Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 147 I’ve seen too many people like this

Chapter 147 I’ve seen too many people like this
Patek Philippe watches are a world-renowned luxury watch, and it is not difficult to recognize this one.

What is difficult is to recognize that this is a purely handmade product of Master Harry 30 years ago, a top-notch watch limited to [-] pieces in the world.

If the short-haired girl hadn't happened to read the information, she probably wouldn't have recognized it.

But this is enough to prove that Lu Ming is rich.

So Liu Yulin asked Lu Ming with a fake smile.

"Handsome guy, why are you traveling with such a person?"

In Liu Yulin's opinion, although Lin Wan was good-looking, she was so poorly dressed.

And Lu Ming is so handsome, and he should be rich enough to afford a Patek Philippe watch. How could he be with such a woman?
Shouldn't birds of a feather flock together, with beautiful and rich people like them?

It is very possible that Lin Wan is just a woman kept by Lu Ming.

Liu Yulin thought so.

After Lu Ming heard Liu Yulin's words, he responded directly.

"Who is this kind of person? My wife is as beautiful as a fairy, much better than the two of you who are ugly.

Moreover, they are both ugly people with bad breath and no quality. "

As soon as these words came out, the long-haired girl Liu Yulin was immediately angered.

She has been pampered since she was a child, and as long as people follow her course, no one dares to say that about her.


Liu Yulin was about to curse back, but was stopped by the short-haired girl next to her.

She saw the value of the watch on Lu Ming's hand and knew these people they couldn't afford to offend.

"Yulin, stop talking, let's go." The short-haired girl whispered.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yulin refused to listen: "Chen Tingting, what are you doing!"

After Liu Yulin put away Tingting's hand, she frowned and said, "Why should I leave? I'm not afraid of them.

Is this ship theirs?I can be wherever I want...! "

Liu Yulin kept talking nonsense, which made Chen Tingting's face turn pale.

"I know, you saw the watch on the man's hand, so what?

Who can’t afford Patek Philippe?I'll ask my dad to buy it for me when I get back! "

"You try to force Lailai again...!"

This time Lu Ming was ready not to tolerate it anymore and planned to teach the other party a lesson.

His eyes were full of cold light.

"you you……"

Liu Yulin couldn't help but feel scared when she looked at Lu Ming. Her feet were slightly weak and she felt even more awkward when speaking.

"sorry Sorry!"

Chen Tingting apologized quickly.

As he said that, he dragged Liu Yulin to leave.

"The other one hasn't apologized yet!"

Liu Yulin originally wanted to let Chen Tingting take her away so that she could leave without apologizing.

Unexpectedly, it didn't work, so I had to bow my head and admit my mistake.


After saying that, the two people ran away.

Although the two of them had apologized, Lu Ming's good mood had been ruined.

"Honey, if I had known this, we would have chartered a boat ourselves."

"It's okay. In my eyes, they are all little brats. I don't care."

Lin Wan showed a relaxed smile, and her mood seemed unaffected.

Seeing this, Lu Ming relaxed a lot. He was mainly worried that this little accident would disturb Lin Wan's interest.

After Liu Yulin and Chen Tingting escaped from the deck, they stopped at a place.

"I'm so angry! Chen Tingting! I can't stand this!"

Chen Tingting knew Liu Yulin's temper very well and quickly advised her.

"Yu Lin! Don't mess around. We can't afford to mess with that guy. The watch he has is an out-of-print Patek Philippe Caliber 89!"

"I know Patek Philippe, what about Caliber 89? It's not like I can't afford Patek Philippe!"

Liu Yulin said disdainfully.

Seeing that Liu Yulin didn't know Patek Philippe Caliber 89, Chen Tingting immediately explained.

"No! It's not that simple!
There are many Patek Philippe watches, but the Patek Philippe Caliber 89 is out of print!
There are only [-] pieces in the world's limited edition, all worth over [-] million yuan! "

As soon as Chen Tingting said these words, Liu Yulin was stunned!

At the same time, he exclaimed: “What?!”

"Are you kidding me?! Or did you admit it was wrong? A watch worth more than [-] million?!
Can anyone afford it? !How could he afford such an expensive watch at such a young age! "

Liu Yulin was shocked at first, but soon began to refute Chen Tingting's words.

She thought she had made a mistake. Lu Ming could not have brought such an expensive watch.

"Do you understand?! Such expensive out-of-print watches are for collection, who would wear them?!
Wouldn’t it be possible to lose millions or tens of millions in just a moment? ! "

As Liu Yulin spoke, she felt more and more that Chen Tingting had misunderstood.

Because in her understanding, even if her father owned a company with a market value of several billion, he would not buy a watch worth more than [-] million and still carry it on his hand.

"You're blind, you...! You're misidentifying someone, and we have to apologize and run away. It's so embarrassing."

Liu Yulin began to blame everything on Chen Tingting, as if it was all Chen Tingting's fault.

I don’t even think about it, if she hadn’t been mean-mouthed, would these things have happened?

When Chen Tingting saw Liu Yulin scolding her like this, she immediately became angry.

"Okay, forget it if you don't believe it! Don't kick the iron plate when the time comes, just blame me for not reminding you!"

After saying that, Chen Tingting turned around and left, parting ways with Liu Yulin.

Liu Yulin snorted disdainfully after hearing Chen Tingting's words, thinking that she was just too timid.

I don't feel any regret at all about Chen Tingting's departure.

Because she has never regarded Chen Tingting as her good friend. In her opinion, only valuable people deserve to be her friends.

Chen Tingting's family only has a little money, which is not as good as hers.It was just that her friends were unavailable, so she asked Chen Tingting to be her playmate.


Liu Yulin thought about what she had just experienced, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she paced fiercely.

Then he took out his cell phone and started calling people.


Before you know it, the ship has arrived at its destination.

"Honey, we're here, be careful."

Lu Ming carefully helped Lin Wan ashore and arrived on the island.

The hotel has already arranged a shuttle bus to pick up guests.

But Lu Ming and Lin Wan didn't get in the car. The pier was not very far from the hotel and they planned to take a walk there.

Walking on the asphalt road around the island, looking at the surrounding scenery of green trees, singing birds and fragrant flowers.

The two arrived at the hotel quickly.

I gave my name at the front desk, registered, and left.

But they just left.

Liu Yulin immediately ran to the front desk.

"Which room did those two people stay in just now?!"

She wanted to get Lu Ming's room numbers through the front desk.

But of course the front desk staff would not disclose the guest's privacy and refused with a smile.

"Sorry, guest information cannot be disclosed at will."

While the staff refused, there was a hint of disdain in their eyes.

Because Lu Ming booked the best room in the entire hotel, he must be rich or expensive.

In her opinion, Liu Yulin just wanted to stay with such rich people, create chance encounters, and strike up conversations.

She has seen many people like this...!
(End of this chapter)

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