Chapter 76 Is this really fate?

Travel No. 12 days.

Get up and wash up as usual, have breakfast, and head west.

The live broadcast room was a lot happier with Hui Hui as a friend. Pu Shu’s ordinary road was played on the car music, and even Zhao Fei, who was driving, couldn’t help but sway his body to the rhythm.

Not to mention the energetic Zhao Maimai, who grabbed Hui Hui's two front paws and swayed to the rhythm.

"I have crossed mountains and seas, and also passed through mountains and seas of people. Everything I once owned was gone like smoke in the blink of an eye. I was once disappointed and lost all direction, until I saw that ordinary is the only answer...

Brothers, get moving.

Let our ordinary road be less ordinary. "

The RV was speeding on the road. Because it hadn't been painted for several days, the body of the car looked a little dirty, but it looked more majestic, like a beast that had just burst out of the jungle and was running rampant.

None of the other private cars around dared to approach, not because they were afraid of not being able to afford the compensation, but because they just couldn't do it.

After the song ended, Zhao Fei thought for a while and said: "Brothers, our next stop is Ranwu Lake, which is surrounded by three snow-capped mountains. There are many legends about it from ancient times to the present."

"Tell me what the legend is?" After hearing Zhao Fei speak, Zhao Maimai also became interested. She likes to hear Zhao Fei tell some legends about small places, not to mention that it can increase her knowledge.

What Zhao Fei said was also very interesting.

Zhao Fei smiled and continued to introduce: "Ranwu Lake is the source of the famous Parung Zangbo River. In fact, it was also a river.

Legend has it that a long time ago, there lived three sacred cows in the upper reaches of the Parlung Zangbo River, one of which was a yellow cow, a green cow, and a buffalo.

They are so powerful that they refuse to obey anyone and fight every day.

One day when they were wrestling, the horns of the cows became entangled, and one of the cows had to back off in order to separate.

The scalper was honest and upright, and was the first to ask the buffalo to step back into the water first, and not to set foot on the land again in the future.

The buffalo was naturally unwilling. Even though he was good at water, he was very aggressive. Not only did he not give in, he also made fun of the green cow and the yellow cow. Two landlubbers bullied him in the water.

Upon hearing this, the taciturn Green Ox said nothing, but in order to express his position, he kicked the Yellow Ox aside, proving that they were not the same group.

Now the scalper was also angry and stopped mentioning the temporary setback.

Countless years of fighting have left the three cows without any basis for cooperation. In addition, although their tempers are slightly different, they are similar in one aspect.

That's '犊'!
As a result, none of the three cows wanted to give in.

In this way, autumn turned to winter, and I don’t know how many springs and autumns passed. The strength of the three cows gradually ran out, but they still had no intention of retreating.

A pair of big lantern-like eyes stared at the other two.

Even though their stomachs were empty and even standing was a torment, they still refused to take a step back. It all depended on who couldn't hold on first. The one who could stand at the end was the winner. "

When he said this, Zhao Fei paused and turned to look at Zhao Maimai, who was deep in thought: "After hearing the beginning, you can probably think of the ending, right?"

Zhao Maimai nodded lightly and squeezed Huihui's little paws: "All three cows should be dead, right? The moral of this story is similar to that of three monks who ran out of water."

"That's right, in the end there was no winner among the three of them. They fell to the ground at the same time, and their bodies turned into three snow mountains, and in the middle was the Ranwu Lake we were going to.

In fact, this story sounds very mysterious, but it is also based on facts.

Because Ranwu Lake is located right in the middle of the Himalayas, Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains and Hengduan Mountains, the crustal movement causes the three snow-capped mountains to continuously squeeze into the middle.The nearby mountains collapsed and rocks fell, blocking the river channel, thus forming a long and narrow barrier lake from the original river channel, which is similar to the story of the three cows. "

"It's pretty amazing."

After hearing this, Zhao Maimai was also surprised and said with a smile: "So, one day in the future, Ranwu Lake may completely disappear, or even turn into a new snow mountain.

The fish bones that were once at the bottom of the lake turned into fossils for future humans to pick up, and then..."

"Haha, my Mai Mai's imagination is also okay."

"That makes sense. One day in the future, Ranwu Lake may really disappear, so if you don't go there, you won't be able to see it."

“When I was young, my teacher said that the triangle shape is the most stable and is often used in architecture. But when I grow up, I realize that the friendship between three people is the most fragile.

Maybe three brothers, three best friends.

Or two men and one woman, two women and one man... tsk tsk, it's a bit confusing. "

Seeing the following barrage, Zhao Maimai agreed very much, and became more and more convinced that no more people could be added to this trip, and the current two-person world would be the best.

To avoid being like the three sacred cows, all of them died in the end.

However, some things often do not develop according to your expectations. God always seems to want to cause some trouble for you, making your life stumbling and never going smoothly.

This is the same for Zhao Maimai.

Just as the two were driving to Ranwu Lake, Liu Yifei and Wang Xiaoli also came to the nearby Ranwu Town.

However, there is no airport in Wuzhen. They landed in Qamdo last night and came here by chartered car. During this period, Wang Xiaoli secretly checked Zhao Fei's live broadcast room more than once.

It was discovered that Huihui had successfully penetrated inside, and Zhao Fei was also heading towards Ranwu Lake.

Secretly give yourself a thumbs up.

With Yang Xiaohu's lesson, he was obviously more prepared for this chance encounter with Wang Xiaoli. Instead of following Zhao Fei's itinerary, he was one step ahead and directly waited for Zhao Fei and the others at Ranwu Lake.

There was even an undercover agent placed in the live broadcast room.

It can be seen that the ginger is still old and spicy.

"Where can I find it here?" Liu Yifei looked at the small town in front of him with an ugly expression. If he wanted to find a cat in the vast sea of ​​people, he would undoubtedly be looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, along the way she also saw the unique scenery of the plateau area, the blue sky, the fresh air, and she was in a pretty good mood.

"Why are you in a hurry? Even if you can't find it, we'll just pretend we're here to play. I checked on the way and found that there's Ranwu Lake nearby. I heard it has a nice view. Do you want to go check it out?"

"Then let's go, and I'll take some photos too."

Hearing what Liu Xiaoli said, Liu Yifei also became interested. On the way, he thought that Zhao Fei's live broadcast room was also traveling here, so he opened it and took a look.

When he saw Hui Hui, his beautiful big eyes suddenly widened.

"Is this really fate?" Liu Yifei couldn't believe it, and immediately took out another mobile phone to ask the friends in the live broadcast room about Hui Hui.

Yes, as a frequent visitor to the live broadcast room, Liu Yifei has already joined several fan groups, so it is not difficult to find out about Hui Hui.

(End of this chapter)

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