China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 45 This is really an accident (please read it!)

Chapter 45 This is really an accident (please read it!)

Fishing traps are easy to make.

Zhao Fei found a relatively shallow water depression, threw some beef into it, and then made a circle with stones to block most of the water flow, leaving only one outlet.

It is best for this outlet to have undulating heights, which will make it difficult for fish to get out once they enter.

Although the principle is simple, it also depends on luck.

Zhao Fei didn't take it seriously, but Zhao Maimai was looking forward to it. Even if the water was very cold, he still had a lot of fun.

There were also many water friends in the live broadcast room, helping to think of various solutions and arguing non-stop. Even after Zhao Fei and the two drove away from Xingyicuo Lake, they still did not stop.

"This is a craft inherited from my ancestors. Under the current circumstances, it is best to tear the beef into pieces and let out the meaty smell that attracts fish. There is even a net... Are you crazy?"

"Those who say you're fishing, please step aside. Are you just fishing here and not going anywhere else?"

"Yes, traps save time and effort, and are the best way."

Not only these ordinary viewers, as the popularity of the live broadcast room continues to ferment, its impact on the entertainment industry is also growing.

The first is Jiaxing Film and Television.

Discussions about Zhao Fei are ongoing in the conference room.

Yang Xiaohu, who was sitting in the first place, read the project in his hand and slammed it on the table: "What a bullshit name you gave, and "Let's go traveling together". This is imitating Zhao Fei's "Let's go" Take the trip.

Regardless of whether the imitation is good or not, the name is unattractive at first glance.

For these male guests, I want amateurs, amateurs, good-looking, good-natured, amateurs with the ability to survive in the wild and strong hands-on skills.

The requirements are not high.

Look at the photos you took out. They are either greasy uncles in their 30s or little kids in their [-]s and [-]s who don’t understand anything.

By letting them travel with Reba, are you trying to discredit Reba, or do you want to destroy her? "

Yang Xiaohu stared at the group of people below with a pair of fox eyes.

Since Young Master Song couldn't do it, she planned to contact Zhao Fei directly, wanting to send Reba in and live broadcast together, but Zhao Fei didn't answer the strange calls at all.

It's even more useless to shout in the live broadcast room.

Not to mention the issue of face, even if you call someone, you may not be able to see it.

So Yang Xiaohu really had no choice.

If you don’t play with me, I will play by myself.

So I planned to do a travel live broadcast. The main guest is the popular little girl Reba. She even plans to guest star for a few days, as well as several other less famous female celebrities from the company, plus a few male amateurs.

This is just a variety show.

In fact, it’s no wonder that Yang Xiaohu is jealous, because not only her, but also many people in the entertainment industry are already considering the travel live broadcast project.

It’s true that Zhao Fei’s travel live broadcast is too popular now.

The average number of people online is nearly 20. Although the total number of clicks for a TV series they make is very high, the number of views in the same period is simply incomparable.

What's more, how much does it cost to film a TV series? How much does it cost to live broadcast? You can tell how much the number of fans has grown by looking at the growing attention of Zhao Maimai's scarf. It is still hanging on it. Although the content is different, people are the same. ah.

That's equivalent to the growth of a medium-low-cost movie in just a few days. It's so enviable, so Zhao Fei's travel live broadcast is an excellent project with small investment and big rewards.

And they are not like Zhao Fei, who just started the live broadcast without much preparation in the early stage. Instead, they do publicity and advertising. It can be said that the cost can be earned back before the live broadcast starts.In the end, it can help a few people, and it will definitely make a lot of money.

There will be follow-up works everywhere, and the entertainment industry is no exception. But what Yang Xiaohu didn't expect was that the projects produced by the following group of people were really bad.

The most annoying thing is that Zhao Fei didn't even answer her call.

After all, she, Yang Xiaohu, has been in the entertainment industry for so many years. Even though she is a little older now, she is not unattractive at all. She also lost to the young Zhao Maimai, who even asked her to mention it. There is no chance to talk hotly.

Because of this incident, Yang Xiaohu scolded Zhao Fei for blindness countless times.

Young people do not know how good young women are, and mistakenly regard young girls as treasures.

"Sister, don't be angry. I understand that you are in a hurry now. Our travel live broadcast project is confirmed. It will be about a month after the promotion and advertising and other work are completed, which is almost the day when Zhao Fei's live broadcast will end.

We successfully took over and absorbed the heat.

But this is just our guess. No one knows whether Zhao Fei will live broadcast after climbing Mount Everest a month later, if he continues to live broadcast.

No matter how well we do, we will be regarded as imitating Zhao Fei and instantly fall behind. It is difficult to compare with Zhao Fei, the pioneer No. 1.

What's more, there is Zhao Maimai next to him.

So I think the key issue now is still with Zhao Fei. It would be best if we could sit down and talk with him face to face.

It would be best if we could send one or two amateurs from our company in. Even if they only stay for a day or two, or even if we can't cooperate now, we can cooperate after climbing Mount Everest.

It can be said that Zhao Fei is already bound to travel live streaming.

He personally made this cake. If we want to rob it, it doesn’t matter whether we offend him or not. It’s up to Zhao Fei to decide whether we can rob him or not. First of all, we definitely can’t compete with those big companies. "

Listening to the words of the person below, Yang Xiaohu knew very well that what the other person said was absolutely right.

However, Zhao Fei was like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard, unable to be poked with a needle or splashed with water. He would not answer calls or text messages.

There's nothing she can do about it.

Now Yang Xiaohu had no choice but to think about the sad journey he had gone through over the years. He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, standing up in a hurry.

"Where are they now?"

"Sister, are you talking about Zhao Fei and the others?"

"Nonsense, your ears are blocked, why are we having a meeting here?"

"Daodingya City is a place called Red Grassland."

"Book your flight now and Reba will come with you."

"Sister, you will arrive tomorrow as you did in the past, and... and Zhao Fei and the others are live broadcasting. If you appear in the live broadcast room, won't it have a bad impact?"

Yang Xiaohu knew exactly what he was doing now.

But she is a woman who attaches great importance to her career. In addition, she initially despised Zhao Fei, then became slightly interested, then became serious, and now is jealous.

She didn't want to see such a good opportunity to make money slip away from her eyes.

I also want to see with my own eyes what kind of person this Zhao Fei is, and ask him why he doesn't answer the phone?
So Yang Xiaohu finally decided: "Then book a flight for the evening. Reba and I will go there together. You'd better find a way to make it look like the meeting was an accident. Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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