Chapter 159 Bet
Because this off-road vehicle is really...

It’s ridiculously expensive!
In his opinion, an off-road vehicle is worth only 200 million at most.

Who would have thought that the off-road vehicle here is worth 500 million? !

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, he would have wanted to scold the profiteer directly.

What could he not buy for 500 million?Buying an SUV? !
But in this case, after pretending for so long, he immediately broke his skills.

"I just take out a card and swipe it without blinking."

The short-haired man forced himself to remain calm, barely allowing anyone to notice his flaw.

Everyone present, except for Lu Ming who saw through it and Lin Wan who didn't care, all believed the short-haired man's words.

But actually now the short-haired man was panicking inside.

This car costs 500 million!

His family has some money, but it's only a few hundred million in assets.

Sixty-five million, he didn't even know if his family had such a lot of liquidity.

Not to mention that he is a rich second generation with only a million dollars in his body.

Let alone this car, even buying a wheel is not enough!

The more he thought about it, the short-haired man actually wanted to find an excuse to leave.

Otherwise, if he is really asked to pay for a car later, he will be completely exposed.

But how could Lu Ming just let him go.

He was ready to squeeze the oil out of this guy hard.

So he immediately increased his efforts and used his ultimate move to ridicule.

"Who doesn't know how to brag? Okay, the waiter will give it to you, but I want to see what you want to buy and how much it will cost!

If you don't have the money, just say it first, and don't wait to embarrass yourself later. "

As soon as the words came out.

The short-haired man was forced directly to the wall.

He knew that it was impossible to escape unscathed now.

You have to spend some money to get some blood, at least to suppress Lu Ming.

Besides, as a rich second generation.

When had he ever been ridiculed like this?

After being ridiculed by the other party, he didn't respond and walked away in despair.

It wouldn't be a big deal if he came alone, but he came with a girl and was already under control.

If he doesn't fight back, what happened today will definitely spread throughout his circle the next day.

I won’t be ashamed to mess around anymore!

Therefore, the short-haired man immediately picked something on the shelf nearby.

"Damn it, such an ugly green kettle is thirty-eight thousand?!"

"This backpack costs RMB [-]? Is it more expensive than a famous brand backpack?!"

"Robbery, what is this set of 18 yuan for?"

Although the short-haired man looked calm on the outside, his heart was already bleeding.

The prices of these crappy gadgets were beyond his expectation.

After casually shopping for some goods, the short-haired man felt that his money could not be wasted and he must humiliate Lu Ming severely.

If you can also force the other party to bleed, that would be even better. You can't let him spend money in vain!

So the short-haired man came to Lu Ming arrogantly with goods worth millions in bonuses.

"Did you see it? I have proven my strength! Buying just a little bit is worth a million.

what about you?Probably just bringing a woman in for a casual walk around and not being able to afford it! "

The short-haired man said proudly, feeling that he had proven himself.

And he also slapped Lu Ming in the face.

If he is fooled and bleeds, he will be relieved.

Even if Lu Ming doesn't buy it, he will be embarrassed in front of Lin Wan.

Simply perfect!
But Lu Ming did smile contemptuously. He didn't take this kind of little trick seriously at all.

"Me? It's not that I don't want to buy it, it's mainly because there's nothing I want to buy here."

When Lu Ming spoke, he deliberately had a guilty tone. "I can't afford your things anyway... Who doesn't have 100 million?

Unless you buy this car, then I will follow you and buy one too. "

After finishing speaking, before the short-haired man could speak, he deliberately spoke before him.

“However, I see that there is no use for you to buy this car, so why don’t we just forget about it.

Don't buy it, everyone. Return the one you just selected. Everyone should stop buying it. "

Lu Ming's performance was not in vain, and the short-haired man could tell immediately that he was guilty.

I felt that Lu Ming was being harsh. He obviously had no money, so he dragged the matter into an off-road vehicle without even 100 million, in order to force himself to retreat.

Of course, he couldn't let Lu Ming go like this, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue him.

"If you don't have the money to buy it, just give up!"

Lu Ming immediately frowned and said, "Who said I have no money? I just don't have anything to buy.

How about we make a bet, you buy first and I buy next.

If I can afford it, you have to help me pay for it, that is, you pay double.

vice versa.

But if you don’t bet, our matter will just stop and don’t pursue it any further. "

The short-haired man became happy when he heard Lu Ming's words.

He concluded that Lu Ming simply couldn't afford an off-road vehicle.

In the final analysis, Lu Ming said this just to scare himself and prevent him from being generous to him.

Then he would definitely not let Lu Ming get his wish.

Instead, I wanted to make a bet with him.

Little did the short-haired man know that by thinking this way, he had completely fallen into Lu Ming's trap.

“Husband, are you trying to trick him?

He thought you paid for it, but he didn't dare to bet with him.

If he is fooled and insists on betting with you, then when you actually spend the money to buy the car, his money will be wasted. "

Lin Wan smiled and whispered in Lu Ming's ear.

Lu Ming nodded.

Even if he wanted to do this, he was sure that the short-haired man would be fooled.

Through this moment of observation, he had already seen through him.

He is just a rich second generation who has a good face, no brains, and is self-righteous.

As long as you pretend to show a hint of guilt, the short-haired man will "pursue" you stupidly, and then fall perfectly into his trap.

At this time, the short-haired man foolishly thought that Lu Ming couldn't afford this bet.

So I have to agree instead.

By then he will have made 500 million in vain!
Thinking of this, the short-haired man immediately said.

"Bet! I'll bet with you!"

While saying this, the short-haired man was still staring at Lu Ming, fearing that the fat sheep would run away.

Seeing the other party's actions, Lu Ming almost laughed.

This guy with a short haircut is too stupid.

Do you really think you can get 500 million from yourself?
He didn't even think about it, if he had money, he would have lost 500 million to himself.

If I have no money, how can I have the money to pay him back? !

This IQ is simply worrying.

Even if you don't meet yourself, if you meet a scammer in the future, you will probably be deceived again and again.

So Lu Ming no longer showed mercy and continued to fight with him.

"Ah? Really? Think about it, sixty-five million is not a small amount.

It's better not to be so casual, or forget it. "

Lu Ming's performance perfectly showed that he is guilty and has no money.

Now the short-haired man didn't want to let Lu Ming go even more.

Now he just wants to sharpen his knife and scream at Lu Ming, the fat sheep...

(End of this chapter)

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