Chapter 143 Good wine and good food
As soon as the people around heard that the village chief woke up and spoke.

He also said quickly.

"Village Chief! You're awake!"

"how does it feel?!"

"I feel uncomfortable there!"

The villagers talked a lot.

But the village chief immediately thanked Lu Ming: "Young man, you saved me, thank you!"

Then he said to the surrounding villagers: "I'm fine, I'm much better."

After saying that, he was able to stand up with the help of a villager next to him.

When Xiaxia saw this scene, she was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat behind her back.

Just now, she originally wanted to say that she had nothing to do with Lu Ming and the others, in order to avoid the trouble caused by Lu Ming.

But he didn't expect that the village chief was really saved by Lu Ming.

Fortunately, she hadn't said anything yet, otherwise she would have offended everyone at once.

"Village chief, these are the friends I brought. They are here to participate in the bonfire party in our village."

At this time, Xiaxia came out to take credit.

When the village chief heard what Xiaxia said, he was very happy: "Welcome, welcome! As long as you don't dislike our Miao village being shabby."

"How could it be? I think this place is very special and the scenery is beautiful."

After Lin Wan praised the village, the village chief seemed very happy.

It was a rare guest to come to their village, and he was his savior, so he naturally had to entertain him well.

So he waved his hand: "Then everyone, hurry up and prepare for the bonfire party tonight!

I'm fine, no need to surround me!We must let our guests feel our sincerity! "

The village chief is very prestigious in the Miao village. When he speaks, everyone obeys and prepares for the bonfire party in the evening.

After everyone dispersed.

The village chief turned to look at Lu Ming: "It will take some time to prepare for the bonfire party. Why don't you go to my house to have a rest and wait?"

Lu Ming nodded and agreed. Originally, they were planning to find a place to rest.

Now that the village chief invites him, he will naturally not refuse.

Xiaxia on the side was so happy.

In a place like Miao Village that values ​​tradition, the village chief is a well-deserved leader with a high status.

As a member of the Miao village, she had never been invited to sit at the village chief's house.

Now I actually received an invitation because of Lu Ming.

Lu Ming and others followed the village chief and came to his home in a detour.

After the village chief's wife learned that Lu Ming had rescued the village chief, she kept thanking them, and then enthusiastically prepared tea and snacks to entertain them.

They are all things that Lu Ming and Lin Wan have never eaten before. They are very Miao characteristics and have a unique flavor.

“We are too remote and backward, and there is nothing to entertain you.

I just have some pastries that I made, I hope you like them. "

Lu Ming quickly said: "No, no, these pastries are delicious, we like them very much."

Just like that, Lu Ming and the village chief were drinking tea and chatting.

Both parties were very interested in chatting.

After chatting for a while, the village chief suddenly said to his wife: "Daughter-in-law, get ready to cook.

We must entertain our guests well today and get all the meat for me.

Liquor, just dig up the jar that I have buried in the ground for more than ten years! "

When the village chief's wife heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Big fish and meat are nothing. Even if the economy in the mountainous area is not good, they also raise their own chickens, ducks and fish, so there is no shortage of these.

The jar of wine that had been buried in the ground for more than ten years was the old man's favorite.

When his daughter got married last year, she was reluctant to take it out.

I didn’t expect that this time I would dig it out to entertain guests.

But then he thought about it and the village chief's wife also figured it out.

This young man saved his old man's life. His husband always repays his kindness.

In addition, I had a great time chatting with this young man, so it was not surprising that he was treated to good wine.Just when the village chief's wife was stunned, the village chief also urged her quickly.

"What are you thinking about? Go quickly!"

"oh oh!"

The village chief's wife finally came to her senses and turned around to prepare dinner.

Lin Wan originally wanted to go and help, but was persuaded to come back, saying that there was no reason for the guests to take action, and she was told to go back and have a good rest.

So Lin Wan had no choice but to come back and continue to rest and chat.

It didn't take long.

The village chief's wife also prepared dinner.

It was indeed very rich.

There are Miao fish in sour soup, three-color rice, stewed chicken, glutinous rice cake, bacon, etc.

All are Miao specialties.

"Brother Lu Ming, try this. It's delicious."

At the dinner table, Xiaxia started acting like a monster again. Instead of serving food to her boyfriend, she served it to Lu Ming.

At the beginning, it could be said that they were very hospitable and wanted Lu Ming to try it.

But after many times, Lu Ming couldn't stand it anymore.

"Don't pick up food for me, I have hands and feet."

With that said, Lu Ming put Xiaxia directly back into her bowl.

Seeing this, Xiaxia felt a fire in her heart. She had hands and feet. She clearly saw that when Lin Wan served him some food, Lu Ming always accepted them and ate them happily.

But when she picked up the food, it was thrown back.

But even though she was angry, she didn't dare to show it.

The village chief also noticed that something was wrong and quickly scolded her: "Don't make trouble, just eat it yourself!"

After the village chief said this, Xiaxia did not dare to do anything else.

Seeing that she finally calmed down, the village chief opened the good wine he had hidden for more than ten years and poured it for Lu Ming.

“Young man, try this wine of mine.

I personally brewed this wine more than ten years ago. It has been buried for so long, so it should be good. "

"Thank you, mayor."

Lu Ming nodded with a smile and took a sip.

Although Lu Ming doesn't usually drink much, he could tell that this wine was really good.

"Well, it is indeed a good wine!"

Although Lu Ming just gave a simple compliment, the village chief was still very happy to receive the praise and quickly served Lu Ming.

"Come here."

Lu Ming and the village chief were eating vegetables and drinking wine.

Lin Wan looked at Lu Ming tenderly and asked whether he was serving him food and wine.

Xiaxia and Aqiang on the side felt very uncomfortable.

One had just been reprimanded by the village chief, and seeing Lin Wan taking care of Lu Ming, he was so jealous that he couldn't even eat.

The one who is honest and dull can't get a word in at all, has no sense of existence, and can only keep eating to hide his embarrassment.

After the meal, Lu Ming also drank a lot.

Fortunately, he is in good physical condition. Although he doesn't drink much, he still has a good drinking capacity.

The village chief was also very happy to see this. It was rare to meet a young drinking buddy with whom he could talk.

After they were almost done eating, a voice came from outside.

"Village chief, the bonfire party is almost ready!"

The village chief went out and said a few words to the visitor, then turned back.

"Everything is ready outside, let's go out."


Lu Ming and Lin Wan nodded in agreement. They had been looking forward to the bonfire party for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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