Chapter 154 Wild Adventures
Lu Ming took the brown paper from Lin Wan's hand and took a look.

There is indeed a vague map above, but I can't see the specific location.

Even people at home and abroad don’t know that there is a star symbol marked somewhere on it.

Is this called a treasure map?
My silly wife.

This looks like a prank drawing, not a treasure map at all.

Perhaps because of what happened with the Dream Star Sea Stone last time, Lin Wan was quite interested in digging for treasure.

So Lu Ming didn't want to hit him.

"Really? My wife is awesome. Let's buy it and dig for treasure again when we have the chance."

Of course Lu Ming would be happy to spend 3 to [-] yuan if it could make Lin Wan happy.

"Yeah! Maybe we can dig out a big treasure!"

Lin Wan nodded fiercely and smiled widely. It was obvious that she was looking forward to the treasure.

So Lu Ming bought the things he wanted to buy soon.

Then they put it in their backpack, and they planned to continue shopping elsewhere.

But just when they left.

"ladies and gentlemen……"

A figure suddenly caught up with them and stopped them.

Lu Ming subconsciously blocked Lin Wan, and then he saw clearly.

The person who came was an elderly man, his temples were a little gray, but he looked in good spirits.

Although he was wearing casual clothes, he still had an aura and looked like an unusual person.

"Sir, don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad person."

The old man saw Lu Ming's actions and quickly explained.


Lu Ming also saw that the other party did not have any malicious intentions. He had only acted subconsciously before.

"Excuse me, old gentleman, why did you stop us?"

Lu Ming was a little confused. They didn't know this old man before, so he didn't know why he suddenly stopped them.

Facing Lu Ming's question, the old man did not respond directly, but asked.

"Are you sir and this lady here for a trip?"

"Well, this is my wife."

Hearing Lu Ming's introduction, the old man was a little surprised, but he quickly continued.

"The two of you got married at such a young age, so they must be very loving."

Lu Ming was willing to give this strange old man some time for the sake of respecting the elderly and caring for the young, but he kept making twists and turns.

Instead of answering his own question, he pried out their information.

Lu Ming became impatient.

"Thank you. If nothing happens, we'll leave first."

Lu Ming pulled Lin Wan and was about to leave. Only then did the old man become anxious.

"Etc., etc.

Forget it, let me just say it.What I'm interested in is the treasure map in your hands. "

The old man originally wanted to take advantage of the lack of information and increase the price to buy back the treasure map.

But after the observation just now, he finally figured out that these two people were both wealthy people.

And they might leave if they don't agree with each other, so I might as well just let it go.

"Treasure map?! Is there really a treasure?!"

Lin Wan immediately became interested when she heard this.

"Sir and Madam, it's not convenient to talk here. Let's find a place to talk in detail."

The old man pointed to a quiet teahouse in front of him.

"Uh, okay..."

The three of them arrived at the private room of the tea house.

First, he ordered some tea and cakes. After everything was served and the waiter left, the old man began to introduce himself.

"Let me introduce myself first.

My name is Wang Xing'an. I am an adventure treasure hunt enthusiast with some research on antiques.

I can see that sir, you are also very proficient in antiques.

The reason why I stopped you two this time is because of the treasure map in your hands. I hope we can cooperate and explore it. Maybe there will be something to gain? ! "When he heard this, Lu Ming frowned.

Even if this treasure map is real, with their worth, there is no need to take risks for this treasure map.

Sounds dodgy.

But Lin Wan didn't think so. Adventure, searching for treasures, such a cool thing, made me very excited just thinking about it.

"Hubby, that sounds like fun!"

When Lin Wan said this, she really wanted to go.

"Actually, I'm not sure if there is really a treasure, but you two are also traveling, and traveling there is not just for fun.

Wouldn't it be more interesting to follow the route of the treasure map? "

The old man continued.

After hearing this, Lu Ming relaxed his brows.

That's right, this kind of travel seems to be really interesting, there is a sense of unknown and the fun of moving towards the goal.

Moreover, this old man is a senior explorer and should know a lot about exploration. It would be good to have such a person to take him with him.

They can also experience a sense of adventure.

As for the safety issues he has been worried about, the worst thing to do is make more preparations.

When the time comes to strengthen the protection of the Xuanwu Bodyguard Group, coupled with his skills, it should not be a problem.

"Mr. Wang, your proposal is indeed a good one.

But let me say it first, we are tourism first and we will not do anything risky. "

The old man laughed loudly after hearing this.

"Of course! The little brother is overly worried. In fact, it is an adventure to hunt for treasure, but how can we ignore the danger of our lives?

To be precise, it’s more like traveling in the wild!Rather than going to these scenic spots for general travel, I prefer places with beautiful natural scenery.

And we have to prepare our RV, food, camping equipment and other things.

It's not as dangerous as you think, otherwise how could I live to be so old. "

The old man's words made both Lu Ming and Lin Wan laugh.

This little old man is quite funny.

But Lu Ming also understood.

This old man is not a professional explorer or treasure hunter.

But an old man who likes outdoor travel.

The treasure map route was probably worded to get them to join the team.

"Okay, then we agree."

Seeing Lu Ming agree, the old man was very happy.

"Then how about we make an appointment to meet and set off together?"

Lu Ming nodded.

"Okay, add your contact information. We have to prepare customized outdoor products, vehicles, outdoor equipment and so on.

Get in touch when you're ready. "

In this way, after adding contact information, both parties said goodbye.

After the old man left.

"Husband, it's an outdoor trip!"

Lin Wan was very interested in this unique trip.

"Well, then we have to put the honeymoon trip on hold and prepare our things first.

Start your honeymoon adventure again! "

"Hahahaha, go ahead!"

Lin Wan raised her fists, as if she had become an explorer.

In fact, Lu Ming is also looking forward to the next adventure.

After all, honeymooners have always traveled to famous scenic spots. Although it is also fun, those are mature commercial places, and it will be boring if you play too much.

But adventure in the wild is different. You should be able to encounter more beautiful scenery that belongs to nature’s miraculous craftsmanship.

But at the same time, the risk factor has also increased, for the sake of their safety.

They must go back and customize the best and most complete outdoor products in all aspects...

(End of this chapter)

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