Chapter 51 Another good thing comes out

Although Zhao Fei was quite handsome in the past, he was too weak. It wasn't until he ate a lot of attribute fruits that he got better and looked much stronger.

However, the facial features are not particularly exquisite. Only the pair of star-like eyes are more attractive, but he still looks lazy and indifferent, which makes people feel bad.

Now it's completely different.

His delicate facial features are extremely handsome, with a touch of gentleness in his handsomeness. The sparkle in his eyes from time to time makes people dare not look too much, especially the elegance and nobility exuding from his body, like a prince charming in a fairy tale.
The jade trees are facing the wind, and they are majestic and majestic. People will fall into it if they are not careful.

After being narcissistic for a long time, Zhao Fei began to add attributes, stuffing three attribute fruits into his mouth one by one.

The remaining inventory now includes: two bottles of healthy spring water, one bad luck halo, and one trial version singing skill book.

After using the fan value exchange card, the remaining fan value will instantly increase by [-].

[Remaining fan value: 906783 (+1, +1...)]

[Countdown to death: 3 years and 85 days. 】

Do you want to continue smoking?

The items drawn from this intermediate lottery card are obviously better, but if there is no lucky bread, the number of attribute fruits will not be multiplied ten times.

In comparison, the efficiency of obtaining attribute fruits is not as good as that of primary draw cards.

Now he has experienced three draws in total.

Of the attribute fruits with a maximum limit of 23, I have now eaten [-] power fruits.

I ate 28 stamina fruits.

I ate 22 agility fruits.

Zhao Fei thought about it and decided not to touch the intermediate lottery for the time being. Instead, he would go to the primary lottery pool and eat all kinds of attribute fruits to the upper limit first.

If you are lucky during this period, you will draw lucky bread.

It won’t be too late to use it to enter the intermediate lottery pool at that time.

Afterwards, Zhao Fei no longer hesitated and directly spent [-] fan points to buy [-] junior lottery cards, dot-dot-dot, and draw a hundred consecutive cards.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a power fruit. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a stamina fruit. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained an agility fruit. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a junior lottery card. 】

Soon, including the newly obtained lottery cards, Zhao Fei used up all the lottery cards, and obtained a total of six strength fruits, eight agility fruits, and seven stamina fruits.

One hundred thousand fan points, in the mid-level lottery pool, will not obtain this amount of attribute fruits.

So Zhao Fei's inference was absolutely correct.

Too bad there is no lucky bread.

I continued to purchase junior lottery cards with a fan value of [-].

In this way, Zhao Fei repeated buying, drawing, buying, and drawing.

When there were still more than 20 fan points left, Zhao Fei stopped. Although the attribute fruit still did not reach the upper limit, Zhao Fei got a piece of lucky bread.

Summarize the gains.

42 agility fruits.

41 stamina fruits.

48 power fruits.

A piece of lucky bread.

The fruits with these attributes are not big, crystal clear, melt in your mouth, and can be eaten directly as candy.

With such an increase in attributes, Zhao Fei could feel the enhancement of various parts of his body.

It was as if every cell came alive and was jumping crazily, but on the surface Zhao Fei did not change, and his figure appeared more slender and straighter.

He stood there like a handsome young man, but the explosive power in his body when he clenched his fist gave people a very dangerous feeling.

And with this increase, physical fitness has also kept up with the use of Tai Chi by two-fifths.Now the number of Zhao Fei's various fruit attributes.

71 power fruits.

69 stamina fruits.

64 agility fruits.

Strength fruits produce the most and eat the most. Now there are only 29 fruits left. For physical strength and agility, there are more than 30 fruits left before reaching the upper limit of [-] fruits.

Although I am looking forward to what it will be like when various attributes reach the upper limit, now that Lucky Bread has been released, Zhao Fei does not plan to mix in the primary lottery pool. The things in the intermediate lottery pool are more delicious.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Fei twisted his neck, did some stretching exercises on the bed, swallowed the lucky bread, and then quickly spent all the remaining fan points to buy intermediate lottery cards.

Make perfect use of every minute and every second of your lucky bread.

Click on the draw.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a trial version of the acting skills book. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained ten agility fruits. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the halo of bad luck. 】

Don't think too much, the lucky bread only has 5 minutes, you must click quickly to use up all the intermediate lottery cards.

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a bottle of healthy spring water. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have received a trial version of the Tai Chi skill book. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

【Thank you for your patronage. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained an advanced cooking skill book. 】

There are still a few thousand followers left.

The intermediate draw cards are all used up.

Zhao Fei flipped through the exchange mall to check the value and effects of the newly appeared skill books.

The trial version of the acting skill book is the same as the trial version of the singing skill book. Both are worth 100 million fan points. You can obtain peak acting skills within three days.

If you don't use it for the time being, throw it in the warehouse.

But it was this advanced cooking skill that made Zhao Fei's eyes light up.

[Advanced Cooking Skill Book: Redeem for 500 million fan points (Advanced cooking skills for humans.)]

The introduction to the exchange mall is clear and concise.

Moreover, advanced cooking skills are worth 500 million. Even if you only have this advanced cooking skill book in this lottery, you will make a lot of money. Needless to say, Zhao Fei’s previous cooking skills were edible, which was not considered good at all. eat.

Now that I have this cooking skill book, I can try to cook more by myself during the rest of the journey, and let Zhao Maimai have a taste of his craftsmanship.

Put the skill book on you.

All kinds of knowledge about cooking skills such as knife skills, heat, experience, etc., appeared in Zhao Fei's mind, like an enlightenment, allowing Zhao Fei to master these skills in an instant.

Then Zhao Fei swallowed ten more agility fruits, bringing the total to 74. Only 26 were left to reach the upper limit, and his body speed increased again.

If he participated in running events in the Olympic Games now, Zhao Fei is confident that he can set a new record.

There is also one-fifth of the Tai Chi skill book, which I slapped on my body.

The boxing skills and experience related to Tai Chi have increased again, and are more than half. There are still two-fifths left to complete the authentic Tai Chi.

Moreover, Zhao Fei had eaten a lot of attribute fruits just now, and his physical fitness could keep up for the time being.

Take another look at the inventory.

[Three bottles of healthy spring water, two bad luck haloes, one trial version singing skills book, and one trial version singing skills book. 】

Although these things are temporarily unavailable, each one has a very good effect.

It can be used sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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