China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 24 Did the two of you go to the hot spring? (Seeking for further reading)

Chapter 24 Did the two of you go to the hot spring? (Seeking for further reading)

Back in the RV, Zhao Maimai was already awake.

Seeing the breakfast bought by Zhao Fei, she had no appetite at all, because she had a dream last night and was in a very bad mental state. She called Zhao Fei twice with some guilt. When she found that Zhao Fei was not there, she quickly changed her underwear.

Take good care of your health.

I was afraid that Zhao Fei would find out when he came back.

Fortunately, by the time Zhao Fei came back, she had erased all traces.

"No appetite?"

Zhao Maimai's sluggish look made Zhao Fei a little worried: "Do you have a headache? Do you want me to massage it for you?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Sit down, don't worry, I'm very good at my craftsmanship."

Pressing Zhao Maimai on the chair, Zhao Fei gently rubbed her temples with both hands: "Drink some porridge later, and your stomach will feel better. If it doesn't work, just sleep again."


Feeling the warmth of Zhao Fei's fingertips, Zhao Maimai did not refuse this time.

Heart sweet.

I really like Zhao Fei's overbearing president-like arrangement.

And Zhao Fei's skills were indeed good. Not only did he wake up a little more, she also gradually felt hungry in her belly, making her less concerned about what happened last night.

Anyway, he didn't see anything, but he saw everything clearly.

The most important thing is that he didn't know that I saw it.

I thought I didn’t see it either.

In this case, just pretend that nothing happened.

Both of them were embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Zhao Maimai gradually relaxed and returned to his lively and cute appearance.

"Where are we going next?"

Zhao Fei thought for a while and said: "We have two options. We can transfer to Hehua Lake Forest Park, where we can soak in the wild ecological hot springs, camp at night, or stay in a local forest farm B&B.

Another option is to go over Zheduo Mountain and follow National Highway 318 to Xinduqiao, a photography paradise, with golden cypresses, rolling mountains, endless prairie... you can find it all. "

After hearing what Zhao Fei said, Zhao Maimai tilted her head and thought for a while.

As a Libra, it is inherently difficult to choose. Both places seemed good, so Zhao Maimai turned his attention to the live broadcast room.

Originally, the water friends in the live broadcast room had a lot of questions after seeing Zhao Maimai.

Now this problem comes up.

They didn't want to ask any more and started tapping on the keyboard.

"Of course it's Lotus Lake. The scenery there is beautiful."

"Although this trip is along the 318 National Highway, it stands to reason that the correct way is to go over the Zheduo Mountains, but it is not impossible to stay at Hehua Lake for a day and then turn back tomorrow, so that you can see both locations. "

"Yes, you'd better find a secluded wild mountain hot spring and be sure to try it. I don't want to see it. I just want to remind you to pay attention to your safety."

When it comes to hot springs.

Two blushes appeared on Zhao Maimai's face, and Zhao Fei's eight-pack abs from last night suddenly appeared in her mind.

But she was too embarrassed to make a decision directly, so she played a trick and pushed the hair from her forehead behind her ears; "I don't know where to go, how about I listen to them?"


Zhao Fei didn't think much about it. Although it was delayed for a day, it was not a big problem.

The closer you get to Qinghai-Tibet, the greater the temperature difference, so it’s good to relax in the hot springs.

After breakfast, Zhao Fei packed up and set off.

The rumble of the engine sounded all the way from Kangding to the Forest Park Forest Farm. Because the road only leads to the forest farm, the RV cannot drive into the park, so the RV needs to be parked at the forest farm.

It's only March now, not counting the tourist season. Apart from Zhao Fei and the others, there are only a few people visiting the forest farm.Zhao Fei stuffed all the outdoor equipment and tents into a large backpack. Although he could also ride a bicycle, it inevitably lost the meaning of coming here.

Because after leaving the forest farm, you will find prairie and virgin forest, and the scenery can be seen everywhere.

So Zhao Fei planned to walk.

"Set off."

Zhao Maimai changed into a jacket and hiking shoes, raised her monopod high, and shouted enthusiastically, but when she turned around and saw Zhao Fei's appearance, she was slightly startled.

Because Zhao Fei was worried that Zhao Maimai wouldn't be able to walk along the way, most of the equipment was on him. The length of the big backpack was almost as long as Zhao Maimai's height, and there were some random things hanging around.

The weight is not light at first glance.

Even the water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't help but pity Zhao Fei.

"There are so many things, let me get the fishing gear!"

"It's okay. The fishing gear is very heavy. If I get tired, you can help me share some of it."

Zhao Fei's current physique is far superior to that of ordinary people. This weight is nothing to him.

"No, as the first star who is about to climb Mount Everest, I have to train myself from now on." Zhao Maimai snatched the fishing gear from Zhao Fei's hand and carried it on one shoulder behind his back.

You wouldn’t know it until you hold it, but this pack of fishing gear is really quite heavy.

Zhao Maimai felt her body sink. She really felt the pressure. Zhao Fei looked at it and raised the corner of his mouth: "You know how heavy it is, give it to me."

"I can."

Zhao Maimai clenched her fists and raised her head stubbornly.

"Okay, then just tell me when you're tired."

Seeing Zhao Maimai's persistence, Zhao Fei didn't say anything more. After all, what she said was right. With Zhao Maimai's current physique, there is a high probability that there will be problems when climbing Mount Everest.

It's also good to get some exercise.

And from the bottom of his heart, Zhao Fei did not want Zhao Maimai to climb Mount Everest with him, even if there was an exchange mall. After all, for a little girl, the risk factor of Mount Everest was too high.

Now let her experience the feeling of hiking in advance and feel the hardship. It is estimated that she will give up by then, and Zhao Fei will not waste his time.

After leaving the forest farm, there are green mountains and green waters.

Stepping on the grass and breathing in the fresh air, Zhao Maimai seemed to feel that the weight on his body was much lighter.

There are prosperous alpine plants growing around, with leaves like cattail fans and exuding a faint fragrance. They are called 'lotus' grass by the locals. You can also faintly see the remaining white snow on the top of the mountain after melting.

Some cows and sheep in the distance happily nibbled on the newly grown shoots.

It forms a beautiful natural picture,

The smile on Zhao Maimai's face never disappeared, and her steps became much brisker.

"After passing the valley in front, you will find Lianhua Lake."

Zhao Fei picked up his backpack and walked along the stream flowing into the valley.

The stream is green and winding down, and groups of small fish are chasing and playing in the crystal clear stream.

Zhao Maimai rolled up her sleeves, scooped up a handful of water, and sprinkled it in the air. Under the sunlight, the droplets of water looked like diamonds and pearls, which were particularly beautiful.

"This little fish is too fast." Zhao Maimai shook the water on her hand with some annoyance. She grew up in the city, and everything she saw now was new to her.

However, spring has just begun, and some of the ice and snow have not yet melted, so the water is very icy. After catching it for a while, Zhao Maimai couldn't stand it anymore and turned red from the cold.

"It's okay. We'll go to Lotus Lake to catch them later, fry them, cook them, and do whatever you want." Zhao Fei stepped forward and rubbed Zhao Maimai's hands vigorously to speed up the blood flow in his hands and restore their temperature to avoid Frostbite.

"Is that too small?"

"Then find Xiaoyu's parents."


Seeing Zhao Fei's serious look, Zhao Maimai laughed out loud. However, even though he had already seen Zhao Fei, Zhao Maimai was still a little shy when doing such an intimate gesture in the live broadcast room, and whispered: " Okay, it’s not cold anymore.”

(End of this chapter)

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