Chapter 98 It hurts to be sensible

The entrance of Bomi Experimental Primary School.

Carrying large and small bags, Zhao Fei and Zhao Maimai walked out of the RV.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was time for the children to have afternoon classes.

Standing at the door, you can vaguely hear the sound of reading aloud in the classroom. In the middle of the playground is the five-star red flag fluttering in the wind. The man outside the door looked at the RV outside and was also stunned.

He quickly came up to us: "Who are you looking for?"

"Hello, uncle, we are here to give some things to the children." Zhao Maimai directly handed over the diary containing the children's information.

The guard could understand Mandarin and glanced at the diary: "Are they all from Midui Village?"

"That's right, the parents of these children asked us to come here." Zhao Fei also explained,
Upon seeing this, the guard called the Education Office and asked them to come down and pick him up.

Soon the two saw a 40-year-old woman wearing highly myopic glasses walking over and shaking hands with Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei very politely.

"Hello, please come in."

In fact, the school has been notified that two anchors will come to deliver things today and let them entertain them well.

This is also the Qinghai-Tibet Travel Agency. In order to avoid something similar to 'Rob' from happening again, some people pay special attention to Zhao Fei's live broadcast.

Follow up in real time and make comprehensive arrangements.

That's why the soldiers at Midui Scenic Area reacted so quickly today.

Upon entering the campus, Zhao Fei and his wife first felt the overwhelming aroma of books.

The three-story teaching building with its cornices and glazed tile roof shows the unique Tibetan architectural style.

When you walk into the teaching building, you can see that on both sides of the corridor are hanging famous quotes in Tibetan and Chinese, as well as various wall charts with pictures and texts. There are also many bilingual blackboard newspapers that are updated regularly.

Everything reflects the good campus culture and educational atmosphere.

According to the records in the diary, Zhao Maimai went to each class in turn. Even if Zhao Maimai did not speak Tibetan, it would not be a big problem if there was a teacher translating on the side.

Zhao Fei was acting as a transport vehicle from behind.

"Yesterday, your mother said that you loved the beef sauce she made, so she brought you so much. You should study hard when you go back and don't let Mom down, do you understand?"

Surrounded by the teachers and Zhao Fei, the primary school students were a little shy, especially the beautiful young lady in front of them. The Tibetan child's face, already red from the plateau, was even more red.

He nodded firmly and said nothing.

He turned around and ran to his seat in the class, took out a painting and handed it to Zhao Maimai with both hands: "This is for you."

The picture is simply outlined with five-color pens.

The outline of the glacier in the upper left corner sparkles in the sun. In front of several houses at the foot of the iceberg, a little boy is walking forward with a schoolbag on his back.

"Thank you." Looking at this painting, Zhao Maimai was instantly enveloped in warmth.

Reminding me of my childhood, I grabbed a bunch of candies I bought on the road and gave them to each other.

But the little boy did not eat it himself, but distributed it to his classmates in the class.

For a moment, there was pure laughter like silver bells.

Spread throughout the campus.

"Qiao Zhu, your father said that your health is not good, so he brought you a lot of Tibetan medicine. Even so, you should pay more attention to it.

Don't catch a cold and drink cold water.

And you, these beef jerky and butter tea are carefully prepared by your mother.

As a man, you are in the same class as Qiao Zhu, so you should take good care of her and know how to share. "

"I got it, Sister Mai Mai."

"Thank you, Sister Mai and Mai." The two children looked at Zhao Mai Mai's gentle smile with tears in their eyes.

I'm so moved that I don't know how to express it.

I can only keep bowing and saying thank you.

"Don't cry, it won't look good if you cry." Zhao Maimai stretched out his hand to wipe Qiao Zhu's tears, and said without disdain: "You should also study hard.

Don't live up to adults' expectations. "

I walked through each class and met each child.

Zhao Maimai also really felt love for these Tibetan children. Bomi is a small county, but most of the children who go to school here are from remote villages.

They have no parents to look after them. Apart from eating in the canteen every month, they basically have no living expenses.
If the clothes are dirty, you have to wash them yourself.

You have to endure it when you are sick, because medical treatment costs money. Most children have no money and do not want to cause trouble to their parents. Even so, no one complains or complains about pain.

Because there are many people of the same age as them in the village who don’t even have the opportunity to go to school.

So in some ways, they are also lucky.

During this period, Zhao Maimai saw that the sole of a child's shoe had fallen off and his thumb was exposed. He had to wrap it around with tape before he could barely wear it.

It was so black and dirty that you couldn't even tell it was a pair of shoes.

Zhao Maimai asked what was going on, but the answer she got made her burst into tears.

It’s not that the child is naughty and wears out his shoes by running around, or that he is lazy and unwilling to wash them.

Just because the child only has one pair of shoes.

If they were cleaned, he would have no shoes to wear. If they were broken, he would borrow the teacher's tape and stick them on to continue maintaining them.

The most important thing, except that he was a little embarrassed in front of Zhao Maimai, the child didn't feel anything was wrong, because that's what his parents did.

This is how he was taught.

In children's perspective, there has never been a concept of throwing something away and buying a new one if it breaks.

When some clothes are broken, they are repaired and continued to be worn. If they are really no longer useful, they are given to the mother to cut and make them again so that they can be worn by younger brothers and sisters.

They have never complained about this, and they are so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

When taking the candy from Zhao Maimai's hand, a pure smile bloomed on his face.

The big clear eyes are full of happiness and joy.

Finally, amid the reluctant farewell of the children, Zhao Fei and his wife left.

But sitting in the RV, Zhao Maimai felt that she had not finished some things, and whispered: "Are we going to leave like this?"

Zhao Fei sat in the driver's seat and didn't drive. Although Zhao Maimai was taking the lead just now, he mainly played support and didn't say anything, but he saw everything and felt the same in his heart.

"How about we do something else!" As he said that, Zhao Fei had already made a decision in his heart and continued: "We just helped the children in Midui Village today.

But the children in the school are not just from Midui Village.

Let's go back and discuss it with the principal. "

"Yeah." Zhao Maimai nodded lightly, and her pretty face, which was slightly heavy, smiled instantly. She held hands with Zhao Fei, walked into the campus again, and went straight to the principal's office.

They are not very capable and have no big background, but they are only slightly famous.

It cannot change some national-level decisions.

But we can change the living environment of the children in Bomi Experimental Primary School within our ability.

(End of this chapter)

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