Chapter 92 The wolf is here

Travel No. 14 days.

Zhao Fei rested at Uncle Tashi's house last night.

The Tibetans' requests were also recorded in a diary by the village chief, including the children's names, locations, things brought to them, etc.

Zhao Fei roughly counted and found that there were four boys in Sunlight City, and they worked in a halal restaurant called Taicheng.

The rest are younger children.

Most of them are studying in Bomi, and a few are working in Bomi, totaling more than 20 of them.

But Zhao Fei searched several times but did not find Uncle Tashi's child in the diary.

"Uncle Tashi has a wife, doesn't he? And he looks very young, so how come he doesn't have children?" Zhao Maimai was also very surprised and asked softly from the side.

"Maybe there was an accident!"

Zhao Fei took a look at the three-good student certificate that was posted on the wall. It had turned black due to too much time, and he already had some guesses in his mind.

Zhao Maimai also fell silent and said no more.

After having breakfast at Uncle Tashi's house, Zhao Fei and his wife hurried back with a lot of things tied to their bicycles. Uncle Tashi also organized a few Tibetan men to send Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei to the scenic spot.

Bicycles were also given to them to ride.

As for Zhao Fei and Zhao Maimai, they were riding on tall horses.

There were five people in the group, two horses and two bicycles. The most important thing was that they were fully equipped. In addition to a few people carrying sharp sabers, Zhao Fei even saw a half-moon shaped picture on Uncle Tashi's back. of iron bow.

Zhao Fei knew how to ride a horse in his previous life.

Now that his physical fitness has improved, he can handle it with ease even if he rides with Zhao Maimai in his arms.

But the single saddle is very narrow.

Therefore, the bodies of Zhao Fei and Zhao were so close to each other on the horse that they could not hide away even if they wanted to, giving Zhao Maimai a wonderful experience that was both novel and shy.

"Slow down, I'm afraid."

"Hold the horse's reins tightly, look forward, don't look down, you will never fall if I'm here." Zhao Fei handed the horse's reins to Zhao Maimai and taught her how to control the horse's speed by applying force slowly.

"No, no, I'm still scared." Zhao Maimai didn't dare to exert any force on the horse's reins, so Zhao Fei simply grabbed Zhao Maimai's little hand.

With a slight exertion: "Drive!"

The tall green-brown horse immediately began to move forward slowly.

"Afeila, although the scenic spot is not far away and there are few wolf activities near the village, we still have to go as quickly as possible and not stay outside too long."

Afeila is the name given to Zhao Fei by Uncle Tashi. Afei represents Zhao Fei, and 'La' means respect.

"Okay, Uncle Tashi, don't worry, I will definitely be able to keep up."

From the posture of Zhao Fei mounting his horse just now, Uncle Tashi saw Zhao Fei's physical fitness, so he was not worried. He nodded and whipped the riding whip.

"Hiss... ew."

The horse roared loudly and ran towards the outside of the village.

Two other Tibetans riding bicycles immediately followed.

"Folks, don't worry, we will definitely deliver your things." Zhao Fei waved his hand to the Tibetans at the entrance of the village and no longer hesitated.The legs squeezed the horse's belly gently, and the horse ran to the entrance of the village.

The drone suspended in mid-air also allowed the audience in the live broadcast room to see a large number of Tibetans at the entrance of the village. They put one hand on their chests and leaned forward slightly towards the direction in which Zhao Fei and the two left.

"Tashi Delek."

"At most, Devaspa shows."

"Jiji, Suosuo, Rachel Luo."

"Auspicious snowflakes turn into butter, sincere blessings are kneaded into tsampa, happiness is turned into highland barley wine, and heartfelt prayers are turned into hada. I wish you a smooth journey, Tashi Delek."

Beautiful blessings sounded behind the two of them.

As the horse speed became faster and faster, the breeze blew on Zhao Maimai's face, blowing Zhao Maimai's black hair and the hada hanging around his neck, and the fear gradually faded away.

"Woooo...hahaha." Zhao Maimai's silvery laughter gradually sounded in the live broadcast room.

However, as the horse speed increased, the bumps caused the friction between the two bodies to become more intense, especially when Zhao Fei was holding such a soft and tender little girl.

"Ahem." Zhao Fei felt even worse and wanted to move his body back, but the saddle was so big that there was nowhere to move back.

"How about you sit behind me?"

"No, no need." Zhao Maimai lowered her head. She felt the safest and most comfortable in Zhao Fei's arms.
"Okay, then just be patient, we'll be there soon."

"Yeah." Zhao Maimai nodded lightly and didn't say much, but his heart was not at all calm.

Uncle Tashi, who was leading the way, suddenly pulled the reins of the horse, and the horse instantly let out a painful neigh. The horse stopped and stirred up little spots of grass and mud.

"Uncle Tashi, what's wrong?" Zhao Fei followed and stopped next to Uncle Tashi.

Seeing Uncle Tashi's solemn face and touching the iron bow on his back with one hand, Zhao Fei instantly realized something was wrong.

"There are wolves!" Uncle Tashi said in a serious tone.

As soon as these words came out, the other two men on bicycles also stopped the car with nervous expressions, drew out the sabers from their waists, and cautiously looked around back to back.

Zhao Maimai also trembled in her heart, and couldn't help shrinking her delicate body into Zhao Fei's arms.

At a glance, there was a small hill in front of them. Although the waist-high weeds made it impossible to see what was hidden inside.

But Zhao Fei didn't doubt it either. He also drew out his machete and stood ready.

Uncle Tashi's hand on the iron bow tightened, as if he had thought of something, but when he thought of Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei beside him, he slowly loosened his grip, pulled the horse's reins and turned around: "Let's go back first."

However, just when they made some moves.

A terrifying wolf howl suddenly sounded from behind the hill, and then Zhao Fei heard something moving quickly through the weeds, gradually surrounding them.

This made Uncle Tashi pause. He immediately took off the iron bow behind him and said with a fierce expression: "Damn wolf cub, you really think we are easy to bully."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Uncle Tashi standing with an arrow, holding the bow in his left hand and pulling the string with his right hand. At the moment when there was a "click, click, click" sound, the iron bow was pulled to the full moon.

His originally gentle eyes were replaced by fierceness in an instant.

The middle finger and ring finger that were holding the string were immediately released at a certain moment, and the arrow disappeared with a whoosh.

(End of this chapter)

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