Chapter 121 Senior Lu, your father

Even worse.

Her mother actually asked her to bring all her roommates and friends with her!
How can this work?

Although she now accepts that her mother and Lu Ming are together, she has no problem eating with them.

But it was impossible for his roommates and friends to see Lu Ming under any circumstances.

You know, they know Lu Ming.

After all, Lu Ming was also a very famous senior in school.

Many girls will go specifically to see this campus male idol.

Now that Lu Ming became famous online, her roommate had a deeper impression of Lu Ming.

Last time, I was very curious and came to ask for some news about Lu Ming.

Although he didn't want to mention Lu Ming, he was outnumbered and finally told them some news.

If they were allowed to see Lu Ming, it would be exposed that Lu Ming was his father!

So she must not let such a thing happen.

No one can know that Lu Ming is his nominal father.

Otherwise she will really die.

"Yin Yin?"

Lin Wan on the phone saw that Lin Ruyin didn't reply for a long time, so she called out.

"Why don't you say anything, where are you?"

"Oh, I'm here."

Lin Ruyin came to her senses and said in a panic: "Mom, my roommates have all gone out.

I'll just go there by myself, and I'll introduce them to you when I get the chance. "

"Okay, come here quickly, I'll share the location with you."

Lin Wan said with a hint of regret.

She used to be busy with work and didn't have time to come to Shanghai to see Lin Ruyin, so she didn't know her roommate either.

I originally wanted to take this opportunity to get acquainted with him.

"Okay, I'll be there right away. That's it. I'll hang up first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ruyin hung up the phone.

"It's all that Lu Ming, it's all his fault!"

Lin Ruyin muttered as she changed her clothes and hurried out.


Tan's private restaurant.

Lin Ruyin looked at Lin Wan and Lu Min'en lovingly with a dissatisfied look on her face.

This made her feel like she was not here to eat but to eat dog food.

"Daughter, how have you been lately? If you encounter any difficulties, just tell your father!"

Lu Ming asked questions with a concerned look on his face. If you just listen to the tone and don't look at the face.

I really thought it was an old father caring about his daughter.

But Lin Ruyin was sitting opposite Lu Ming, and his handsome face could be seen clearly.

Although she expressed concern, looking at that handsome face was too dramatic, and she felt that Lu Ming was deliberately taking advantage of her and playing with her.

Lin Ruyin was so angry that she almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

But now, no matter how unhappy she is, she can only endure it.

Fortunately, after experiencing so many things before, her tolerance in this regard has skyrocketed.

At this time, Lin Ruyin was even more fortunate. Fortunately, she had a clear mind and did not bring her roommate.

Otherwise, if my roommate sees this, I will be really embarrassed!

Just when Lin Ruyin was complaining, she suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Lin Ruyin was so frightened that everyone shrank and lowered her head deeply.

Then carefully explore the surroundings.

Fortunately, he didn't see a familiar figure, so he took a breath and resumed his normal sitting posture.

“I must have been too nervous and misheard!

There are so many restaurants in the magical city, how could we just happen to meet them. "

Lin Ruyin comforted herself frantically in her heart.

But just when Lin Ruyin had just finished comforting herself.

A girl wearing a white T-shirt, denim shorts, and carrying a cool cross-body bag suddenly appeared behind Lin Ruyin.

"Yinyin, it's really you!"


Lin Ruyin turned around and exclaimed.

Her roommate Chu Yue!

She never expected to meet her at this time and place.

Lin Ruyin's heart suddenly tightened.She knows Lu Ming!

What should I do now... I must find a way to fool him!
Can't let Yueyue know...

At this moment, Lin Ruyin started a brainstorm.

"Who is this……?"

Lin Wan saw a girl coming to talk to her daughter. She seemed to know her, so she asked.

Lin Ruyin didn't have time to speak.

Chu Yue introduced herself first.

"Hello, I'm Yinyin's roommate, Chu Yue."

After listening to Chu Yue's introduction, Lin Wan was very happy.

She was originally regretful that her daughter's roommates did not come together, but they actually met here.

"Hello Yueyue, I am Yinyin's mother."

Lin Wan just finished introducing himself.

Chu Yue looked surprised: "Aunt Lin?!
You look so young and beautiful!I thought you were Yin Yin’s sister!

Your skin is better than ours, white, tender and shiny! "

Chu Yue said very exaggeratedly.

Lin Wan was very happy after hearing Chu Yue's praise.

Women all like to be praised for their youth and beauty, and she is no exception.

"How can I compare with young people like you?"

"Auntie, what I said is true! What products do you usually use? Can you recommend them?

Look at me, my skin is almost gone. "

Chu Yue asked sincerely.

Lin Wan was stunned.

She is naturally beautiful and rarely uses skin care products.

But with the nourishment of love, her skin is indeed much better than before.

But this is not something that can be said...

"Well... Auntie's company has a newly developed facial mask, which is very effective.

Next time, auntie will ask Yinyin to bring it to you. "

Lin Wan quickly thought of a reason to deal with it.

"New facial mask! Thank you, auntie!"

After Chu Yue said her thanks, she turned her attention to the man next to Lin Wan.

She had always felt that this man looked familiar.

But I can't remember it all the time.

During the period of communication with Lin Wan, she also kept reminiscing.

at last.

"Senior Lu?!"

"Well, do you know me?"

When Lin Ruyin heard Chu Yuewen's words, she wanted to quickly say no, she had mistaken the person.

But obviously she was not as fast as Lu Ming.

Lu Ming had immediately admitted it.

this moment.

Lin Ruyin's little face wrinkled up.

it's over...

"Yin Yin, you are actually having dinner with Senior Lu. You don't want to take us with you either. It's so boring!"

"We were asking you about Senior Lu last time."

After Lu Ming was on the hot search last time, Lin Ruyin's roommates all asked him about Lu Ming. After all, they knew that Lin Ruyin had a good relationship with Lu Ming in the past.

"Ah I…"

Lin Ruyin felt a splitting headache and really didn't know how to continue.

"If I say that I am like you, I just came to eat and passed by, and then I saw Senior Lu, so I sat down and chatted for a while.

Do you believe it? "

Lin Ruyin gave Chu Yue a smile, trying to pass the test by being cute.

But right now.

Lu Ming spoke.

"Yinyin, why do you call me Senior Lu like that? I'm your father.

My good daughter...! "

(End of this chapter)

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