Chapter 135 Husband, you are shining!

But Ni Yanyan, this little tail, actually followed behind and came out.

"Why are you still following us?"

Lu Ming looked at Ni Yanyan and said displeasedly.

Ni Yanyan saw that Lu Ming looked a bit fierce and didn't dare to talk to him.

He turned around and came to Lin Wan's side, hugged Lin Wan's arm, and said pitifully.

"Sister, where are you going to play?"

After getting along today, Lin Wan was very familiar with Ni Yanyan, so she answered directly without thinking too much.

"We went back after a casual stroll, but our plan tomorrow is to go to Sunset Snow Mountain."

When Ni Yanyan heard about Sunset Snow Mountain, she couldn't help but ask.

"Is it the legendary Sunset Snow Mountain that represents lifelong love?!"

"Yes! Sister, have you also heard of the legend of Sunset Snow Mountain?!"

Lin Wan was a little excited to see that Ni Yanyan also knew the legend of Sunset Snow Mountain.

She didn't expect that Ni Yanyan knew this legend, and it seemed that she believed in it just like her.

"Yes! I heard that as long as you go to Sunset Snow Mountain with the person you love, two people can fall in love and be together forever."

Ni Yanyan had a look of longing on her face when she said that. She also wanted to go to Sunset Snow Mountain with Lu Ming...

And it is.

Lin Wan took Lu Ming's hand and spoke to him expectantly.

"Husband, let's go to Sunset Snow Mountain tomorrow. From now on, we will love each other forever and be together forever!"

Although Lu Ming felt that this legend about the Sunset Snow Mountain was all made up and just a gimmick for tourist attractions, as long as Lin Wan wanted to go, he would naturally come with her.

"Well, we will go tomorrow. But even if there is no sunset over the snowy mountains, I will always love you and be by your side forever!"

Caught off guard, Ni Yanyan was stuffed with a mouthful of dog food, and it was the sweet and sweet kind.

But at the same time, she was also very uncomfortable mentally.

Hearing the love talks between his beloved man and other women with his own ears, and going to Sunset Snow Mountain for the rest of his life.

She is so difficult!
"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Wan saw that Ni Yanyan's face was not very good, and she quickly expressed concern.

"Sister, I'm fine, I just feel uncomfortable suddenly."

When Lin Wan heard this, she became even more concerned about her and turned to look at Lu Ming.

"Husband, my sister is not feeling well, why don't we go shopping and go back.

Take your sister back to rest. "

Seeing this, Lu Ming couldn't refuse and had no choice but to agree.


Lu Ming had no choice but to drive over.

After they got in the car, they asked Ni Yanyan.

"Which hotel are you staying at?"

"The Sea of ​​Clouds Hotel."

After Ni Yanyan reported the name of the hotel, both Lu Ming and Lin Wan were surprised to find that it was the same hotel as them.

But they all thought it was a coincidence.

"Hey, sister, you are in the same hotel as us, what a coincidence!"

"Yeah...what a coincidence...ha..."

Ni Yanyan felt a little guilty at this time.

But Lu Ming and Lin Wan also thought she was uncomfortable and weak.

After half an hour.

The three returned to the hotel.

Into the elevator.

At this time, Ni Yanyan took the initiative to press the floor button.

Then he turned around and asked: "Sister, which floor do you live on?"

"We and you are also on the sixteenth floor in January!"

Lin Wan's tone was full of disbelief.

She didn't expect that her sister, who had been playing all day today, would actually live on the same floor of the same hotel as them.

Lu Ming frowned.

I thought this was too much of a coincidence, but then I thought about it. Unkai Hotel is the best hotel on the island.

At the same time, the most expensive and best one is also on the 16th floor, in the name of Ni Yanyan, the eldest lady of the Ni family.

It doesn’t seem surprising that the most expensive and best places to stay when traveling are.

But what happened next made Lu Ming feel even more strange.I saw Ni Yanyan coming to her door.

"Tick tock." With a sound, the door opened.

Ni Yanyan actually lives next door to them? !
"Sister, brother-in-law, I'm going back to rest first."

After Ni Yanyan finished speaking, she ducked back into the room.

Lu Ming began to feel something was wrong.

Too many coincidences are often not coincidences.

Moreover, Ni Yanyan was known to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming couldn't help but suspect that Ni Yanyan was deliberately approaching them.

But what is her purpose?

For a moment, Lu Ming couldn't think of the reason why Ni Yanyan did this...

"Husband! My sister and I are so destined!"

Lin Wan's surprised voice interrupted his thoughts.

Lu Ming didn't think about it for the time being and went back to his room with Lin Wan.

Once in the door.

Lin Wan couldn't wait to hug Lu Ming and asked.

"Husband, do you have X-ray eyes?"

Lin Wan's mysterious look was very cute, as if she had discovered a great secret that she couldn't let others know.

"Why do you say that?"

Lu Ming asked dumbfounded.

“Isn’t that what’s written in those TV series and novels?

You chose the most common and smallest rough stone, and the best glass type, Imperial Green, turned out.

I see that you have always been very confident. Did you already know that there is imperial green jade in the rough stone? ! "

Seeing Lin Wan like this, Lu Ming couldn't help teasing her.

Pretending to look around, he whispered.

"Yes! This is our secret! We can't say it casually!"

This set of fake moves shocked Lin Wan.

"Ah! Husband! You really have special powers!"

"Yeah, I'm opening my X-ray eyes right now."

Lu Ming pretended to shoot at Lin Wan's body, as if he wanted to see through her.


Lin Wan was so frightened that she covered her body with her hands, and her face turned red with embarrassment.

See here.

Lu Ming laughed out loud.

"I'm just kidding, little fool! You don't have any special powers, like clairvoyance!"


Lin Wan seemed a little disappointed to hear that there was no special function.

But then he became curious about how Lu Ming did this.

Lu Ming also gave a direct explanation.

"The main thing is to judge the texture and minerals of the original stone..."

Because the skill of stone gambling proficiency rewarded by the system instilled the knowledge of stone gambling into Lu Ming's mind.

Therefore, Lu Ming is equivalent to mastering all knowledge in this area.

There is no obstacle in talking about this, and it is clear and logical.

Lin Wan also listened with great interest and absorbed this knowledge.

This is an area of ​​knowledge that she has never touched before, which makes her feel very fresh and interesting.

Lu Ming didn't stop until his mouth became dry.

"Let's talk about these for today. If you are interested, I will tell you other things later."


Lin Wan also nodded obediently.

Then he got up and poured Lu Ming a glass of water.

After that, he kept looking straight at Lu Ming, unable to take his eyes away.

When Lu Ming drank water, he couldn't help but said.

"Husband, do you know what?
You are shining!You are so handsome! "

(End of this chapter)

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