Chapter 140 Sweet Sister
By the time Lu Ming finished singing the song, Lin Wan was so moved that she burst into tears.

She threw herself into his arms: "Husband, you are so bad, you make me cry so much that I can't stop crying!"

Although she was complaining about Lu Ming, you could hear how touched and happy she was now.

After Lu Ming came down, many couples came on stage to sing, and the atmosphere was very lively.

The bar suddenly became a holy place for everyone to share the joy of love. I believe many people will remember this night.

At this time.

Suddenly a man walked up to Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

"Hello, I can see that you two are very much in love with each other. There is no better love than yours.

I wish you all the best. I have opened a B&B in Erhai. If you are free, you can come and stay. "

"it is good."

Lu Ming smiled and agreed.

Although they have already checked into the hotel, they can change their accommodation tomorrow.

In a place as beautiful as Erhai Lake, it is a pity to stay in one place. Only by changing places can you enjoy more scenery.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan sat there for a while and then left.

on the way back.

Lin Wan suddenly said: "Husband, I just heard in the bar that the sunrise at Erhai Lake is particularly beautiful, and many people are ready to watch it.

You said, should we stay up all night and wait to watch the sunrise? "

Lu Ming didn't want Lin Wan to stay up all night: "It's not good. Staying up all night is not good for your health."

"But I really want to see it. The sunrise at Erhai Lake is very famous. Everyone will see it when traveling..."

Along the way, Lin Wan chattered endlessly and talked hard.

In the end, Lu Ming agreed to her...

Since he agreed to Lin Wan, Lu Ming must make the most complete preparations.

After returning to the hotel and asking the staff, I learned that there is an excellent hilltop to watch the sunrise. Many people will set up tents there to wait for the sunrise.

After knowing this information, Lu Ming immediately bought the best tent and various tools.

Anyway, there is no shortage of money. Even if it is only used once, we must ensure that it is foolproof when they go to see the sunrise. They will not miss it when they want to use it.

In the end, we hired people to bring these things to the top of the hill, and they were responsible for installing and setting up the tent.

There was no way, Lu Ming had never done this before. If he had to do it by himself, he probably wouldn't be able to do it until dawn.

Anyway, driven by the power of banknotes, more than an hour later.

There was finally a tent belonging to Lu Ming and Lin Wan on the top of the mountain.

Lu Ming looked at this inflatable tent with one living room and one room, and was quite satisfied.

There are also moisture-proof air mattresses, sleeping bags, quilts, camping lights...etc., this set is more complete than those used by people who have been camping for a long time.

By this time, it was already past one o'clock at night.

Lin Wan was almost too sleepy to open her eyes.

When Lu Ming saw this, he quickly let her sleep.

"No, we are here to watch the sunrise. If we oversleep, it will be in vain."

Although Lin Wan was very sleepy, she still insisted on watching the sunrise.

"You go to sleep, I'll watch over you, and I'll wake you up when it's almost done."

Although Lu Ming was also a little sleepy, for the sake of his wife, he had to sacrifice himself and let her sleep while he waited.

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan happily kissed Lu Ming.

"Thank you, husband! My husband is so kind, the best in the world!"

"Am I not the best in the universe?"

Lu Ming also followed Lin Wanpi: "Okay, go to bed quickly. I'll lie down with you."

Then he and Lin Wan went into the tent, lay down on the air mattress, and covered her with a quilt.

"Why don't you sleep?"

Lu Ming saw that Lin Wan did not close her eyes, but looked at him with her big eyes blinking.

"I want to hug..."

Upon hearing this, Lu Ming held Lin Wan in his arms and coaxed her to sleep.

Lin Wan was indeed very sleepy and fell asleep soon.After a while, Lu Ming felt sleepy, and his body was a little stiff from being in such a long position.

I just wanted to get up and walk outside the tent to refresh myself and move my body.

So Lu Ming put on his thick coat and walked out of the tent gently.

Since the temperature on Erhai Lake is already low at night, and there is fog on the top of the mountain, it is still relatively cold.

After walking out of the tent, Lu Ming found that there were people at the door of many tents on the top of the mountain.

Either chatting or playing games.

It seems that most people choose not to sleep and stay up all night waiting to watch the sunrise.

Just when Lu Ming was wandering around the tent with nothing to do.

Suddenly a figure bumped into his chest.

"Ah, it hurts."

A sweet female voice came next.

Because many tents on the top of the mountain had lights on, and there weren't too many clouds tonight, Lu Ming could still see the other person's appearance.

The girl who bumped into her had a sweet appearance and voice. She looked very young, probably just after adulthood.

"Huh, why are you bumping into me!"

Lu Ming was speechless: "Little sister, I was walking slowly, but it was you who ran into me recklessly and bumped into me."

The sweet sister was originally showing her teeth and claws. Although he was the one who bumped into him, she was very hurt by the bump. She was unconvinced and wanted to refute.


But I didn't expect that when I took a closer look, I turned out to be a handsome guy.

And in such a dark place, they were alone together.

As he thought about it, his face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

"Sorry about my problem, I shouldn't have run around."

Lu Ming saw her apology and realized his mistake, and she was still a little sister.

I didn’t blame him too much.

"It's okay, I'm leaving then. Be careful."

After Lu Ming finished speaking, he turned around and left.

But unexpectedly, the sweet sister grabbed him.

"Well, it's so dark here...

It's a bit far from my tent. I don't dare to go there by myself. Can you take me there? "

Sweet sister dares to run around and come here alone, so naturally she is not afraid of the dark.

Besides, it’s not very dark on the top of the mountain.

In fact, she just wanted to find an excuse to be with Lu Ming and get to know him.

After all, this is the most handsome guy she has ever seen, if he is allowed to leave like this.

That will be a lifelong regret!
So I made up this reason.

When Lu Ming heard this, he refused without hesitation.

"Sorry, no. Go back by yourself."

So what about my sweet sister? She is not as important as my own wife.

He must protect his wife while she is sleeping in the tent. What if something happens to him if he leaves? ?

My sister was very unhappy when she heard Lu Ming refused.

"Why are you so ungentlemanly? You don't even help girls?"

Lu Ming was really too lazy to talk to her. They were just around the tent. If they were too noisy, they would disturb Lin Wan.

So he dropped a sentence: "What bullshit gentlemanly behavior is not as important as my wife."

After speaking, Lu Ming left.

The sweet sister was left alone and shocked.

This man is so young and handsome, why is he married and has a wife? ? !

(End of this chapter)

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