Chapter 42 Zhao Maimai’s Changes
Looking at the hung up phone call, Zhao Maimai felt warm in his heart.

Even though he didn't see his father's barrage, he quickly thought of the cause of the matter.

After thinking about it, I edited two text messages and sent them out.

"Dad, don't worry, I will always be your caring little cotton-padded jacket. You should pay attention to your health at home and smoke less. There is a bank card in the third drawer of the cabinet on the left side of my room.

That's some private money prepared for you. Mom doesn't know about it. Be careful when you spend it. If mom finds out, don't say I gave it to you. I won't admit it. "

"Mom, you should know what kind of person your daughter is. Don't worry, I won't hand myself over easily. My future man must be the most outstanding, handsome and best man in the world.

Zhao Fei is still far behind now. Don't always be angry with dad at home, and don't do anything. I'm not worried about dad, I'm worried about you accidentally slipping on your waist. "

Zhao Fei naturally noticed Zhao Maimai's call.

Heart suddenly.

As if some danger was about to come, I felt secretly uneasy.

He thought that he might as well open another room. He didn't want to do anything anyway, so it would be a bit of a loss to just take on this responsibility.

People in the live broadcast room jumped up when they saw Zhao Fei's expression, as if they were celebrating the New Year.

"Haha, you bitch, it turns out you are scared sometimes."

"I have finally waited for this day. I really want to see how this bitch will look when he meets my father-in-law in the future. He will be groveling, submissive, and submissive...ah haha, there is a picture."

"No, I seemed to have seen a barrage just now, saying something about my daughter, she figured it out, etc. If it was posted by Mai Mai's father, it means that he has recognized Zhao Fei.

So your self-pleasure is completely unnecessary. "

"Impossible, why didn't I see it?"

"I didn't see it either."

"Even if there is, it can't be from Mai Mai's father. Maybe it's the emotion of an old father."

"Yes, that's it."


Night fell gradually.

Amid the reluctance and curses from fans, Zhao Fei closed the live broadcast room.

Zhao Fei thought that he was not a good person, so he lay on the bed and listened to the rushing sound in the bathroom. It was impossible not to be moved.

So he could only turn his back to the other bed, close his eyes, and try not to think too much.

After walking out of the bathroom and seeing Zhao Fei's back turned to him, Zhao Maimai was also very nervous. He took a deep breath and then walked slowly to his bed.

Put a palm-length electric baton in the bag under the pillow.

As a little girl, she would recklessly follow a stranger on a trip without any preparation. This was one of her trump cards.

The RV is even equipped with anti-wolf spray and other gadgets in case of emergencies.

Even if it may not be used.

But it always makes Zhao Maimai feel at ease.

After getting into the quilt, Zhao Maimai asked softly: "Are you asleep?"


"Good night."

"Good night."

Turn off the bedside lamp and plunge the bedroom into darkness.

Zhao Maimai's nervousness gradually calmed down and he fell asleep unconsciously.

When I opened my eyes again.

On the bed next to him, Zhao Fei was no longer there.

On the dining table not far away, there was a steaming breakfast and a note.

"I'm going downstairs first to put gas and water in the car and prepare some other things. If you get up, be ready to wait for me in the lobby on the first floor."

In an instant, a bright smile bloomed on Zhao Maimai's face, and she felt happy when she woke up in the morning.

The most important thing is that she didn't feel any physical discomfort after one night.It can be seen that her altitude sickness is not strong.

Take a quick shower and finish your breakfast.

Carrying my bag and getting ready to go downstairs.

At this time, she remembered the electric baton under the pillow, held it in her hand, hesitated when she walked to the door, and did not put the electric baton back into the bag, but threw it on the ground casually.

Smiling, turned and left.

Zhao Maimai is a very sensitive person. Her career as a child star made her see the chaos in the entertainment industry very early, which was an eye-opener.

So it's hard for her to trust someone.

After all, we are all actors, no one is inferior to anyone else.

In her eyes, Zhao Fei's acting skills are undoubtedly very good. If you check the past events, you will know that it is not groundless. Drinking and picking up girls are commonplace for Zhao Fei.

After all, he is a second-generation rich man. He may have done anything you can think of or think of.

So Zhao Maimai has always had doubts.

Why does a person change so much all of a sudden?

Zhao Maimai has never found this reason. Counting the two occasions when he got drunk, it can be said that he took the initiative to invite him, but Zhao Fei remained unmoved.

This made Zhao Maimai feel deeply in his heart, and he did not intend to test and find out the reason.

Let the past be in the past.

She knew the current Zhao Fei, a confident, brave, annoying Zhao Fei who couldn't help but get close to him.

So the electric baton is no longer needed.

If they really get together one day, even if it ends in a tragedy and Zhao Fei becomes a playboy again, Zhao Maimai will admit it.

There will definitely be regrets in life.

It's enough to enjoy the present moment, and don't worry about the floods in the future.

This is Zhao Maimai's free and easy style, not sticking to trivial matters. When she is stupid, she is like a cute silly roe deer. When she is smart, no one can lie to her.

What's more, Zhao Fei is really excellent.

She has a good impression.

After thinking about it, Zhao Maimai entered another state, as if thinking of a beautiful moment that might happen in the future, she covered her mouth and smiled softly.

Sitting on the sofa in the hall, sometimes I stare straight at one place, not knowing what I am thinking.

Until Zhao Fei came over and said softly: "What are you thinking about, so fascinated?"

"I miss you."

Seeing Zhao Fei, Zhao Maimai's beautiful eyes lit up and he blurted out, even though he was a little shy, he still looked directly at Zhao Fei stubbornly: "Can we set off?"

"Of course, let's go, I'm ready for everything."

Zhao Fei was a little surprised, why after one night, this girl seemed to have changed into a different person.

The audience in the live broadcast room also realized something when they saw this scene.

One by one, they beat their chests and stamped their feet, looking up to the sky and roaring.

"What a crime, you bitch, what did you do last night?"

"Ah ah, my Mai Mai...this look, this tone, this attitude, needless to say, I already know it. I feel uncomfortable and want to cry."

"We are finally together. It seems they got along well last night. I don't know what the details are like?"

Now that Zhao Maimai has decided, he has no regrets.

Of course, it would be best if she could always be with Zhao Fei. No one wants tragedy, so she should take the initiative and show more of her beauty and not give opportunities to women outside.

Capture Zhao Fei's heart.

Let him fall in love with you and never want to leave you.


(End of this chapter)

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