Chapter 145 Identifying the Murderer
The village was stunned for a moment when they heard the name, but then they became even more angry!

He didn't expect that the fire was not an accident, but was even set by someone in their village!
As the village chief of the Miao village, he is also the clan leader!
In ancient times, he could be said to be the local bully of the Miao village, but now in modern society, he is also very prestigious in the village.

It was a slap in the face for him to be treated like this by the people in the village.

"Come here, find Xiaxia and capture her!"

After hearing the order, several people around the village chief went to arrest the people without saying a word.

Lin Wan was also very surprised when she heard the name Xia Xia.

Although she felt Xia Xia's ill intentions toward Lu Ming during this trip, she just thought it was because Lu Ming was too charming.

But that kind of ill-intention was clearly out of admiration for Lu Ming, not resentment.

Why did you suddenly set them on fire?
Is it because you can’t love it?Love turning into hate?
Lin Wan couldn't help but guess.

At the same time, my body couldn't help but shudder, feeling that Xia Xia was too vicious and terrifying.

Just because they can't get Lu Ming, they will be burned to death.

If Lu Ming had discovered it early, they might have been trapped in the room by the fire, and the consequences could be imagined...

In fact, Lu Ming was also confused as Lin Wan. He didn't expect Xia Xia to do such a thing.

I thought she was just a vain money digger, but she turned out to be a cruel and vicious woman!

But he did see Xia Xia's figure clearly.

Although I didn't see her setting the fire with her own hands, why did she appear here in the middle of the night?

And it can be seen that she was still in a panic when she ran away. It was obvious that she had done something bad and ran away in a hurry.

Not long after.

Xiaxia was brought over by several villagers.

"What?! Why are you arresting me?! Let me go!"

At this time, Xiaxia could only rely on her volume to cover up her guilty conscience, shouting loudly and acting like she didn't know anything.

She never imagined that she would be found to be the one who set the fire just a moment after returning.

She was obviously very careful on her way back and forth, and no one saw her at all.

Moreover, she brought Lu Ming here, and they were still "good friends". How could anyone doubt him?
The village chief looked at the struggling Xiaxia and shouted loudly.

"Don't you know the good deeds you have done? You are the one who is being arrested!"

Naturally, Xiaxia couldn't admit it and pretended to be crazy.

"Village chief, what are you talking about?! I was sleeping at home, and they suddenly caught me!
I have no idea what's going on! "

Faced with Xiaxia's sophistry, the village chief ignored it.

No one would admit this kind of thing easily, and he believed Lu Ming's words even more.

"Lu Ming has already seen that it was you who set the fire! It will not do you any good if you continue to quibble!"

Xiaxia was startled when she heard this. She didn't expect it to be so dark at that time and everyone should be sleeping.

Why was she seen by Lu Ming?

Even so, she couldn't admit it.

"Set fire?! No way! I've been sleeping at home!
He didn’t even know about this, so why did he say it was me who did it? !Where is the evidence? ! "

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding villagers fell silent, and the village chief also frowned.

Seeing this scene, Xiaxia instantly gained confidence and shouted loudly again.

"What an injustice! You have accused me so unfairly without any evidence!

Is there any more royal method?Although I am not often in the village, I am still a member of the village. You actually believe that outsiders framed me! "

I have to say that Xiaxia is still very smart, judging from the performance of the villagers.

I guessed that they had no evidence and were playing the sympathy card.

It is true that she is from the village after all, while Lu Ming and the others are outsiders.Many villagers were moved by her words, and their eyes were a little wandering. If the village chief hadn't always been very prestigious, they might have defected.

After hearing Xia Xia's words, the village chief frowned even deeper.

Although he is the village chief, he and Xiaxia are both from the Miao village.

But unlike other villagers, he was not easily moved by Xia Xia's sympathy card.

Just because Lu Ming was his savior.

Most people would be too late to hide when they encounter something like him, but Lu Ming took the risk to save him, which shows his character.

In addition, he spent this day getting along with Lu Ming.

He also saw that Lu Ming and Lin Wan were not simple characters, and there was no need to lie.

The reason for his frown was the evidence problem that Xia Xia mentioned.

Because they really had no evidence to prove that it was Xia Xia who moved her hand, Lu Ming's witnessing was not enough to be conclusive evidence.

Today is a legal society, and evidence is needed to convict a person.

It is no longer the Miao Village of the past. If it were before, as the head of the Miao Village, he could even decide life and death.

But that’s no longer possible. In the final analysis, we still need evidence.

Just when the village chief frowned.

Lu Ming, who had been silent until now, stood up and walked to Xia Xia.

Seeing Lu Ming keep approaching, Xiaxia was very frightened.

"You, what are you doing... don't come near me!"

Xiaxia struggled wildly, and the two adult men responsible for holding her down almost let her break free.

After Lu Ming walked to her, he grabbed her hand directly without any nonsense.

“When the fire first started, I smelled a strong smell of diesel.

So this fire was started with diesel fuel. If I guessed correctly, you should have diesel fuel on your hands! "

Diesel has a very obvious smell and is difficult to clean. Even if Xiaxia washes her hands immediately after returning home, she cannot wash away the smell.

When Lu Ming said this, Xiaxia suddenly tried hard to withdraw her hand.

But how could she be stronger than Lu Ming.

Even though she was twisting wildly, Lu Ming's big hands were still holding her tightly like iron pliers.

This display of guilty conscience naturally aroused everyone's suspicion, and they believed Lu Ming's statement.

The village chief stepped forward and said to the two villagers behind Xiaxia.

"Didn't you eat?! Two grown men can't hold it down?! Hold me down!"

Then he pinched Xiaxia's palm and took a look.

Sure enough, there were obvious traces of diesel on Xiaxia’s hands!
It must be that he felt too guilty after setting the fire. He forgot to wash his hands when he ran home, so he hid in bed and pretended to be asleep.

"The evidence is conclusive! What else do you have to say?!"

"I..." After the evidence was found, Xiaxia was speechless.

"Drag me down! Beat him first! Send him to the Sheriff's Department tomorrow!"

Xia Xia's behavior can be said to be an attempted arson or attempted murder. Although the village chief cannot judge on the spot, it is okay to give him a beating in the village first.

"Brother, I'm really...well, I'm sorry."

The appearance of such a person in the village simply insulted the reputation of their Miao village. The village chief also had a shameful face and kept apologizing to Lu Ming.

Therefore, the villagers in the village did not let go, and they were quite heavy-handed...

(End of this chapter)

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