Chapter 61 No, I was wrong

Zhao Fei's broad chest was rising and falling regularly, and his slightly pursed lips added a touch of childishness to his razor-perfect handsome face. After all, Zhao Fei was not that old after all.

The way she is sleeping now actually looks a little cute.

Zhao Maimai pursed her lips and chuckled, and couldn't help but touch Zhao Fei's cheek.

But at this moment, Zhao Fei suddenly opened his eyes, hugged Zhao Maimai, turned from passive to active, and pressed her on the bed.

"Ah, what are you going to do...Uuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Zhao Maimai exclaimed, and before she had time to react, Zhao Fei blocked her mouth. A pair of hands moved up the bear's pajamas and explored it dishonestly.

"No, I was wrong, huh huh."

Zhao Maimai experienced this situation for the first time, panicked, and quickly begged for mercy.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei stopped, stood up, looked at Zhao Maimai who was very close, and said jokingly, "Where did you go wrong?"

"You, let me go."

Zhao Maimai's face turned red, and she pulled Zhao Fei's big hand out from under his clothes. He twisted and rubbed his delicate body, which only made Zhao Fei even more angry.

"You haven't answered me yet, where did you go wrong?"

"Bah, I'll bite you to death."

Zhao Maimai was panicked just now and subconsciously thought of begging for mercy before saying that I was wrong. Although she knew that this day would come sooner or later, she was still afraid.

Now that he was bullied like this, he felt a little aggrieved. He grabbed Zhao Fei's arm, opened his mouth and bit it.

Even the energy of breastfeeding was exhausted.

Even though Zhao Fei's current physique was far superior to that of ordinary people, he did not lose his sense of pain. He took a breath of cold air and stood up quickly. Zhao Maimai ran out.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to step on Zhao Fei hard: "If you dare to bully me again, I will bite you to death."

Zhao Fei covered his arm, moved his hand away and took a look.

There were bloodstains.

In fact, he woke up when Zhao Maimai opened the door. The reason why he didn't open his eyes was to see what the other party was going to do. He waited and waited, but he didn't see any excessive movements from the other party.

It was early in the morning, and Zhao Fei was already very angry.

He simply took the initiative and threatened her, but unexpectedly she got angry.

On the other side, Zhao Maimai ran to the bathroom, pursed her lips in front of the mirror, stamped her feet slightly angrily, and then reached out and scratched up the bear pajamas.

It was completely different from the touch Zhao Fei gave her just now.

Those big fiery hands made her extremely shy, but when she thought about the comparison between Yang Xiaohu and Reba yesterday, her face shrank and she became even more angry.

There are arrangements for today, so Zhao Fei is not in a hurry to set off.

Open live.

A large number of viewers rushed in instantly. The first thing they said was to complain that Zhao Fei started broadcasting too late today. Seeing that Zhao Maimai was still in the bathroom, Zhao Fei whispered to the live broadcast room.

"Brothers, I have prepared a surprise for Mai Mai today, so I have to leave late. Wait for Mai Mai to come out later, but you must not tell anything."

"What a surprise? You don't want to confess your love to me, do you?"

"looking forward to."

After Zhao Maimai finished washing up in the bathroom, she saw Zhao Fei sneaking around in front of the live broadcast room and didn't know what to say. He glared at him and said nothing.

But when he saw the red tooth mark on his arm from the corner of his eye, his expression was slightly unnatural. He walked to the cabinet aside, took out the medicine box, and without saying a word, he threw it hard in front of Zhao Fei, making a crashing sound. Crisp sound.

"What do you mean, these two people had a fight?"

"I don't know, I feel like Mai Mai is a little unhappy."

Looking at Zhao Maimai turning away, Zhao Fei smiled and didn't care. He found a few band-aids from the medicine box and asked, "What do you want to eat in the morning?"

"Don't talk to me, I'm annoyed." "You bit me and bled, are you still annoyed?"

"Deserving it."

"Yes, I deserve it. I must have done it myself." Zhao Fei apologized sincerely and continued: "But no matter how angry you are, you have to eat.

Tell me what you want to eat in the morning, whatever you want, as long as we have it, I can make it for you. "

"Bragging!" Zhao Maimai turned away, obviously not believing it.

"Whether I'm bragging or not, you'll know once you try it."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Maimai also fell into deep thought, especially when he thought about Zhao Fei's fiery hands just now. He should be punished, otherwise he will go further in the future.

He simply pointed out the window and said, "Then you go fishing. Within 10 minutes, I want you to make a bowl of delicious fish porridge and put it in front of me. Otherwise, you must agree to a condition."

Fish porridge is not difficult to make, but it is time-consuming.

Especially when you need to go fishing, no one can tell when you will be hooked.

Therefore, the difficulty is not in the fish porridge, but in time. This is why Zhao Maimai is sure that Zhao Fei will not be able to complete it, and he can raise conditions when the time comes.

When Zhao Maimai came up with this task, he had it all figured out.

The condition is that she can only take the initiative to kiss Zhao Fei from now on, and Zhao Fei cannot take the initiative to attack her.

The absolute overlord clause was unreasonable at all, especially when he thought of Zhao Fei lying on the bed, at her mercy, Zhao Maimai wanted to laugh.

He stood up in a hurry and raised his little head: "The live broadcast is also on now, just tell me if you can do it?"

Zhao Fei rubbed his chin and didn't mention the issue of unfairness. To talk about fairness with a woman, it would be better to just admit defeat, so Zhao Fei thought about it and nodded.

"Of course a man can't say no, just wait."

"Just wait, brothers in the live broadcast room have heard it. The bet is officially established and will be judged by the audience in the live broadcast room. I don't have to pay any price for Party A, whether we win or lose.

On the contrary, Party B must ensure that the fish porridge is delicious and served to me within 10 minutes, otherwise Party B will judge it as a failure.

This bet takes effect immediately.

All interpretation rights belong to Zhao Maimai. "

Zhao Fei is already busy at this moment. Fish porridge is not difficult. First wash the rice, add water and cook on high heat for 5 minutes.

And these 5 minutes are the best time for Zhao Fei to fish.

But Zhao Fei never thought about fishing and time did not allow it, so he thought of another way, which was direct and convenient, and only he could do it.

Zhao Maimai held up his mobile phone next to him and kept taking pictures of Zhao Fei: "Brothers, you saw it, he looks like that. He is ready to fish. Do you think he can fish in three to ten minutes?" Come up with one?"

"Do you even need to ask? Although fishing has a certain relationship with technology, luck is also indispensable. The time is too short and it is impossible."

"Poor anchor, why don't you just admit defeat? There's no shame in losing to a woman."

"I'm curious, what conditions will Zhao Maimai put forward if he wins?"

No one in the audience in the live broadcast room thought Zhao Fei would win, but some old fans didn't say anything. On the contrary, because of yesterday's scarf incident, many new people came to the live broadcast room.

The words were a little harsher.

However, his attention was also attracted by the small bet between Zhao Fei and the two.

After all, this seemed impossible to anyone, but Zhao Fei did not give up, but worked hard to complete it, even though he knew it was impossible to complete.

This attitude towards life is undoubtedly moving.

The most important thing is that the next scene left them stunned, because Zhao Fei didn't get the fishing rod at all, but walked to the shore of Twin Lakes and took off his clothes.

With only a pair of shorts left, no hesitation.

It plunged in with one stroke.

(End of this chapter)

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