Chapter 119 Encouragement
Just when Ni Yanyan and Ni Xiaoxiao were still exchanging experiences.

Ni Yanyan's cell phone suddenly rang.

After clicking to view.

It’s Lu Ming’s information!
Ni Yanyan's eyes lit up and she couldn't wait to open the file.

Name: Lu Ming.

Age: 24.


Ni Yanyan looked at the information items on the document carefully and kept it in mind.

But when I see the next item.

Ni Yanyan was completely stunned, her face was very ugly.

only because.

Marital status: Married.

The information actually says married!

Lu Ming, the man he fell in love with!Already married? !
He is obviously still so young!
How did you get married? !
Ni Yanyan never thought this would happen.

At this time, she had no idea what to do.

Lu Ming is married, so she just gives up?

But when she thought of what happened last night and Lu Ming's face, she couldn't reconcile it.

At this moment.

Ni Xiaoxiao on the other side of the video saw Ni Yanyan not speaking for a long time, and her face was very ugly.

I couldn't help but ask: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"He and I……"

Ni Yanyan hesitated, really not knowing what to say.

Let her give up, she won't give up.

But if she doesn't give up, won't she become that kind of bad woman...?
So she didn't know what to say.

What should I do if my sister tells her to give up?
If her sister knew that she still had those thoughts, would she think she was bad?
"Sister, did something bad happen again? Tell me quickly! I'm so worried!"

Seeing that her sister kept hesitating, Ni Xiaoxiao was really anxious.

When Ni Yanyan was urged by her, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and say.

"No...I just read the news...

The man I married!"

After Ni Yanyan finished speaking, her whole body was like an eggplant beaten by frost, her head drooping.

This really worried her to death.

It was the first time I fell in love with a man. I didn’t have much experience, and yet I encountered this kind of problem of the century.

"Ah?! He's married!"

Ni Xiaoxiao on the other end of the phone was also shocked when he heard it.


Even though she claimed to have rich experience in love, she didn't know what to do or what to say to comfort her sister.

There was a short silence between the two.

Ni Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable watching her sister look so sad in the video.

My sister finally fell in love with someone. If she missed this one, she doesn’t know if there will be another one.

She also likes that her sister can find someone she likes. The two truly love each other and are sweet.

Since the other party is already married.

Then my sister is just giving up or continuing.

thought here.

Ni Xiaoxiao said: "Sister, do you really, really like that person?"


Ni Yanyan nodded seriously.

"Then are you willing to give up? Can you forget that man?"

"I'm not willing to give in, I can't..."

Hearing Ni Yanyan's answer, Ni Xiaoxiao knew what was going on.

In this case, my sister can't give up, so she can only continue to chase that man!
"elder sister!"

Ni Xiaoxiao raised her voice, trying to cheer up Ni Yanyan.

"Since you like him so much, then snatch him away!

These days, so many people are getting married and divorced! "

As soon as these words came out, the listless Ni Yanyan's heart trembled.

"Really? Is it really possible?!"

To be honest, she was actually unwilling to give up just like that.But I vaguely feel that pursuing a married man is not a good idea.

"Of course you can! No problem!"

Ni Xiaoxiao continued to fan the flames.

Although she also knew that it was not good for her to encourage her sister like this, she risked herself for her sister's happiness.

As for whether it would succeed or not, she didn't think about it.

How could she, a woman from the Ni family, fail?

"Sister, think about it.

He got married at such a young age, so he must have not thought it through before!
Maybe life after marriage is simply unsatisfactory now?

Maybe I have been quarreling with my wife all day long over trivial matters such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea!
In this case, it is for their own good if you snatch him away! "

Hearing this, Ni Yanyan nodded unconsciously.

I think what my sister said makes sense.

Lu Ming must not have thought carefully before getting married. He must have gotten married impulsively, otherwise why would he have gotten married so early.

But can she really be with Lu Ming successfully?

Ni Xiaoxiao seemed to have noticed her sister's doubts and felt that she was in love and her brain was not working well.

How could any man refuse her sister?It’s the kind that comes right to your door!
"Sister! You have to have confidence! You are so beautiful! What man doesn't like beautiful women?
Think about it, how many people have chased you since you were a child! "

When Ni Yanyan heard it, it was indeed like this.

I thought that my figure and appearance were not bad, and my family still had money.

There are countless men chasing her since childhood, but she just doesn't like them.

Maybe Lu Ming was fascinated by him the last time we met!

Thinking of this, Ni Yanyan regained her confidence.

In this way, with Ni Xiaoxiao's constant encouragement and Ni Yanyan's self-brainwashing.

Ni Yanyan has basically made up her mind!

Even if Lu Ming gets married, she will not give up!

She really wouldn't be willing to give it a try...

"Don't worry, sister, I will fully support you behind your back..."

The two sisters chatted like this for a long time.


And the male protagonist in their mouth is Lu Ming.

After saying goodbye to Ni Honghui in the evening.

Lu Ming returned to the hotel, hugged Lin Wan comfortably and fell asleep.

It wasn't until the next morning that she was woken up by Lin Wan.

"Honey, it's still early. Let's sleep a little longer."

Lu Ming looked at the time and saw that it was only after eight o'clock. He could definitely sleep again.

After all, they spend their honeymoon to be comfortable. They not only want to have fun, but also eat well and sleep soundly.

There is absolutely no need to wake up early to catch up with your schedule.

But it seemed that Lin Wan had no sleepiness at all at this time.

"Honey, I can't sleep. What was the dream I had last night?"

"What a dream."

Lu Ming yawned and held Lin Wan in his arms.

"I dreamed that you were hugging a girl."

Lu Ming couldn't help but smile after hearing this. His wife was actually jealous because she dreamed that he was with a woman.

This little vinegar jar.

However, Lu Ming quickly comforted him: "Reality and dreams are opposite.

I have a wife as beautiful as you, how can I like other rouge fans? "

Lin Wan was completely unable to resist Lu Ming's sweet words.

I burst out laughing immediately after hearing this.

"He will coax me...!"

Then he said: "I'm not jealous!

I'm worried about you...! "

"What do you mean?" Lu Ming was a little confused.

"I dreamed that a woman was in danger, and husband, you saved her!"

As soon as Lin Wan said these words, Lu Ming woke up from his daze!

(End of this chapter)

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