China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 283 Luck, Love, Wealth, Progress, Peace!

"Damn it, this piece of shit really wants to be in a movie."

"You said that if you want to act in a movie by a big director, you don't even need to be a big director, even if it is a small director, but don't direct and act yourself.

You are taking a step too far. You have just established a foothold in the field of TV dramas, and you have to reach the sky in one step.

So proud. "

"No, I think this bitch is just used to us. It's a bit too ignorant. I'm tired. I'm tired. I don't want to worry about it anymore. Just do whatever the anchor likes."

Fans also know that now that Zhao Fei has spoken, he said that he has intentions in this regard.

No matter how much they say, it won't work.

Since the live broadcast trip began, they have not changed Zhao Fei's mind once.

There is no more extravagant expectations for this, we can only go with the flow.

Of course, looking at many fans swearing at each other, they were actually worried about him in their hearts. Even though this was a bit redundant for him who was cheating, Zhao Fei was still a little grateful.

So I'm not angry either.

I didn’t say anything like, today you look down on me, tomorrow you will be out of reach, and so on.

He smiled and relaxed the atmosphere: "Don't worry, everyone. We just have intentions in this regard now. Everything is not yet certain. I will inform everyone as soon as it is confirmed.

What's more, after such a long time, you also know me.

Our old Zhao never fights a battle that I am not sure about. "

"Okay, okay, the child is too old to be taken care of anymore. You can do whatever you want. Just remember to take care of me in old age."

"That's right, we have been worrying about it for half a lifetime. We should take a break when we are old. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings."

"That's good. Let's play chess or mahjong in the park if it doesn't matter. I don't care. I don't care."

Similar barrages flew frequently in the live broadcast room.

The corner of Zhao Fei's mouth twitched as he watched.

I'm trying to give you a little bit of a good look, right?

If you curse, just curse, and taking advantage of others by beating around the bush is enough!

One by one, you are relying on your elders and calling me a piece of shit. I think you are the real grandsons.

However, Zhao Fei didn't fight with this group of people so early in the morning.

After chatting for a while, Mai Mai and her sister next door had already gotten up, had breakfast, and finished washing up.

After packing up, the three of them are ready to set off.

At the same time, fans' eyes gradually focused on the last stop of the day, the ends of the earth.

“The end of the world means the end of the world.

In fact, Tianya Haijiao is just two rocks in the scenic area, but it is called Tianya Haijiao by the locals. "

Zhao Fei drove the RV and Mai Mai sat in the passenger seat.

My sister is behind.

The three of them walked forward in the morning light.

Just listen to Zhao Fei continue to speak: "Of course, the two big rocks of Tianya" and "Haijiao" also have great origins.

Legend has it that there was once a man and woman in love who came from two feuding families. Their love was opposed by their respective tribesmen.

So they were forced to flee here and they both jumped into the sea and turned into two huge rocks, facing each other forever.

To commemorate their steadfast love, later generations carved the words "Tianya" and "Haijiao", and this is how we see the ends of the earth.

From then on, men and women in love often expressed their feelings by saying "we will always be with each other to the end of the world".

This was deeply influenced by this couple. "

"It's a similar love story. Are there no other legends?" Mai Mai heard too many legends from Zhao Fei.

So there is already a certain resistance.

And this time, before Zhao Fei could speak, his sister raised her hand eagerly: "I know, there is another legend."

During this period of live travel broadcast, my sister also gained a lot of knowledge under the influence of what she heard and saw.

But it is still worse than Mai Mai.

At least sometimes, Mai Mai could strike up a conversation about some folk customs in scenic spots, but she could only listen with her ears pricked up.

For example, the bamboo pole dance before, Mai Mai said very well.

My sister has always believed that it was Mai Mai's highlight moment, so this is the last stop. Last night, she and Zhao Fei were playing a shooting game.

Deliberately asking a lot of things from Zhao Fei in advance.

It is equivalent to knowing some information about the ends of the earth in advance.

Of course, this comes at a cost.

As a result, her cheeks are still a little sore now.

"You know?" Mai Mai was a little surprised.

"Of course, it is said that a long time ago, the sea area near Sanya was violently turbulent and people lived in poverty.

After learning about it, two fairies under the Queen Mother secretly descended to earth and set up in the South China Sea to guide local fishermen in fishing.

However, they were discovered by the Queen Mother unexpectedly, and the Queen Mother became angry and sent the Thunder God and Thunder Mother to capture them and take them back.

When the two refused, they turned into twin-peaked stones and were split into two parts. One part fell into the sea near Li'an, and the other part flew to the end of the world, becoming what we now know as the end of the world. "

"Real or false?" Mai Mai was a little doubtful and couldn't help but look at Zhao Fei: "So, which one of your legends is true?"

"Cough cough."

Zhao Fei coughed twice and took a deep look at his sister. Without revealing the other party's show-off intentions, he nodded and said: "There are indeed many local theories about the ends of the world.

So what my sister said is right. As for whether it is true or not, we won’t mention it.

Of course, in the legend my sister told me, not only did the Twin Peaks Stone that was split into two parts eventually become the ends of the earth, but there were also many leftover stones.

They have also become many strange stones in today's scenic spots, and each one has a special meaning and is worth viewing. "

Hearing this, Mai Mai didn't think much about it.

But I still feel that something is wrong, especially Zhao Fei and his sister. There is something wrong with these two people!

Fans in the live broadcast room didn't think much.

Everyone sighed.

"My sister has grown up. What she said just now was so clear and coherent that she already sounded like an anchor."

"Indeed, if you are close to red, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be dark. Traveling with Zhao Fei will indeed increase your knowledge."

"I'm a little curious about the ends of the earth."

At this moment, my sister also saw the barrage in the live broadcast room.

One of them happened to be clearly visible to her, and she couldn't help but blush.

I thought: It more than smells like brother Zhao Fei!

I have already turned into the shape of Brother Zhao Fei, okay, you fans are really cute.


An hour later, the three of them arrived at Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area.

In the distance, you can see the endless seaside. On the way, Zhao Fei did not pass through the urban area of ​​SY, but surrounded it from the outside.

Although the distance is slightly longer, the time is almost the same.

After all, there are many private cars and traffic lights in SY City, and traffic jams are prone to occur.

Zhao Fei parked the RV and got out of the car with the two sisters.

Because there are many tourists in this scenic spot, the three of them are wearing sunglasses and hats. You can’t recognize them unless you look carefully.

Of course, except for those who are interested. On the way to the seaside, the three of them had to pass through a coconut forest grassland. There were many strange stones in it, which Zhao Fei mentioned just now.

The first thing the three of them encountered was a pile of hundreds of huge stones of different shapes, with clear layers and arranged from bottom to top, step by step.

The Progress Stone symbolizes continuous academic progress and a prosperous career.

"Hey, it seems we can climb up this pile of rocks." Mai Mai took two steps forward and tentatively walked up the stone steps.

For a time, I climbed up the stairs, rising step by step. When I looked up, I suddenly saw a beautiful sea and sky, and I felt comfortable.

"Here you go, come up too. The scenery up here is very good."

"Go." Zhao Fei also motioned for his sister to come up: "This progress stone means continuous progress in studies and a prosperous career. It is just right for us."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Fei also climbed up the Progress Stone and continued: "Historical data records that during the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, the seventh-rank magistrate of Yazhou was promoted to three levels after climbing the Progress Stone.

So the meaning of this stone is indeed very good. "

"Hey, does this mean that after the live broadcast of this trip is over, our career will improve step by step?"


The three of them smiled and opened the door on the progress stone to take a souvenir.

After a few minutes, he walked down.

Next to the Progress Stone, there is a Peace Stone. This stone is also called the Tianya Stone. It is stable on the whole and stands majestically on the top of the South China Sea. It has experienced the test of wind, rain and waves, but it is still as solid as a rock, proud of the blue sky. Under the white clouds.

According to legend, it is the "stone ancestor" of the South China Sea that has existed for hundreds of millions of years. It was sent to guard the South China Sea, praying for calm in the South China Sea and blessing all living beings with peace in all seasons. Every year, tourists from all over the world pray for peace in front of the "Peace Stone".

So after Zhao Fei's introduction, the two sisters also stood in front of the Ping An Stone.

Put your hands together and close your eyes.

Silently pray for your loved ones.

In addition, Zhao Fei and the others also looked at the wealth stones and lucky stones.

The Wealth Stone is the Nantian Pillar mentioned before.

It stands between the sea and the sky, upright and full of wealth and masculinity.

The most important thing is that the stone scene of wealth is also the pattern on the back of the fourth set of RMB, two yuan banknotes, so if you are curious about what the wealth stone looks like, just touch your trouser pocket to find out.

Of course, there are many legends about wealth stones.

For example, it is said that the "Wealth Stone" has the magical aura to turn decay into something magical.

There was once a wealthy Hong Kong businessman who wandered around the world after his failure. After having close contact with the "Fortune" stone, he returned to Hong Kong and revived his career. Therefore, the "Wealth Stone" is regarded as a stone of wealth by local people and tourists.

As for the lucky stone, it is also called the Cape Stone.

At this point, the end of the world is over.

And lucky stones are a word that is often mentioned in our daily lives.

The lucky stones here are also very famous. Zhao Fei knew that during the Anti-Japanese War, the former Anti-Japanese War garrison commander of Sunshine Island was also the top sergeant major and chief executive of the local area.

Back then, because he had to fight against Xiao Ri... and when he was in a desperate situation, he inscribed the word "Cape" on the cliff, intending to be the last stop against Xiao Ri... the invaders.

With his own body and blood, he devoted himself to the cause of the Anti-Japanese War.

But in the end, the officer survived the desperate situation. In the end, he not only severely wounded the enemy, but also survived.

And after seven years of arduous war of resistance, this officer accepted the surrender of Xiaozhi as the surrendered general of Sunny Island.

Since then, the reputation of lucky stones has become even more famous.

Many local fishermen, when they go to sea, will come here to touch the lucky stone, pray in front of the safe stone, and take a look at the wealth stone before leaving.

It means that this time you go to sea, you will be safe, lucky, and have a good harvest.

It can be said that the stones here have been utilized to the extreme by the locals.

Of course, Zhao Fei didn't say this directly in the live broadcast room, but just mentioned it briefly.

But even so, fans are still amazed.

"Tsk, tsk, wealth, luck, peace, progress... these are the things people seem to pursue in this life."

"I have to say that the meaning here is really good, and the surrounding scenery is also good. Just because you can get promoted and make a fortune, be lucky, and stay safe and healthy, this place is worth a visit."

" you feel that something is missing from these meanings?"

"It seems like something is missing. It's impossible for a person to pursue only these things in his life, but I can't remember it for a while. Brothers... help me quickly."

Zhao Fei noticed the barrage in the live broadcast room and knew something was missing.

But he didn't speak.

Because at this moment, the three of them are watching the relief here.

These reliefs are all carved in human form and are also called Sanya human reliefs.

According to research, these reliefs are more than 10,000 years old, so they are very valuable.

And if you look closely, you will find that these reliefs are carved with scenes of primitive life of some people, such as fishing, hunting, gathering, farming, and religion.

Next to the relief group, there is a ruins, which is also the southernmost ruins of Paleolithic culture in my country so far.

The Longguo Academy of Sciences named these earliest ancestors in Sanya "Sanya people"

"Sanya people, Saiyans!" My sister frowned and murmured softly, and images from cartoons could not help but appear in her little mind.

Especially that striking hair.

After transformation...

Can't think, can't think.

It's too inconsistent.

"Well, let's go!" Looking at his stunned sister, Zhao Fei shouted.

"Oh, it's coming, it's coming."

Mai Mai also noticed her sister's condition, raised her eyebrows, and asked, "Did you notice it too?"

"Ah?" My sister was slightly startled. Unexpectedly, Mai Mai also thought of the Saiyans, and looked slightly embarrassed: "I, I didn't mean it."

"What does this mean? Why are you so shy?"

Mai Mai shook his head and pointed nonchalantly at the last strange stone in front of him: "It's not surprising that you found it, after all, we just saw it.

The four stones of luck, peace, wealth and progress.

Then the last piece left must be the love stone.

This is the most essential thing in life. "

"Ah?" My sister lowered her head, feeling even more embarrassed. She looked a little strange and asked again: "What, am I wrong?"

"No, yes, yes, I'm also wondering why there's no love stone. It turns out it's at the end."

My sister doesn't dare to say anything about Saiyans now.

Otherwise, her hard-working learned and talented side would completely collapse and she would be laughed at at the same time.


Zhao Fei nodded and pointed to the sea directly opposite the gate of Tianya Haijiao. Two stones overlapped like "sun" and "moon".

He continued: "This is the legendary love stone. Look at these two stones, it can be said that they are in love with each other, accompanying each other day and night.

It mirrors the stars in the ends of the earth and the corners of the earth that we just saw in front of us. It gathers the essence of the sun and the moon and the aura of heaven and earth, and interprets a romantic love story of accompanying you to the ends of the earth and loving you to the end of the world. "(End of chapter)

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