China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 285 I have no bottom line for you!

The song "The Same You" is a lot of memories from the 80.90s.

When it was sung by Zhao Fei at this moment, his voice was mellow and full of understanding and clarity of the world. When people heard it, they were immersed in it instantly.

"The anchor's singing style is unique. Even though the song is not difficult, it is still sung by the anchor."

"Xu Wei can be said to be a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry. He does not compete with others, is not sentimental or carefree, keeps a low profile and concentrates on doing things.

Especially there are a few songs that really make people love them so much. "

"The song "You used to be" reminds me of my own past. There were times when I was crazy, and there were times when I was ordinary, but in the end... I still returned to innocence."

"Should I say it or not, the anchor sings really well. How can you think of making a movie? You can even hold a concert."

A song ends.

The fans' emotions were also lifted by Zhao Fei.

The screen in the live broadcast room started to flash, another song, another song.

Zhao Fei smiled and didn't mind. Now he has no shortage of fans. Although the bond card plays a great role, it is still because of these fans.

Today is the last day of Sunny Island travel live broadcast.

Zhao Fei is also willing to sing two more songs.

"Okay, since you want to hear it, let's continue... The wind blows, no problem."

Zhao Fei re-tuned the guitar, tried it, and then spoke under the admiring gazes of Mai Mai and his sister: "Take a glass of water from the sky, shine it on the bright moon and dangle it in the world. Love and hate are just a moment, floating in the world of mortals." .

Take a cup of water from the sky, shine it on the bright moon, and look at the human world. Love and hate are repeated thousands of times, and the world is swaying.

Let the strong wind blow and keep blowing.

Blow away the pain and sorrow in my heart.

Let the heavy rain wash away the regretful you in the wind.

It seems like it was destined..."

On the other side, Yan Min was in the director's car. Looking at Zhao Fei's posture, it seemed that it would not be over in a short time.

He quickly contacted the band and came over to cooperate with Zhao Fei.

Let's have a concert on the beach.

All the lighting, sound, etc. are set up.

At the same time, whether it was because Zhao Fei started singing or because of the fans of the traveling live broadcast, they all knew that today was the last day of the live broadcast, and the number of people in the live broadcast room was still increasing rapidly.

From 18 million just now, to 19 million...20 million.

And the trend continues unabated.

"The anchor's singing voice is really refreshing. I really like the strong wind of this rock song. There are 20,000 people in our live broadcast room. I just posted a barrage and tried to request songs.

Unexpectedly, the anchor saw my barrage.

Family members, can you understand how I feel now? I’m so happy that I’m going to explode... woo woo woo. "

“The anchor does sing well, and the song is also well written, especially the light melody that opens the mouth, and the lyrics are deeply touching, as if telling a story about love and hate, which makes people feel emotional.

The anchor's voice is also clear and cute, and the song "Blowing in the Wind" not only touches people's hearts, but also inspires people to bravely pursue their dreams. "

"The love and hate in the lyrics, the touching moment, and the low mood when I fall into memories at night, let the strong wind blow them away.

Wash away the tears from your eyes, bid farewell to your past self, and welcome a better tomorrow.

Guys, come on. "

"To be honest, I feel a little lonely when listening to this song. This may be my own reason."

"What is loneliness? Loneliness is when you get up early and wash your hair, give yourself a cool hairstyle, change into a pair of clean shoes, and wear cool clothes.

Then I put on my headphones and listened to the strong wind. I went to the supermarket to buy a bottle of water and came back.

This is so damn lonely. "

"I am standing on the balcony smoking at the moment. I smoke half and the wind smokes half, but I don't care about the wind because the wind seems to have its own troubles.

But after I finished smoking a cigarette, I became more and more angry... I really wanted to have a convulsion. "

As Zhao Fei sang, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became more and more relaxed.

More and more joy.

Especially some short video bloggers who make a living by pointing at Zhao Fei. For them, today is equivalent to the Chinese New Year.

One song and one short video.

As long as Zhao Fei's song is off the air today, they will be afraid that they won't be able to edit it.

All of them giggled.

Mai Mai and her sister on the other side were also very happy at the moment.

The beautiful eyes that looked at Zhao Fei were watery and full of love and admiration, as if to say no more.

My husband is so handsome!

My man is great!

Brother Zhao Fei is so awesome!

Brother Zhao Fei is so awesome!

A few minutes later, the fans in the live broadcast room were still shouting: "One more song, one more song..."

Zhao Fei did not refuse.

Just glance at the live broadcast room barrage, and if you see a song that you can sing, sing it.

In this way, Zhao Fei sang one song after another.

Gradually, it really evolved into his solo concert.

In this regard, even Mai Mai and her sister were not exempt from the vulgarity, requesting songs like a spoiled brat.

Until Yan Min prepared the stage for the beach concert, it pushed the atmosphere in the venue to a climax.

Not only did the number of people in the live broadcast room surge to 22 million, but many tourists from the scenic spots were also attracted.

There are more and more people around.

The roars and exclamations were endless.

"Oh my God, what did I see? That's Zhao Fei. That's Zhao Fei at the top of the pyramid in the live broadcast industry."

"Not only Zhao Fei, but also Zhao Maimai, Zhang Zilan... Oh my god, they are live broadcasting to the ends of the earth. I am so lucky."

"Yes, not only is the travel live broadcast now, this is also the last stop, the last day, the last night, and the last few hours of the host's trip to Sunny Island."

"Zhao Fei sings beautifully, even better than some professional singers. Is this... something we can listen to for free?"

Although there are many people, fortunately the security team of the travel live broadcast is not vegetarian.

Yan Min was already prepared for this when preparations first began.

More than a hundred security personnel had already set up a human wall on the outside. Even after learning about the situation here, the staff of the scenic spot immediately came to assist.

Regardless of Yan Min's request, whatever can be done will be done immediately.

If you can't do it, find a way to do it.

After all, this is Zhao Fei who has tens of millions or even over 100 million fans online.

As long as the influence here is great, it will naturally indirectly promote Sunny Island, especially Tianya Haijiao.

"I'm so envious of these live audiences. They can get up close and personal with Zhao Fei."

"Who said it wasn't? I regret it... We just listened too much to Zhao Fei. He said he wouldn't let us chase him, so we stopped chasing him. We were really stupid.

If I had known about today's situation, I would have made a trip to Sanya no matter what. "

"Hehe... I'm in Sanya now, rushing to the ends of the earth. I'll help you see if Zhao Fei is more handsome in real life."

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room remained the same, and gifts were flying.

This was barely an hour.

Mai Mai estimated that the value of the gifts alone was over ten million.

The animations of two people flying together on the screen were one after another without stopping at all. Even some gift animations cannot be squeezed in.

The audience at the scene was even more excited.

"I have followed Zhao Fei's live broadcast for a while, so I came to Sanya and dreamed of seeing Zhao Fei in person, but I never thought of disturbing him.

But we met at the end of the world.

So...does this prove that Zhao Fei and I are destined? "

"Haha, the same thing... Everyone traveling to the ends of the earth today is very lucky and can listen to Zhao Fei singing for free."

"Zhao Fei, I love you!"

"Zhao Fei, one more song!"

"Zhao Fei, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Zhao Fei, you are so handsome. Can you sing a song about mice loving rice? Because my nickname is rice!"

The audience had no seats, no glow sticks, and no one to organize the event.

But their emotions remain strong.

One by one, they turned on the flash of their mobile phones, raised their hands, and illuminated the entire coast with stars.

One by one, they were swaying to the rhythm of the music.

The atmosphere at the scene was even more lively.

Even as time went by, the staff at Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area became a little numb because there were too many people.

It’s not just those who are visiting scenic spots.

Many people from nearby came after hearing the news, even tourists in Sanya, locals from Sanya...etc.

As a result, the number of people living in every corner of the world is increasing.

When there are too many people, things tend to get into trouble.

Especially for this kind of concert, if there is a stampede, it will be over.

Therefore, the staff at the attraction and Yan Min from the directing team immediately started discussing, and finally had to say hello to the top and ask for support.

The higher-ups also looked serious after hearing this.

However, professionals were quickly dispatched to provide support and maintain order.

Try to make this unexpected concert a safe one.

Of course, Zhao Fei was also aware of this problem, especially when he stood on the stage and looked at the dark crowd below, his mouth felt dry.

After all, if something happens, he will be responsible.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei knows that it is only eight o'clock. It would be hard to explain if the concert ends here. After all, it is estimated that there are at least nearly 10,000 people at the scene.

If this pissed off this group of people, it would be a question of whether he could get out.

So after finishing a song, Zhao Fei stopped.

He took the microphone and said: "Brothers and family members, listen to me first... I don't care where you come from, whether you know or like me Zhao Fei.

I hope everyone can be happy, happy and safe. happiness……

It's like the fifth stone in our scenic spot.

In fact, I sang this time on a whim, thinking that on this last day, I would give some benefits to the fans in the live broadcast room to make them happy.

In this way, they can also contribute some box office for my film and television works in the future. "

Having said this, Zhao Fei paused.

Zhao Fei used to be a tour guide and was very good at arousing the emotions of tourists.

It can also be called a place.

It's just that there are a little more people now, but this is not a big problem for Zhao Fei.

We, Lao Zhao, have never seen anything like this before.

Therefore, this eloquent talk also made many people at the scene burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, you're right."

"One more song, and I will contribute to your box office."

"I want to listen to "It has nothing to do with you","

"I want to listen to "By Your Side."

"I want to listen to "I am Lonely at Night","

It was a mess, and everything was said below. Zhao Fei didn't pay attention and continued: "Thank you everyone for your support. I feel relieved to see that you like me so much.

In this way, even if the movie hits the market in the future, I won't starve to death even if I sing. "

"Haha, you are using your singing career as a backup."

"What do you think of those people in the music industry?"

"Zhao Fei is the best singer among the actors. Well, that's right...that's it."

"Ahem, be quiet and listen to me." Zhao Fei raised his hand and pressed it down, then continued: "I can probably tell from your clothes that you are basically tourists out for fun.

It is fate that we meet at the end of the world today.

So I hope everyone can pay attention to safety and don't just think about rushing forward. It's easy to get into trouble if there are crowds of people.

It's just past eight o'clock in the evening.

In this way, let's make a gentleman's agreement first and agree that tonight's live broadcast will end at nine o'clock, okay? "

"No, I want to listen to you all night."

"I'm going to keep listening."

"I want you to spend the night with me."

"Come on, tell me you want to sing all night, come on stage." Zhao Fei's face turned cold and he said angrily: "Believe it or not, if you are disobedient like this, I will turn around and leave now."

Although there are still many people below, muttering.

But most people who knew Zhao Fei didn't dare to say anything.

Especially the fans in the live broadcast room were yelling.

"Hey, my ancestors, the anchor finally started singing, but you can't be more honest. The people at the scene really don't even blink."

"Who says it's not the case? Just listen to the songs honestly. Can they threaten the anchor? I can't even do that. You guys are just a fool. It's just that I got lucky today."

"Damn it, that means I'm not at the scene. If I were at the scene, I would have to give in to the guy who just made trouble, the anchor, this bitch, it means that the broadcast will be shut down immediately.

Just leave. "


"Ahem." Zhao Fei coughed twice and continued: "I know that some people are watching the excitement and are not afraid of trouble, but it is really not too late today, it is already dark now.

After a while, the more people there are, the more dangerous the scene will be.

Of course, I also know that most people at the scene are still very well-behaved and obedient.

So I take a step back. Our temporary concert today will end at ten o'clock.

Now that I'm obedient, you should also be obedient, listen to the music well, don't make trouble, don't get too excited, don't crowd around, pay attention to your personal belongings, and protect your personal safety.

Do you understand? "

"Understood, ten o'clock is ten o'clock."

"That's enough. The anchor has been singing for more than an hour just now, and he can still sing for two hours. It's enough. After all, it's free. Free prostitution is the best."

"Thank you, host. Don't worry, we will be obedient. I will do whatever you ask me to do. For you... I have no bottom line." (End of Chapter)

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