave lazily, and live in a muddle-headed way.

He hopes that everyone can set goals in life and work hard for them.

This is a lesson.

An open class performed through action.

Zhao Fei's ambition is too great.

Although he does not seek fame or profit, he wants to change the world and you and me.

We all owe him a thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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