Chapter 105 The auction begins

The next day.

The Red Rock Auction is about to begin.

There is an endless stream of guests at Noah’s five-star hotel.

The guests attending the auction were both rich and expensive, and all kinds of luxury cars filled the parking lot.

The number of people attending the auction was the largest in the history of Red Rock Auction House.

Not only because of the exquisite items collected by Hongyan Auction House this time, but also because many people came here for the Fantasy Star Sea Stone that Lu Ming temporarily added later.

For example, except for the wealthy man from abroad, almost all the people who had contacted Xu Zixin before and were interested in buying the Dream Star Sea Stone were present.

Chairman of Tuesday Fu, a well-known domestic jewelry company.

The richest man, Mr. Wang Weimin.

Mr. William, an internationally renowned jewelry designer from China.

Representative of Dingshan Auction House.

The famous collector Wang Fengdi.

In addition, there were also many people who were later attracted by the Hongyan Auction House's publicity, and all of them were determined to get the Dream Star Sea Stone.

at this time.

The richest man, Wang Weimin, entered the auction site and took his seat.

With his assistant by his side.

But his assistant's face didn't look good.

After glancing around at the auction site, he said angrily.

"Boss, why do we have to come all the way from Kyoto?

Isn’t this too disrespectful to that person named Lu Ming?

You know, given your status, that's really...! "

The assistant's tone was very dissatisfied. He followed the richest man and was always a guest wherever he went.

I have never fallen so low before.

“We contacted his secretary before and offered a high price.

I should have been able to buy it directly!

Unexpectedly, this guy turned around and said he was going to the auction.

Isn’t this just playing tricks on us?

Just want to see everyone fight?How can he get a higher price? !
It's so tasteless. "

The assistant kept talking.

But Wang Weimin seemed very calm, as if he didn't care at all, and said calmly.

"Business talks. We are all businessmen, and I understand his approach.

If I were the owner of that giant fantasy star sea stone, I would also want to sell it for a higher price.

Since so many people want the Dream Star Sea Stone, it depends on who has the higher capital.

Now it seems that so many people want this dreamy star sea stone, which proves that our trip was not in vain. "

When Wang Weimin spoke like this, the assistants around him didn't dare to speak anymore.

But Wang Weimin continued.

"And I'm quite curious about this Lu Ming now.

As far as I know, many people have contacted him before to bid for the Fantasy Star Sea Stone.

All of them are very influential people.

Even I don't dare to offend them all.

But the man named Lu Ming actually didn't care about everyone's face and put the Dream Star Sea Stone up for auction.

Isn't he afraid of angering everyone? Everyone will attack him in groups?
This kind of courage and courage is really rare! "

As Wang Weimin spoke, he saw many familiar faces at the auction and became more interested in the auction.

at the same time.

The guests at the auction were almost here.

Wang Haobin in the background looked at the packed auction site and was very emotional.

He has managed Hongyan Auction House for more than ten years, but such a lively scene is really rare in the history of the auction house.

This made him even more concerned about this auction, and he secretly decided to make the auction go smoothly without any glitches.

At this time.

The auctioneer also came on stage.

“Welcome everyone to our Hongyan Auction, everyone can’t wait to see the exquisite products in our auction!

Then I won't talk nonsense. I will announce that the auction has officially begun.Next we invite today’s first auction item, a Qing Dynasty snuff bottle. "

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, a beautiful woman in a cheongsam pushed the mobile cart from the backstage to the live stage.

The red cloth on the car was lifted, and the first item of the auction, a Qing Dynasty snuff bottle, was placed in the glass display cabinet.

As an auctioneer, you naturally know the history of the auction items well.

Immediately, the history of the snuff bottle was introduced to the guests in detail, and the details of the snuff bottle were also displayed in various aspects, allowing the guests to feel the charm of this ancient snuff bottle.

A process down.

Many people have already become interested in this snuff bottle.

After all, those that can be included in this Hongyan Auction are all hard-won high-quality products and are of great collection value.

Soon, the bidding session began.

"The starting price for this Qing Dynasty snuff bottle is 500 million, and each increase in price will be no less than 50. The bidding begins!"

The auctioneer's voice fell.

Someone immediately started raising signs and shouting prices.

After a while, this Qing Dynasty snuff bottle was auctioned for more than 800 million yuan.

It is about 300 million higher than the auction house's estimated estimate, which is a good start.

With this good start, the atmosphere was set.


Other lots were successfully auctioned one after another.

The warm atmosphere at the scene coupled with the auctioneer's auction skills.

The prices of many lots in this auction were about 20.00% higher than the previous estimate.

at last.

Here comes the heavyweight lot of this auction.

Fantasy Star Sea Stone!
Many of the guests in the audience came just for it.

Unlike the previous lot, the Dream Star Sea Stone cannot be put on the auction stage due to its large size.

So it can only be shown through photos on the big screen.

At this time, the auctioneer also began to introduce the origin of the Dream Star Sea Stone to everyone.

"This huge rock has a very nice name, Dream Star Sea Stone.

Only two pieces have been discovered in the world so far!
It is the most beautiful material in the world..."

The auctioneer was eloquent and described the Dream Star Sea Stone as unique.

But so is the fact.

Such a large fantasy star sea stone is indeed the largest in the world.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people who wanted to get this giant fantasy star sea stone, and even came to the auction willingly after being tricked.

At this time, the auctioneer was still explaining endlessly.

But how could anyone who has intentions for the Dream Star Sea Stone not know its information?

The auctioneer kept delaying, and they could no longer hold back.

"Who doesn't know about Dream Star Sea Stone? Let's start shooting!"

As soon as the words came out.

It also attracted the support of many people.

"Yeah, who doesn't know me? Hurry up!"

"You started!"

"Hurry! I can't wait any longer!"

The people in the audience echoed one after another.

Seeing this, the auctioneer also knew that his emotions were in place, and it would be bad if he delayed it any longer.
He also said quickly.

"Okay! Since everyone is so anxious, I won't say more!

Giant fantasy star sea stone!The starting price is 50 billion!Each price increase is no less than [-] million!The bidding begins! "

"55 billion!"

"58 billion!"

"62 billion!"

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, the bidding in the audience didn't stop.

He directly shouted 62 billion!
"80 billion!"

There are actually people who directly increase the price by 18 billion!
The price has been pushed to a sky-high price of 80 billion!

(End of this chapter)

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