China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 82: Did he fall asleep or pass out?

Chapter 82: Did he fall asleep or pass out?

"No, don't turn it off, please!"

"This piece of shit, I'm crazy... I'm fucked... I swear that if I click on this piece of shit's live broadcast room from now on, I will chop my hands, chop my hands!"

"You still tell us not to be angry? Do you want to lose face? Did you lose your mind when you said this?"

Not only Zhao Fei’s many fans were mad.

Some new viewers who came to the live broadcast room were also in disbelief.

How dare he?

That's 200 million people online. Isn't he afraid of causing public outrage and being criticized by 200 million netizens?Will you never watch his live broadcast again?
Also called Zhao Fei, where are you flying to?

A net bag is pulled down for you.

At this moment, some entertainment companies also wanted to do some live broadcasts of travel. Unexpectedly, they also had some small thoughts. Zhao Fei didn't cherish it, so they took advantage of it.

Therefore, a large number of trolls deliberately set the pace to blackmail Zhao Fei when the screen in the live broadcast room was black.

"I will never watch this trash anchor again."

"That's it, whoever sees it is stupid. If you ignore me today, I will make you regret it tomorrow. Everyone, I heard that Mango TV is also planning a live broadcast trip.

When the time comes, let’s all support it and see what happens to this piece of shit. "

"Well said, Mango TV has rich experience in variety shows, and it will definitely be more interesting than this Zhao Fei's."


Zhao Fei naturally didn't know about this.

As soon as he closed the live broadcast room, he saw Liu Xiaoli at the door, with relief in her eyes and a smile like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, which made Zhao Fei feel a little embarrassed when he got up.

"Auntie, you..."

"Thank you." Liu Xiaoli stepped forward and patted Zhao Fei on the shoulder.

As she came into contact with Zhao Fei, Liu Xiaoli became more and more satisfied with her son-in-law. He was handsome, had a good temperament, could cook, and had a good character.

This is not to take care of Liu Yifei and Zhao Maimai and prevent them from saying some wrong words and actions after drinking too much. Even the popular live broadcast room is closed.

Such a man would have nothing to do with his own girl if she were ten years younger.

"You're welcome, Auntie, this is what I should do." Zhao Fei naturally knew what the other party meant, and some things must be done slowly and steadily, and cannot be left unfinished.

If it was because they drank too much and the two women said some taboo words, he, Zhao Fei, might have taken the opportunity to become popular, but the two women were completely ruined.

"Even so, I still have to thank you. You young people should have more contact with each other in the future. My Yifei doesn't have many friends, but I think she and Mai Mai get along well."

"Don't worry, Auntie." Zhao Fei looked weird. It was really the way Liu Xiaoli looked at him that made him a little unbearable.

What else does it mean that the two girls get along well?
As a mother, do you still need to arrange a match?
Is there anything wrong.

In this way, Liu Xiaoli recommended her own girl, hoping to arouse Zhao Fei's interest.

Zhao Fei was also talking politely, and the main idea was, 'Yes, yes, everything you said is right.' But I want my Maiimai, I'm sorry, I can't stay where it's cool.

Even so, an old fox and a young fox still chatted for a long time.

Not only did they not understand what the other party meant, but after the round and round conversation ended, both parties felt quite satisfied. They both believed that the other party understood their metaphors and reached an agreement.

In fact, the two of them are completely different from each other.

Seeing the two of them walking out of the bedroom, Liu Yifei and Zhao Maimai, who had drunk too much, didn't take it seriously. On the contrary, assistant Xiao Li narrowed his eyes slightly, lowered his head and took a sip of red wine.

The two of them stayed in the bedroom for more than an hour?What did they do?
Is it true that Aunt Xiaoli arranged for her to be a matchmaker, but recommended herself?
Tsk tsk, this spring breeze is on my face, it looks like I got what I wanted.

Xiao Li thinks he has discovered the hidden truth. After all, although Liu Xiaoli is not young, she still has charm, which is especially attractive to some men with special quirks.

"Ahem, Yifei, stop drinking. It's almost six o'clock now and we have to go back." Now that she had reached an agreement with Zhao Fei, Liu Xiaoli didn't want to stay any longer.

I’m not running anymore, I’m leaving when I’m done.

You are such a real mother.

Xiao Li secretly cursed, but did not show it at all on the surface. He stood up and supported Liu Yifei: "Yes, Sister Yifei, we should go back."

"Oh, then Maimai, we agreed not to change, and we will continue next time." Liu Yifei's face was red, and he waved to Zhao Maimai.

"It's necessary." Zhao Maimai also took out his mobile phone and waved it, then stood up dazedly: "The contact information of Zhao Fei and I are all stored in your mobile phone.

Next time I will ask him to make cumin mutton so that you can eat enough. "


"in vain."

Seeing Liu Yifei leaving, Zhao Maimai couldn't hold on anymore and wanted to go back to his room to sleep. However, when he smelled the smell on his body, he couldn't stand it, so he walked into the bathroom, planning to take a bath to wake up before going to sleep.

Taking out the foldable bathtub and filling it with water, Zhao Maimai took off his clothes and jumped in.

She felt so warm and comfortable that she narrowed her eyes.

Zhao Fei sent a few people to the car and watched them drive away before returning. When he came to the RV and saw no one, he shouted: "Maimai, have you gone back to your room?"

"I'm taking a bath in the bathroom." Hearing Zhao Fei's voice, Zhao Maimai shouted loudly, as if he had exhausted all his strength and didn't want to move or speak anymore.

He tilted his head and rested it on the edge of the foldable bathtub, slowly closing his eyes.

"This girl really knows how to enjoy it."

Zhao Fei shook his head, and without saying anything else, he began to clean up the mess on the table.

Although he was a little depressed, he didn't drink too much. Whether it was a party with friends or drinking at home, people who drank too much would definitely feel uncomfortable, but lying down in bed would be a relief.

In addition to paying the bill, those who are awake also have to do the finishing work.

I don’t know who lost and who gained in the end?
However, as time passed, Zhao Fei had finished cleaning up, but Zhao Maimai had not come out yet, which made him a little confused.

"Maimai, are you done?"

Knocked on the bathroom door, but there was no response.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei frowned slightly and knocked on the door a little harder: "Maimai, did you hear me? Zhao Maimai... If you don't reply, I will go in."

Zhao Fei said so, but there was still no movement inside, which made people a little anxious. After all, the news also reported that someone fell drunk and drowned in his bathtub.

Then Zhao Fei didn't care about the difference between men and women. He took two steps back and kicked him out hard.

There was only a bang.

The door opened.

Zhao Fei didn't think much and rushed in quickly. At a glance, he saw Zhao Maimai tilting her little head and pillowing on the edge of the folding bathtub with her eyes closed. She looked so leisurely that people were furious.

"Did you fall asleep or pass out?"

(End of this chapter)

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