Chapter 85 Am I a little young?
Looking at the eye-catching pictures on WeChat, Zhao Fei wanted to take a shower again.

The key is that this is not one person, but two people.

If it weren't for his good health, Zhao Fei would probably have a nosebleed. Holding back his throb, Zhao Fei sent another message to Liu Yifei.

"What do you mean by sending these to me in the middle of the night?"

After waiting for a long time, Liu Yifei still didn't reply except that the pictures didn't stop, and even the loaded Zhao Fei's phone was a little hot.

Could it be that her phone is malfunctioning?
Wouldn't it be group hair?

When he thought of this, Zhao Fei's face suddenly stiffened, especially because the consequences were so serious. To confirm, he stood up and walked out of the room, listening carefully. There was no movement in Zhao Maimai's room.

Once familiar, twice familiar, Zhao Fei opened the door.

What he saw was a field of white flowers. Zhao Maimai was sleeping soundly while riding on the quilt. The posture was inelegant, but quite attractive.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die." He covered Zhao Maimai with the quilt with his eyes closed. Zhao Fei decided that if the Peach Blossom Luck Capsule appeared again next time, he would definitely not use it.

It's so annoying.

After being calm for a long time, Zhao Fei picked up Zhao Maimai's phone and took a look. Although it couldn't be opened due to the password, there was no WeChat message on the page.

Therefore, it is said that Liu Yifei was not sent a group message about the malfunction of his mobile phone, but was sent to him individually.

After all, Zhao Maimai also has Liu Yifei’s WeChat account.

"In other words, Liu Yifei is seducing me?"

As soon as this guess came into Zhao Fei's mind, he shook his head violently. No, something was wrong... The direction was wrong. Liu Yifei couldn't possibly like him.

So, what the hell is going on here?

Zhao Fei was confused and thought about making a call and asking?

But I finally held back. Anyway, this must have been a mistake.

Because this is not in line with Liu Yifei's character at all, and he is not such a person.

"Forget it." Zhao Fei looked at the pictures on his phone and couldn't bear to delete them. He didn't want to be tortured by them, so he simply turned off the phone, otherwise he probably wouldn't be able to sleep that night.


Travel No. 13 days.

Zhao Maimai woke up in the morning and got out of bed to go to the bathroom with sleepy eyes. But as soon as she opened the door, she felt a little cold on her body and instantly realized something was wrong.

I looked down and thought, oh my god.

What about clothes?
For a moment, Zhao Maimai's face turned pale. Without thinking, she immediately closed the door, locked it, and wrapped herself in a quilt.

The next thing that came to mind was Zhao Fei.

Did we already have it last night?

No, no, I heard it was quite uncomfortable the first time, but I didn’t seem to feel anything, just like usual.

The sheets were also very neat.

So nothing happened, so what's going on?

Zhao Maimai frowned, rubbed his sore head, and carefully thought about what happened yesterday.

I was drinking with Liu Yifei. I drank too much. I wanted to take a bath before going to bed...and then I stopped. Could it be that I forgot to change my clothes after taking a bath and went back to the room to sleep?

No, take a bath?
Could it be that he fell asleep while taking a bath, and then Zhao Fei found out that he took himself out and put him back in the bedroom?
The more he thought about it, the more Zhao Maimai felt that this was probably what happened.

When he thought that Zhao Fei might have seen him, or even touched him, his face turned red. He put on his pajamas and went to the toilet first.

I found that the bathroom door lock was indeed broken.

There was also a footprint on it, which should have been left by Zhao Fei kicking in the door, which made him more and more sure of what he was thinking.At this moment, Zhao Fei's bedroom door opened.

The two people's eyes intertwined, Zhao Fei looked a little embarrassed, and Zhao Maimai also lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Ahem, you drank too much yesterday." As soon as Zhao Fei came out, he saw Zhao Maimai checking the bathroom door lock. He naturally knew what she wanted to ask, so he took the initiative to ask.

"You didn't respond no matter how I called you, so I broke in, and then...that's what you see now."

"I, I understand." Zhao Maimai lowered his head shyly.

"When we set off and pass by Ranwuzhen later, I will buy a lock and replace it."

"No, anyway, there are only two of us in the RV anyway." Zhao Maimai thought these words carefully, and although it was a bit difficult to say, he still said it.

After all, Zhao Fei had several opportunities to do it, but he never did it.

This moved Zhao Maimai very much.

And she could feel that it wasn't that Zhao Fei didn't like her, so he didn't take action, but that he liked her but was holding back, obviously taking care of her thoughts.

This made Zhao Maimai deeply feel his weight in Zhao Fei's heart.

"That's good." Zhao Fei was slightly stunned. He also knew that the relationship between the two was just a thin layer of paper, and it all depended on how he did it.

"Then I'll cook first. What do you want to eat?"


"Then let's make two bowls of milk porridge. You drank so much wine yesterday and your stomach must be uncomfortable." Zhao Fei opened the refrigerator and took a look and took out the appropriate ingredients.

Looking at Zhao Fei's back, the corners of Zhao Maimai's mouth also raised slightly.

Go into the bathroom again and prepare to brush your teeth and wash yourself.

But he found a crack in his dental bowl. It was probably accidentally knocked off by Zhao Fei when he kicked the door yesterday. Zhao Maimai subconsciously focused on the dental bowl belonging to Zhao Fei.

Pull out the toothbrush inside, wrap it in toilet paper and put it aside.

Zhao Fei's toothbrush is a bit big, but he doesn't pay much attention to brushing his teeth. On the contrary, Zhao Maimai feels that this is the only time he brushes his teeth without being in a hurry.

After use, there are two toothbrushes inserted side by side in the tooth tub.

It looks better.

Zhao Maimai smiled sweetly, especially when he thought that Zhao Fei would notice this change when he washed up later, two blushes appeared on his face unknowingly.

"It's almost done. You eat first, and I'll wash my face and come back."

"I know." Zhao Maimai took a deep breath, applied some moisturizing cream on the mirror to make her little face look more normal, and then walked out and passed Zhao Fei.

After washing his face, Zhao Fei skillfully raised his head to pick up his toothbrush.

I didn't look carefully, but as I brushed, I felt something was wrong, because the toothbrush was a bit soft and didn't feel like my own.

When I looked up, my toothbrush was still on top.

When Zhao Fei saw a crack in Zhao Maimai's dental bowl, he thought clearly about the cause and effect, smiled bitterly, and quickly rinsed his mouth to restore everything to its original state.

Act like nothing happened.

The two of them sat opposite each other at the dining table, neither speaking. In the silent RV, the only sounds of the two of them sucking and drinking porridge were constantly heard.

When Zhao Fei lowered his head, Zhao Maimai peeked at Zhao Fei from time to time. He felt warm and sweet, but there was still a little worry in his heart.

When the milk porridge in the bowl was almost at the bottom, Zhao Maimai suddenly summoned up the courage and said in a voice as loud as a mosquito: "Zhao Fei, I... am I a little small?"

(End of this chapter)

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