China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 80 The effect of Taohuayun Capsule (2)

Chapter 80 The effect of Taohuayun Capsule (2)

"What, she didn't shake my hand just because of this, is it true?" Zhao Fei looked in disbelief, completely unable to believe that the legend turned out to be true.

Liu Yifei actually, actually...

"Oh, please keep your voice down, don't spread the word, it will have a bad impact." Zhao Maimai patted Zhao Fei on the arm and continued:

"And she wanted to take Hui Hui away because of this incident, so I want to ask your opinion. I just said that I would let them eat.

If you agree, it can be regarded as Liu Yifei's thanks for taking care of Huihui. He will cook two more dishes. If you don't agree, we will cook two less dishes! "

After hearing this, Zhao Fei thought about it and realized that Zhao Maimai wanted to have a good relationship with Liu Yifei for the sake of the live broadcast room.

But for a while, Zhao Fei still couldn't believe the facts about Liu Yifei, and felt mixed emotions and emotions in his heart.

As for Hui Hui, Zhao Fei was a little reluctant to leave, but when he thought that when they climbed Mount Everest, they would not be able to get down in a day or two.

Even if I can leave Huihui in the car, I will be afraid of accidents.

It's better to leave it to others to take care of.

With Liu Yifei's cat-loving temperament, he will definitely take good care of Hui Hui.

So Zhao Fei nodded and said: "You can let her take her away first and leave her to take care of her temporarily, but we will still have to take her back in the future."

"Well, I think so too." Zhao Maimai agreed with Zhao Fei's idea. She really liked Hui Hui, not to mention that they picked it up together.

Naturally, it cannot be given away to others easily.

You can stay at Liu Yifei's house first and then take her back after the trip.

After all, they are all insiders and cannot be lost.


Liu Yifei was also surprised when he learned that Huihui could stay at her house first. He hugged Zhao Maimai excitedly and lamented that this trip was not in vain.

So Liu Yifei didn't let Zhao Maimai examine Huihui. However, Wuzhen was too small and didn't look very professional. It wouldn't be too late for her to check Huihui again after she returned to Longcheng.

On the way, Liu Yifei, who had calmed down, also felt that something was wrong when he faced Zhao Fei.

In the past, she had always resisted any man she met, no matter who he was, but she didn't even dislike shaking hands. How come it was just the opposite when she met Zhao Fei?
Just because he is handsome and has a good temperament?
No, when I watched his live broadcast before, I was just interested. I was not so exaggerated that I even forgot to reach out after meeting him.

Did he really fall in love with Zhao Fei?

Liu Yifei has never experienced it and can't understand it.

But he also became more and more sure of his decision in his heart. He would leave immediately after eating. He could not stay any longer to save himself from making a fool of himself again. From now on, he would just pretend that he had never met Zhao Fei.

When he thought of this, Liu Yifei felt a lot more relaxed, and his eyes when looking at Zhao Maimai were no longer so complicated.

Even though deep down in his heart, the image of Zhao Fei smiling and stretching out his hand to say "Hello, Sister Tianxian" still appeared and disappeared, but Liu Yifei didn't intend to pay attention to it.

Anyway, we will never meet again, time will pass everything.

"Aunt Xiaoli, do you like eating meat? We can buy some mutton and let Zhao Fei make cumin mutton." I followed Zhao Fei for a long time.

Zhao Maimai, who didn't dare to eat meat before, doesn't care much about his weight anymore.

Because she did not gain weight during this period.

"It's alright, but you have to be more restrained for a while. Staying at home during this time, your face looks a lot rounder." Liu Xiaoli is very talkative and very kind to Zhao Maimai.

It's nothing like the way she acted in the car before.

It seemed that Zhao Maimai was her girl and Liu Yifei had picked her up, which made Zhao Maimai feel quite embarrassed, but she was also completely relieved of Liu Yifei, after all, who would take his mother with him when he came out to fall in love.

"Maimai, you should also eat less meat and pay attention to your figure. And Zhao Fei, how is your character? He didn't touch you during the trip, right?" Liu Xiaoli had her own little idea and wanted to inquire from the side. one time.

But before Zhao Maimai could speak, he was interrupted by Liu Yifei. Especially looking at the two people holding hands with each other, it felt very strange.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Mai Mai, don't pay attention. My mother is like this."

"It's okay. Zhao Fei is fine. Auntie is also worried about me." Zhao Maimai smiled and didn't say much.


Zhao Fei on the other side didn't know whether it was because of his bad luck or because the fish in Ranwu Lake were too smart. It took almost two hours and he only caught two small fish as big as a palm.

Not a single big fish was caught.

Seeing that Mai Mai and the others were almost back, they simply put away their fishing gear, released the small fish, and prepared all the cooking utensils and other items on the RV.

Since Hui Hui will be temporarily handed over to Liu Yifei's care, even though this is what Liu Yifei hopes for, Zhao Fei is also prepared to cook a meal with all his heart as Zhao Maimai said to thank him.

When Zhao Fei was ready, Zhao Maimai and the others also came back.

When he saw Liu Xiaoli, Zhao Fei was stunned for a moment, then politely stepped forward; "Hello, aunt."

"Hello, Zhao Fei." Liu Xiaoli smiled and stepped forward to shake hands with Zhao Fei. She looked closely at him, quite like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at him, the more satisfied she became.

"I'm causing you trouble. I happen to cook at home a lot, so I can help you out."

"No, no, Auntie, you are a guest, just sit and wait." Liu Xiaoli did not have the legendary arrogance at all, and looked very kind and polite.

Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, it was rumored that this person was not easy to get along with.

"Yes, Mom, please stop causing trouble." Liu Yifei also interrupted.

"That's right, just sit and wait. I can help Zhao Fei." Zhao Maimai took out the vegetables and other things and prepared to wash them.

Seeing this, Xiao Li also rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward.

The live broadcast room was shocked by this sudden change, the number of people increased sharply, and the barrage skyrocketed.

"What's going on? Liu Yifei's whole family is here, and he actually plans to stay for dinner. Are you planning to stay in the live broadcast room permanently?"

"Who knows, maybe Mai Mai and Liu Yifei discussed something just now, and Zhao Fei, this bitch, didn't even explain it."

"Whatever, it's enough to see the fairy sister in the live broadcast room."

At this moment, Liu Yifei also leaned in front of the mobile phone placed in front of the RV. She used to be a member of the audience in the live broadcast room, but now she was present in person. It felt quite strange.

"Hello, everyone, I am Liu Yifei."


"Sister Fairy greeted us."

"She looks so beautiful. Does the fairy sister plan to stay in the live broadcast room?"

"How did you meet Zhao Fei?"


"Don't make random guesses, we met only because of Hui Hui." Liu Yifei raised Hui Hui towards the live broadcast room, and did not hide anything, but directly stated the facts.

After all, they will know about this kind of thing sooner or later, and there is no need to hide it.

"Thank you Mai Mai for trusting me to take care of Hui Hui. If any of my fans come to the live broadcast room, please help me, support me and pay attention."

(End of this chapter)

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