China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 67: When going up the mountain, you have to bow, and when you go down the mountain, you have

Chapter 67: When going up the mountain, you have to bow, and when you go down the mountain, you have to stand tall.

“Nowadays, each of us is accustomed to the hustle and bustle of city life. We soak in the high-tech bathtub of modern civilization every day, and the whole person is lazy when being massaged by the comfortable water waves.

You have long forgotten your primitive instincts, just like when you were a child, you learned to roll over, crawl, stand up and walk, but when you grow up, you don’t know how to run. "

"When you have free time, it is also a great pleasure in life to invite a few friends to go hiking together to enjoy the scenery."

"I don't have as many insights as you. I just want to know if there is a mountain god, and which god it is? Is this the mountain god who dares to be with Jun Jue... only when the mountains and mausoleums and the heaven and earth are harmonious?"

The audience in the live broadcast room also felt emotional after hearing the short story told by Zhao Fei.

After all, mountain climbing is also a stage for self-expression, without any restrictions or rules, and will not be bound by the same rules and regulations as the office.

Just keep your head down and keep moving forward along the ridge below you.

A simple person will feel that his legs are shaking and his waist and back are aching, but when he climbs to the top of the mountain, the joy and harvest, as well as the sense of self-realization and the joy of transcending himself, are completely unparalleled to those who have never experienced it. Incomprehensible.

Likewise, this expectation is also the driving force behind your mountain climbing.

Only by truly experiencing hardship can we truly feel the sincerity of human beings that originally belongs to nature.

"I understand, five minutes are up, and I want to take home a mountain god." Zhao Maimai stood up and held up his hiking pole, feeling that his fighting spirit had never been stronger.

She knew very well that Zhao Fei's story not only kept her in awe, but also encouraged her.

In this way, she couldn't let Zhao Fei down.

"Don't be anxious, take your time, and keep a good breathing rhythm." Zhao Fei followed behind, tightening his backpack, with a happy smile on his face.

Under the lens of the drone, one large and one small continued to move forward along the steep and winding ridge.

As the drone slowly rose higher, they turned into two small dots, seemingly not moving much, and inconspicuous compared to the endless mountains that could be seen at a glance.

But just two such humble people want to conquer Dongda Mountain, the highest mountain among the mountains.

It seems incredible, but no one can deny their efforts.

"Lean forward, right... Remember, you have to bow when going up the mountain, and straighten when going down the mountain. When you bend the body, the center of gravity will move forward, which will reduce the gravity on the feet, thus generating inertia, which will save more effort when going up the mountain.

There is a big steep slope ahead, so be careful and take your time. "

Zhao Fei's voice kept ringing behind him.

Zhao Maimai looked at the steep slope with an angle of almost seventy degrees and a height of four to five meters in front of him. He took a deep breath and felt an impulse in his heart. He exerted force on his feet and rushed up.

"Wait, be careful..."

Zhao Maimai ran out of energy halfway through his charge, and his body fell uncontrollably. Zhao Fei's heart tightened when he saw it, and he immediately stepped forward and opened his arms.

When the person was in mid-air, Zhao Maimai's mind went blank. He thought it was over and he made a fool of himself again. He wouldn't blame me, right?
Zhao Maimai even had a premonition that he would fall to the ground and feel pain.

But the final result was that he fell into a warm embrace.

"How's it going? Did you sprain your ankle?"

"He didn't blame me and caught me...that's great!" Zhao Maimai was both happy and guilty at the same time. After all, Zhao Fei had mentioned it several times and shouldn't be anxious.

But just now she wanted to show off and try to see if she could rush forward directly.

Unexpectedly, he overestimated his own strength: "I'm sorry, I just..." "Silly girl, don't be so impulsive next time." After touching Zhao Maimai's little head, Zhao Fei took a step forward: "I'll teach you. How do you go up such a steep slope? You are watching from below.

Don't be afraid of getting dirty on such a steep hillside. If you want to go up, you have to put your whole body on it, find a leverage point with your feet, use the trekking pole as a stick with both hands, and insert it hard.

Think of yourself as a frog, climb up and move bit by bit. Never rush straight up, as that is very dangerous. "

In Zhao Maimai's eyes, Zhao Fei slowly moved up while talking. It looked neither elegant nor good-looking, but it was very practical and safe.

Even though she could only see Zhao Fei's back, she still felt that Zhao Fei was more handsome and felt more secure.

It warmed her heart and dissipated a lot of the fatigue on her body.


Zhao Maimai nodded seriously, then stepped forward to follow Zhao Fei's example, stepping on the depression he had just stepped on, and climbing up bit by bit.

"Come on Mai Mai."

"It was really thrilling just now. Fortunately, this bitch reacted quickly."

"Yes, my family comes from a rural area. When I was a child, I was just like Maimai. When encountering such a steep slope, I would take two steps back, and a rush of energy would rush upward. Everyone was happy and couldn't go home to find my mother."

The audience in the live broadcast room is also encouraging Zhao Maimai.

After a few minutes, Zhao Maimai successfully climbed the hillside with only one person's strength. Zhao Fei stepped forward, bent his index finger, and scraped the mud on the tip of the opponent's nose.

Zhao Maimai did not hide away, but due to the strenuous exercise, the color of her plateau red cheeks was obviously darker: she lowered her head and said softly: "This time, you lead the way from the front, I will follow you behind. .”

"Okay, then hang up the traction rope." Zhao Fei nodded.

The traction rope can link them together. If Zhao Maimai behind him is in danger and Zhao Fei is too late to rescue him, the traction rope is an insurance.

After all, they were already nearly halfway up the mountain, and there was still a lot of half-melted snow further up, which was wet and slippery, so Zhao Fei had to be careful.

After hanging the rope, the two simply ate some beef jerky and continued their journey.

Conditions don’t allow for cooking now.

It can only be dealt with briefly.

During the process, Zhao Maimai tugged on the traction rope and instantly felt a sense of security. After all, both sides of the ridge were very steep and it would be dangerous to slide down.

Especially whenever she was a little slower, she would be pulled forward by Zhao Fei, which could save a lot of energy.

Fortunately, Zhao Maimai has not had high reflexes until now, which shows that her physical fitness is still good, and perhaps the effect of the healthy spring water is involved.

But the next road is obviously more steep and dangerous.

During this period, not only Zhao Maimai, but also Zhao Fei had the experience of slipping. But with the traction rope, if one person falls, he will not be able to slip very far before he is pulled out by the other person.

As a result, the couple's down jackets are no longer as neat and clean as they were at the beginning, looking slightly embarrassed, but they also bring out the wild beauty of nature.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also frightened, and many people were trying to persuade them to give up if they couldn't do it, and put safety first.

But until the sun set and the two finally reached the top of the mountain, all the sounds in the live broadcast room disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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