Chapter 107 Crazy Auction
Anyone who bids will be looked down upon by everyone.

I even felt that I was the one who arranged the auction.

In this way, the impression of the auction will become extremely bad.

As the person in charge of the auction, Wang Haobin can naturally guess what everyone is thinking.

But he didn't panic at all.

After all, I have some research on calligraphy.

A hint of the essence of the chairman's copybook can be seen.

And that is a gold sticker that even the famous calligraphy master Nan Lin is completely convinced by.

As long as there are people present who know the goods.

After reading the chairman's letter later, I will definitely not be so calm.

So Wang Haobin also secretly directed the auctioneer to conduct the auction directly.

“Seeing is believing, let’s appreciate it for yourself!”

As soon as the auctioneer said these words, there was another sigh in the audience.

As usual, the auctioneer will give an explanation before each item is auctioned.

But now they have skipped this process.

In the eyes of everyone, they became more and more certain that this was a lot put out by the auction house to flatter their own chairman.

It must have been prepared.

So many people stopped paying attention, and even turned around and whispered to the people around them.

But when the hostess actually brought the copybook to the stage for display.



"What a wonderful word...!"

A low exclamation caught everyone's attention.

Some distracted people could not help but turn their attention to the auction again.

When more people saw Lu Ming's copybook on the stage.



There were constant exclamations.

Everyone who saw Lu Ming's copybook couldn't help but exclaimed!
Because this copybook...

It’s so amazing!

"Are you kidding?! Is this written by your chairman?"

"The sense of artistic conception that comes over my face! Even a master of calligraphy cannot describe this feeling!"

"Incredible! This copybook looks like a gold copybook!"

"I'm afraid this level of calligraphy has reached its peak! None of the existing calligraphy masters can even compare to one-tenth of his level. They can only be compared to him."

for these exclamations and compliments.

Wang Haobin showed a satisfied smile, although he had already guessed that this scene would happen.

But it actually happened, and it seemed pretty cool.

Although not everyone present knows calligraphy, or their level of research on calligraphy varies.

But this does not affect their ability to appreciate the essence of this copybook.

That is the instinctive pursuit of beautiful things in human beings.

When a truly beautiful thing is placed in front of you, the desire to take it for yourself will arise from the bottom of your heart.

At this time, the scene was full of people.

The crowd spoke up.

"Is this really written by your chairman?"

"Who is the chairman of Hongyan Group?!"

"Is your chairman at the auction?"

They couldn't wait to see who the calligraphy master was who could write such gold stickers.

For these questions, Wang Haobin also appeared on the stage and answered them one by one.

"This copybook was created by our chairman Lu Ming in the calligraphy room of Noah Hotel. Many people were present at the time."

"Sorry, our chairman is not here today."


After answering, Wang Haobin also signaled the auctioneer to continue hosting the auction.

The auctioneer didn't say the starting price before he could speak.

People in the audience directly raised their placards to bid.

"Five billion!"

"Fuck, they haven't even mentioned the auction price yet! Just call out [-] million! I'll pay [-] million!"

"I will pay one billion!" "12 billion!"


"30 billion!"

Kill crazy!

The auction scene at this time was simply going crazy!

The competition was even more intense than when the Fantasy Star Sea Stone was auctioned just now!
Everyone seems to treat money as a number. As soon as they start talking, they will add up to billions and billions!

No one present now still looked as scornful as they did at the beginning.

They all seemed to be fighting for some holy object, bidding like crazy!

The previous person had just finished raising his placard and bidding, and the auctioneer didn't even have time to say anything to mobilize his emotions to attract bids.

Someone else had already offered a higher price, and the auctioneer was completely useless.

Just a few minutes.

Under these people's crazy bidding.

Lu Ming's copybook has already reached a price of 60 billion!
This directly shocked Wang Haobin and Xu Zixin, and even the guests attending the auction.

To know.

Leave aside the antiques for now.

A work by a modern calligraphy master can fetch a maximum price of RMB 4000 to [-] million.

Master Nanlin was originally one of the best.

But the bidding price for their chairman’s copybook was actually 60 billion! ?
Wang Haobin and Xu Zixin know best.

This was written casually by their chairman in less than a minute!

Who would have thought...

Is this worth 60 billion? !

This not only broke the historical high price for the works of modern calligraphy masters, but also increased by more than 30 times!

The current situation has shocked them to the point where they are not very clear-headed.

But what happened next made them even more shocked.

After the bidding price reached 60 billion, Wang Haobin and Xu Zixin thought it was over.

But unexpectedly, the bidding stopped for a while.

He actually shouted again.

It was as if I just said I was tired, took a break, drank some water and continued.

"65 billion!"

"70 billion!"



Seeing that the price is about to exceed [-] billion.

Wang Haobin and Xu Zixin's hearts seemed to have jumped into their throats, waiting for this miracle to appear with great anticipation.

But next second.

A decisive voice emerged.

"I will pay 150 million!"

As soon as the price came out, the audience was in an uproar.

The scene of crazy bidding suddenly came to a halt.

Because this person is so crazy. At this price, others are increasing the price by 50 billion, but this person actually increased the price by [-] billion at once!

Everyone turned around to look for this madman who increased the price by 50 billion at a time.

"Book Saint Wang Lao?!!"

"Damn it, Mr. Wang is here too?!"

"It turns out to be Mr. Wang! Mr. Wang also likes this copybook?! He actually offered a price of 150 billion...!"

"What kind of calligraphy sage, Mr. Wang?"

"You don't even recognize Mr. Wang, the Book Saint?!"

Wang Yizhu, said to be a descendant of the calligraphy sage Wang Xizhi, learned calligraphy since he was a child. He became famous at a young age and was proficient in all kinds of calligraphy.

Now in its seventies, its influence spreads all over the world.

Even foreigners who don't know calligraphy are obsessed with his works.

Therefore, he is revered as a modern calligrapher by people in the calligraphy circle.

But even such a person whose calligraphy skills can be said to be superb is actually bidding on Lu Ming's copybooks.

And the asking price is 150 billion!

This copybook only has four characters. On average, each character is worth more than 30 billion.

It can be said to be worth a thousand dollars!

(End of this chapter)

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