China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 32 Don’t be afraid, I’m here (please read it!)

Chapter 32 Don’t be afraid, I’m here (please read it!)

In the blinding darkness, a bolt of lightning suddenly exploded in the sky.

The weather in the plateau area changes at any time.

In an instant, raindrops as big as soybeans fell from the sky.

Zhao Fei was woken up instantly. The tent was making a roaring sound from the wind, and the sound of raindrops hitting it was even more deafening.

The first thing that Zhao Fei thought of was Zhao Maimai.

Without saying a word, he put on his clothes and rushed out. It was raining heavily outside. Even though Zhao Fei's physique was far superior to that of ordinary people, he couldn't stay for long.

At this moment, Zhao Maimai also woke up, and carefully stretched out his head from the tent, with fear on his face.

"Zhao Fei~"

"Don't be afraid, don't come out, put on more clothes first, and then pack your things. We must be ready to leave at any time."

"Yes." Zhao Maimai nodded. After hearing Zhao Fei's voice, he was a little nervous. He began to dress and pack things in an orderly manner.

Seeing that Zhao Maimai was fine, Zhao Fei also turned on the searchlight and organized his equipment.

Be prepared for various emergencies.

Zhao Fei had also read the weather forecast before coming, and it didn't say there would be rain at night. However, the weather in the plateau area changed at any time, leaving people unprepared at all.

Zhao Maimai had packed up and didn't dare to stay alone in the tent.

The sound of raindrops hitting the tent was really scary, so she got directly into Zhao Fei's tent and hugged Zhao Fei's arm tremblingly.

The rain is getting heavier.

There is no tendency to stop at all.

Zhao Fei looked at the situation outside and frowned, seeing that the rain would not stop for a while and they were trapped here.

"Brother~, what should we do now?"

If Zhao Maimai called Zhao Fei brother before because she was pretending to be his sister in front of the live broadcast room, then now she calls him brother because she truly relies on Zhao Fei.

If she were alone in this wilderness, she would have been scared to tears.

Fortunately, Zhao Fei is here.

"It's okay. I'm here. You need to eat something first to replenish your energy." Zhao Fei took out some biscuits. Fortunately, he had brought a lot before, otherwise the two of them would have been hungry.

"Then you eat too."


Zhao Fei took the biscuit, tore open the package and stuffed it into his mouth. He took another sip of mineral water and drank it down. Although it didn't taste good, they had no other choice now.

At this moment, Zhao Maimai suddenly stopped eating the biscuit, his eyes widened, he stretched out his hand and pointed outside with trembling teeth: "Brother, look carefully, then... what is that?"

Zhao Fei also felt something was wrong at this moment and turned around suddenly.

The pupils shrank instantly.

Not far from them, they saw a cheetah nearly two meters long, with a body like a tiger, a round and small head, and a brown body with black and brown spots all over its body.

He bared his teeth, crouched down, and stared at them fiercely.


Zhao Fei exclaimed, and then without any hesitation, Zhao Fei directly pulled out a machete from the side of his backpack and got out of the tent. His eyes widened and he stared at the opponent menacingly.

"Hide in and don't come out."

The posture of the Golden Leopard just now was obviously ready to attack. If Zhao Fei had been a little later, I'm afraid the Golden Leopard would have pounced on him.

After getting close, he was attacked by surprise. No matter how powerful a person's fists were, even if Zhao Fei had learned one-fifth of Tai Chi, he would still be no match for the leopard's sharp claws and fangs.

What's more, this is a male leopard, which is stronger.

I really thought this wild beast was a joke.

But now that he has a knife in his hand and is still facing each other head-on, Zhao Fei is not afraid anymore, and he can just test the actual combat ability of Tai Chi.It rained so heavily suddenly, so the leopard probably couldn't stay on the mountain any longer, so he ran down and met them.

Could it be that I ran out of luck in the lottery just now?


Zhao Maimai was crying at this moment, and she really felt the fear, and her delicate body was trembling. This feeling of seeing a large beast face to face was completely different from the pictures and videos.

That fierce look.

There was a deafening roar and a faint fishy smell.

Everything stimulated Zhao Maimai's senses.

"Don't be afraid, everything will be fine with me."

Zhao Fei was comforting Zhao Maimai and cheering himself up. In his past life and this life together, he had never had this kind of experience, so his legs were also a little weak.

But now that Zhao Maimai has been brought out, he must be held responsible.

As a man, it is even more important to stand up at this time.

In fact, if it hadn't rained, Zhao Maimai could have been allowed to leave first. In this way, even if he was defeated by the opponent, at least Zhao Maimai could survive.

But now it’s raining too much. Hiking in the primeval forest in this weather is looking for death.

Zhao Maimai obediently shrank deeper into the tent, her beautiful eyes looking at Zhao Fei's back that was standing in front of him, soaked by the heavy rain, feeling moved and worried at the same time.

Looking around, he found a steel thermos cup and immediately grabbed it in his hand, thinking that if Zhao Fei was in danger later, he would smash the thermos cup out with all his strength.

She was in a hurry, and she, Zhao Maimai, was not a weak woman.

At this moment, Golden Leopard seemed to see from Zhao Fei's eyes that he was not easy to mess with.

The roar got louder.

He was pacing left and right, with a leisurely posture and contempt in his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei didn't make any move, his eyes were fixed on the other person's eyes, he concentrated on letting the heavy rain soak his clothes.

But if the confrontation continues like this, Zhao Fei will be the first to be unable to hold on.

After all, he was wearing a heavy cotton coat. After being soaked by the rain, his weight increased countless times. The environmental impact of lightning and thunder could not allow him to display his peak strength.

So the confrontation must not continue.

Fight or leave.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei narrowed his eyes. At the right moment, he moved his left foot back slightly in a gesture of retreat, and his eyes averted.

The next second, without any warning, the Golden Leopard turned its head vigorously and rushed towards Zhao Fei at an extremely fast speed.

"I knew you would do it."

Seeing this, Zhao Fei was also heartbroken. He stepped forward with his left foot instead of retreating, and put his legs in a left-front-right-back posture, concentrating all his body strength on his right hand.

It is the left and right wild horse parting mane style of authentic Tai Chi.

The sharp machete, like a ray of light, shook off the water droplets condensed on the back of the knife, and was swung hard by Zhao Fei.

The golden leopard seemed to realize how extraordinary the light was, and twisted its body to avoid it, but its body was still in mid-air and could only move a small distance.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, only a pop was heard.

Scarlet blood spurted out, and at that moment a thunder sounded in the sky, lighting up half of the sky.

Zhao Maimai screamed in shock.

"Zhao Fei~"

She saw the blood and didn't know who it belonged to, but she didn't care so much at the moment. She rushed out crying and threw the thermos cup at the leopard with all her strength.

(End of this chapter)

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