China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 35 Taking that step is a new beginning

Chapter 35 Taking that step is a new beginning

When an individual is in mortal danger.

Not to mention it's a first-level protected animal, even if it's a special protected animal, don't hesitate to take action.

Therefore, this incident did not cause any trouble for Zhao Fei.

What's more, the golden leopard is not dead yet.

After this call, the barrage in the live broadcast room seemed to be stuck. There was a slight pause, followed by overwhelming praise.

"Let me go, the anchor actually killed a cheetah."

"The leg was removed with one knife. It looks like the anchor wasn't injured at all, awesome."

"It's a pity that there was no live broadcast at the time and I didn't see anything."

Even if the attitude of the water friends in the live broadcast room changed, Zhao Fei's expression was still calm, because he also saw a few dead ducks with stiff mouths among the many barrages.

"No way, do you believe this?"

"That's right, you can impersonate anyone with just a phone call. Why are there still people who can't figure out such a simple truth?"

Seeing this, Zhao Fei smiled.

He took out another mobile phone, dialed Li Hai's number, and spoke directly in front of the live broadcast room.

"Hello, Mr. Li?"

"Hello Mr. Zhao, I am also watching your live broadcast room. If you need to be banned, I can teach you how to do it."

"Thank you, but what I want to know more is whether it is possible to completely block a person in the live broadcast room so that he cannot even enter the live broadcast room."

"This, for the time being..."

"What?" Before the other party could finish speaking, Zhao Fei moved closer to the live broadcast mobile phone and squinted at the barrage: "You said that a certain tooth is okay, but we are now doing a live broadcast of Douyin.

Should I change the platform?

Isn't this good? I'm still on the phone with Mr. Li from the Douyin Operations Department... However, you can send me a private message about some matters. "

Hearing this, Li Hai, who was sitting in the office leisurely drinking coffee, sprayed out.

Mouth twitching.

He was very sure that no one in the live broadcast room mentioned the word "Xiaoya" just now.

But he didn't dare to gamble on such a thing.

Because he noticed Zhao Fei very early, Li Hai invested a lot of effort in Zhao Fei. The sudden enthusiasm during the live broadcast also led to his promotion and salary increase, the envy of his colleagues, and the praise of his boss.

Even after returning home, because his salary doubled, his wife started giving him foot wash.

It can be said that this period of time was the most comfortable period he had ever lived.

Now Zhao Fei actually wants to change platforms.

When he thought about the consequences, Li Hai jumped up from his chair and shouted into his mobile phone: "Yes, you can directly pull black people, but it takes time.

I will go to the technical department to communicate now, and I will definitely be able to get this authority for you.

Even if you find it troublesome, I can find someone to help you block or ban you... etc. As long as you think about it, there is nothing that I, Li Hai, can't do. "

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Li." Zhao Fei smiled, as if what just happened didn't happen.

"Don't be polite to me."

"Okay, I'll treat Mr. Li to dinner when I have time."

Now that we can sit and eat together in the future, Zhao Fei probably won't change platforms easily. Thinking of this, Li Hai felt slightly relieved.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room also changed.

The water friends who were clamoring just now are all dumbfounded.

Start swiping.

"Anchor Niu B."

"The anchor is domineering." "Hurry up and block them. Our female fans will always support the anchor."

"It's just that if you have noticed that these people are not pleasing to the eye, you will know how to set the pace if you have a dark heart."

"Brothers, I don't care how other people live broadcast, it has nothing to do with me." Zhao Fei took off the toothpick from his mouth and threw it into the trash can.

“But in my live broadcast room, I hope everyone is positive and upbeat. The Internet is not a illegal place, nor is it an outlet for you to vent the misfortunes you encounter in life.

When you point your finger at someone else's nose and curse, there are four fingers pointed at yourself.

Oral ethics are also virtues.

Accumulate some virtue, even if it is not for yourself, it is for the sake of your future children.

When you are negative and degenerate, you are no different from the fallen leaves on the street. They are withered and yellow and ugly. They are swept into the trash can and will rot sooner or later.

But the rotten dead leaves will eventually melt into the earth and become nutrients for the towering trees.

Become a green leaf again.

So anything, viewed from different angles, will often have different results in the end. It is fate that we can meet in the live broadcast room.

Whether you like me or hate me.

I welcome your arrival, but I also hope that you can make progress, change, be full of positive energy, and be positive about everything.

Don't be lazy, don't be negative, don't bring your sharpness to others.

Because not far in front of you is the bright sunshine, just waiting for you to take the first step. "

When Zhao Fei spoke, there were a lot less barrages in the live broadcast room.

Everyone was obviously listening to what Zhao Fei wanted to say.

In their opinion, since Zhao Fei had just called Li Hai, he naturally wanted to threaten them, scold them, and block all the people who had made rude remarks just now.

Basically everyone thinks so.

But the final result was far beyond their expectations. Zhao Fei did not get angry or curse, but instead acted like an old father, guiding him step by step.

Not only did he not mind what happened just now, he didn't even mention the word 'block'.

This ambition suddenly lifted up.

Some old fans sighed in their hearts that they had not misjudged the person. Zhao Fei was still the same willful Zhao Fei, but he was so willful that people couldn't hate him.

Some newcomers to the live broadcast room had to admit at this moment that Zhao Fei has a unique charm. This kind of charm is a bit exaggerated to say that he likes him, but it makes them unable to curse him anymore.

After all, no matter how beastly you are, you would not swing a stick at a person who wholeheartedly advises you to do good and refuses to hit or scold you back.

"The host has such a broad mind."

“Kuan Guang’s fart, this piece of shit, as a company boss, I’m over 40 years old, and now I’m holding my father’s photo, crying loudly, and attracting all the employees in the work area.

What should I do now, how do you want me to explain to them? "

“The anchor’s words reminded me of my teacher in high school, who was at the bottom of the class. At that time, he didn’t give up on me, but I gave up on myself.

If the teacher saw me like this now, I'm afraid it would be very heartbreaking.

I want to say something to the teacher here, I'm sorry.

I decided that starting from tomorrow, I will be a happy person, feeding horses, chopping firewood, traveling around the world, caring about food and vegetables, earning a house, facing the sea, and flowers blooming in spring. "

Not only the water friends in the live broadcast room, but also Zhao Maimai next to him was very touched.

As a child star who has entered society since she was a child, Zhao Maimai's emotional intelligence is not low, but she usually only hides it in her heart and does not show it.

After all, a big bad wolf may seem scary, but it's far worse than a sheep in wolf's clothing.

But even so, Zhao Maimai still admired Zhao Fei.

It not only resolved the conflict in the live broadcast room just now, but also made the black fans and Lu Zhuan fans who opposed him seem to be speaking soft words of persuasion, but in their ears they were so tough that they could not refute.

(End of this chapter)

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