Chapter 130 Threesome

Early the next morning.

As soon as Lu Ming woke up, the system notification sounded in his mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for eating soft rice. The assets gained from soft rice are +5 yuan! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host, Ruanfan’s assets have exceeded 9 million, and he will be rewarded with proficiency in stone gambling. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting an out-of-print Patek Philippe Caliber 89 watch, and the assets gained by the soft rice are +165]

[Ding, congratulations to the host, Ruanfan’s assets have exceeded 10 billion, and the reward will be 20.00% of Wanning Group’s shares. 】

[Ding, congratulations on the host's level improvement, reaching level 10, the daily cash increase has been increased to [-]%, and the god-level treasure appraisal skills will be rewarded!Please keep up the good work, host! 】

[Ding... the daily asset increase reward has arrived. 】

Lu Ming was a little surprised when he heard the system beep.

Have you reached level ten now?
But when I think about it, it seems right.

After all, the watch Lin Wan gave her this time was too precious, worth 500 million.

All of a sudden, the assets gained from his soft rice were rushed up.

After the system reached level ten, the current daily increase in cash has reached [-]%.

As soon as you wake up every day, you can get double the cash reward for free!
And this time the system also rewards two skills, treasure appraisal and stone gambling.

The skills rewarded by the system are usually very useful.

For example, his god-level cooking skills allowed him to make extremely delicious food and capture Lin Wan's appetite.

With his god-level driving skills, he is as comfortable driving a sports car as he is with perfect handling.

There are also medical skills, self-healing, etc., which are all skills that Lu Ming finds very useful.

But this time, Lu Ming didn't feel that these two skills were of much use.

Another reward is 20.00% of the shares of Wanning Group.

Lu Ming thought it was good.

Because Lin Wan's Shuangmu Group is engaged in cosmetics.

Therefore, Lu Ming usually pays more attention to such companies.

Wanning Group, he knows some information.

Mannings Group is a world-class cosmetics giant with business operations in many countries and a number of best-selling products.

Now that he has 20.00% of the shares of this cosmetics giant, he can help Lin Wan more in business in the future.

Just when Lu Ming was thinking about it.

Lin Wan's figure walked into the room.

"Husband, get up and eat!"

It turned out that Lin Wan got up earlier than Lu Ming and had already prepared breakfast.

"Honey! The doctor said you were overworked and told you to get more rest. Why are you still getting up so early to make breakfast?"

Although Lu Ming was blaming, his tone was full of concern.

"There can't be a next time!"

"How can you be tired from making breakfast?! You won't be tired. I don't know how happy I am to be able to make breakfast for my husband.

There are so many people who want to make breakfast for my husband, but only I can do it. "

Faced with Lu Ming's accusation, Lin Wan responded mischievously.

Although Lu Ming knew that Lin Wan was being nice to her, he couldn't bear it.

So she hugged Lin Wan tightly and said seriously: "Honey, I mean everything I said.

Don't be so tired in the future, I will feel bad. "

Lin Wan was deeply moved when she heard Lu Ming's heartfelt words.

"Okay, hubby, I understand what you are thinking. I will pay attention to it in the future.

Let's go eat first! "

Lin Wan said.

Lu Ming nodded, got up, washed up, and had breakfast with Lin Wan.

After breakfast, the two went out again.

They had no specific plans today, just wandering around.

After walking on the road for a while.The two of them suddenly saw a very lively place in front of them, with many people gathered around.

So I also stepped forward and followed him to have a look.

I saw it written on the poster.

"The Lucky Zone of Moss Island is holding the five-year stone gambling conference...Welcome..."

Attached is the background information and address of this stone gambling conference.

It even posted many examples of getting rich overnight, tempting those who fantasize about getting rich.

Betting on stones was still a bet in the final analysis, and Lin Wan had no interest in it.

"I thought it was something interesting, but this is it..."

Lin Wan said disappointedly.

But when Lu Ming looked at the poster, his eyes flashed with light.

I thought of the stone gambling skill that was rewarded by the system in the morning. What a coincidence?
Everything seems to have been predicted by the system.

So, Lu Ming became interested and said, "There's nothing much to do today, so why not just go join in the fun."

After hearing what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan naturally would not refuse.

Since Lu Ming wanted to go, she would definitely accompany him.

"Okay, let's go and see it together!"

Lin Wan had just finished speaking.

Suddenly a young sister who looked very innocent appeared behind them.

"Yeah, since we are all going to the Stone Gambling Conference, why not come together!"

Lu Ming and Lin Wan turned their heads to look.

When Lu Ming saw this young sister, he immediately felt that this person looked very familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere.

this is not……

The eldest lady of the Ni family, Ni Yanyan? !
He almost didn't recognize it.

Lu Ming met Ni Yanyan before at a cocktail party.

Ni Yanyan is wearing a long skirt and looks very mature and sexy.

But today, she was wearing shorts and short sleeves and looked very young and innocent, like a high school student.

The two styles changed so much, no wonder Lu Ming didn't recognize it at the first time.

At this time, Lu Ming couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

I don’t know why Ni Yanyan appears here.

What if she suddenly revealed in the next second that they had met and Lu Ming had saved her?


Just when Lu Ming was about to refuse, spending one more second with her increased the chance of being exposed.

But Lin Wan immediately agreed.

"Okay, let's go together then. Can we take our car?"

"Okay, okay! I was just worried about how to get there. Thank you!"

Ni Yanyan immediately climbed along the pole at night.

When Lu Ming saw this, he quickly whispered to Lin Wan.

"Honey, we don't know her, why are we taking her with us?"

Although Lu Ming didn't know why Ni Yanyan appeared here, and he didn't know what he was paying attention to.

But it's definitely not a good thing, so Lu Ming doesn't want to take Ni Yanyan with him at all.

Lin Wan was kind-hearted. When she heard that Ni Yanyan had no car, she wanted to help her.

"Husband, let's just send her there. She's a girl and doesn't have a car. It's quite troublesome to take public transportation."

Lin Wan had said so, and Lu Ming couldn't say anything else, so he had to acquiesce.

"She hasn't shown that she knows me yet, so nothing will happen for the time being...

Anyway, just separate from her as soon as you get there. "

Lu Ming thought to himself...

(End of this chapter)

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