China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 22 Anti-Zhao Fei Alliance (please follow up)

Chapter 22 Anti-Zhao Fei Alliance (please follow up)
Friends who were abandoned by Zhao Fei in the live broadcast room were full of resentment. They all slapped the table at home, threw cups, and cursed Zhao Fei for not being a human being.

"This bitch is so brave."

"People's anchors dote on their fans, but this bitch dislikes having so many fans. How can this be justified?"

"Who knew? The host is already very young, so why is he still so willful?"

Each water friend becomes angrier the more he thinks about it.

I was still angry and felt extremely aggrieved, so even if the screen in the live broadcast room went black, everyone was still typing below to vent their inner anger.

He made a fuss and asked Zhao Fei to open the door.

"Any water friends in Kangding, please go to the scene and see what's going on?"

"Yes, it's best to take pictures with your mobile phone."

"Farewell, although I am from Kangding, this piece of shit is too difficult to take care of. If I really go there and take pictures with my mobile phone, maybe this piece of shit really won't be broadcast in the future.

He can definitely do this kind of thing. If we want to watch the live broadcast then, I am afraid we really have to wait until the summit of Mount Everest more than 20 days later. "

As soon as these words came out, many water friends fell silent.

I really don’t dare to gamble.

If Zhao Fei really gives up his job, there is really nothing they can do.

Thinking about it this way, some water friends are no longer convinced.

"No, it's just an anchor. If he doesn't want to broadcast it, he won't broadcast it. I really don't want to watch it."

"That's right, at worst I can go to the dance area in the evening to relieve my fatigue."

"Brother, are you sure the dance area can compete with that piece of shit? But I think it's not an option to continue like this. We can't let the anchor continue to be willful.

You have to catch the dog by the handle.

Find his weakness and make him succumb. He must do it as long as we let him go east, and he must not go west if we let him go east. "

Seeing that the barrage area was still popular, most people in the live broadcast room did not leave.
Now that they saw this article, they all started thinking, thinking hard about what Zhao Fei's weaknesses were.
But no matter how hard they thought about it, they couldn't figure it out.

The time that I have been in contact with Zhao Fei is really too short, and Zhao Fei is a second-generation rich man with no shortage of money and gifts, so there is really no good solution for him at the moment.

"Don't worry, everyone. It's still a long time. Even if we can't figure it out now, sooner or later this bitch will reveal its clues."

"Yes, no one is perfect, I don't believe he has no weaknesses."

"I'll create a group first. Don't talk here. If the anchor sees it, this kid should be on guard. Let's discuss it in the group."

At that time, there were countless people forming the group, with all kinds of strange names, and the group owners called for people to join.

Dog stuff water friends group.

Catch the pigtail group.

Zhao Fei’s female fans.

Mai Mai live group.

Anti-Zhao Fei Alliance

Various groups are formed at this moment because of everyone's common goal.

Although Zhao Fei's weakness has not yet been found, everyone is very interested. They feel that they have found an organization and can conduct targeted analysis and investigation to attack Zhao Fei.

Watching Zhao Fei's live broadcast these days, they like it, but they are also annoyed.

It was okay at first, Zhao Fei was polite in what he said.

But now Zhao Fei treats them less and less as human beings. Are you kidding me? Do fans have no face and water friends have no dignity?
Do you really think that just because I like you, you can do whatever you want?

The transition between love and hate only occurs in an instant.

Especially Zhao Fei's decisive move to shut down the broadcast today made many fans turn negative and completely annoyed. They like Zhao Fei's live broadcast, but at this moment they prefer to watch Zhao Fei's live broadcast and at the same time cause some trouble for Zhao Fei.

Look at Zhao Fei's embarrassed look.

Let Zhao Fei sing Conquer to them.Therefore, in the water friends group, the discussion was very intense. Everyone was imagining the future. They put Zhao Fei's head on Erha, and there was an Iron Man carrying dog food standing next to him.

With subtitles; you like to tear down the house, don’t you? Do you still want to eat?
The water friends were happier than the other.

His self-pleasure personality was brought to the extreme, as if he had already seen Zhao Fei bowing his head to them.


After the madness comes calmness.

Carrying Zhao Maimai on his back, Zhao Fei walked slowly on the streets of Kangding, and was sobered up by the wind.

Putting the two lives together, Zhao Fei's mental age is no longer young, but he still has his willful moments. Fortunately, the final result is not too bad.

The live broadcast was turned off, and no social media videos were circulated.

Zhao Maimai was drooling in a daze and fell asleep on his back. She was lucky not to vomit all over him.

It was almost twelve o'clock when we returned to the RV. Zhao Fei wiped Zhao Maimai's face with a hot towel, took a glass of warm water and put it on the bedside.

"Ha...drink...drank this drink, and there are three more to go." Zhao Maimai was lying on the bed, mumbling and waving his hands around.

Zhao Fei shook his head helplessly and didn't help her change her clothes after thinking about it, so as not to explain unclearly tomorrow and cause misunderstanding.

It's not a big deal to survive for one night, after all, today's situation is special.

At this moment, Zhao Maimai's phone rang.

Zhao Fei picked it up and took a look, and found that the caller ID was marked 'Dear Mom'. This made Zhao Fei confused. Should he answer it or not?

Logically speaking, you cannot touch other people's phones without their permission.

But the phone keeps ringing, which is annoying.

Finally, Zhao Fei took a deep breath helplessly and dialed the call. Hearing a roar from the other side of the phone, he was so shocked that he quickly put the phone farther away from his ears.

"Zhao Maimai, you are so brave, aren't you? You dare to drink outside and drink so much..."

"Ahem, auntie, I am Zhao Fei."

"Ah... Zhao Fei, hello, hello." Hearing Zhao Fei's voice, the aunt on the other side of the phone changed the topic and her tone became friendly.

"I'm sorry just now, I didn't expect you to answer the phone."

"It's okay. Mai Mai drank too much and has already fallen asleep. Do you want to make a video call to come see her?"

"No need." Zhao Maimai's mother also breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Zhao Fei was so calm and even asked her to call him via video call.

She also watched the live broadcast just now and knew that it was Zhao Fei who took the initiative to turn off the broadcast.

So I have a pretty good impression of Zhao Fei.

"Zhao Fei, I'm sorry to bother you about my Maimai. If she does anything wrong due to her young age, please bear with her."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I will do it even if you don't tell me."

After chatting for a while, Zhao Fei hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief. This mother was quite reasonable.

Then Zhao Fei didn't stay in the room any longer and turned around to leave.

I planned to take a shower and go to bed.

After eating the attribute fruit, Zhao Fei found that his figure had also improved. Normally he couldn't tell when wearing clothes, but now standing in front of the bathroom mirror, his eight-pack abs were sharp and angular, and his straight back was full of explosive power.

Not inferior to some bodybuilding models.

But at this moment, the bathroom door was suddenly pushed open, and Zhao Maimai walked in sleepily with disheveled hair, as if he didn't see Zhao Fei, and walked to the toilet calmly.

Turn around and squat down, tilting your little head.

Then Zhao Fei heard the sound of gurgling water.

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(End of this chapter)

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