Chapter 178

This free exchange lasted for a long time.

Enough time for participants to have initial interactions with those present.


Two figures walked out from behind the palace.

The visitor turned out to be the organizer of the mysterious banquet, Ouyang Qi, the leader of the century-old Ouyang family.

He had gray hair and was wearing a simple gray tunic suit, but he looked so imposing that no one could ignore him.

The butler in charge of greeting Mr. Wang was following behind him.

As soon as Ouyang Qi appeared, he attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone present stopped what they were doing and stopped talking, and the entire palace fell silent instantly.

"Hello everyone.

There is no need to mention the familiar old friends, but this year we also have new good friends at our banquet.

Let me introduce myself first.

I am the organizer of this banquet, Ouyang Qi.

The size of our banquet this year has increased a lot compared to last time, and I am very happy.

I am also very grateful to everyone for giving Ouyang Qi the face to come all the way to this banquet.

Our banquet will last for sixteen days. During these sixteen days, everyone can freely move around and visit.

Of course, we will also discuss an important matter during this period..."

The important thing Ouyang Qi said immediately affected the minds of countless people.

Because of this matter, the benefits are overwhelming.

The Ouyang family is actually willing to share their mining resources with others.

Many people present were stunned and thought there was something wrong with their ears.

This huge cake has knocked them unconscious.

He almost lost his ability to think and didn't consider whether he was qualified to cooperate with the Ouyang family.

Or maybe even though they understand, they still hold on to the thought of just in case they are the lucky one.

It doesn’t matter who is present anyway.

Even if there is a pit ahead, this piece of meat is enough for them to take risks.

"How could the Ouyang family be willing to open up their resources? Isn't this giving others an advantage?"

Lin Wan also frowned after hearing this, puzzled.

He whispered in Lu Ming's ear: "Is it because they are afraid of forming a monopoly and being outmaneuvered?"

Lu Ming shook his head. He knew more about the Ouyang family than Lin Wan.


As a century-old family, the Ouyang family has connections at home and abroad, and most of their resources are abroad.

This is actually very effective for the country, and no one will punish them. "

This information was collected by Lu Ming, so it was able to draw completely different conclusions from Lin Wan.

The Ouyang family doesn’t want to retreat, but they want to take a step further!
"Ouyang's move seems to have harmed his own interests, but in fact he is choosing a partner.

A partner that allows them to achieve greater benefits and a higher status.

You know, a person fighting alone is never better than two people working together.

Therefore, it will not be easy for them to choose a partner this time. They must choose someone who can help them and stand firmly on their side. "

When Lu Ming said this, Lin Wan suddenly realized.

Lu Ming really thought too deeply and carefully. These were things she had never thought of.

Because she never peeled off the cocoon and saw the essential problem, she came to a wrong conclusion.

But in fact, Lu Ming still had something to say.

He felt that the timing of this sixteen-day banquet was also a bit strange.

Although the matter was important, sixteen days was indeed too long.

And Ouyang Qi still let them play on the island.

So this made Lu Ming feel that something was wrong.

Or maybe the matter is too important, and they have come all the way here, so let everyone rest first.

Or perhaps, these sixteen days on the island were actually a test.

During these sixteen days, the Ouyang family should secretly observe everyone's performance.

Choose someone who meets their criteria.

But Lu Ming did not express this guess.

Because these things, just follow your heart, there is no need to show off in a special way just because you know it.He didn't want to act awkwardly with Lin Wan.

Anyway, just treat it as a tour.

Soon, as Ouyang Qi's speech ended, the meeting also ended.

Someone immediately assigned a room to them.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan were led by the waiter to their sea view room.

The people they bring will also be provided with a place to live.

In fact, most of the rooms on the island are sea view rooms, built around the coastline.

But actually their room is the best among them.

It is an independent sea view room, unlike most others that are connected together.

In this way, when Lu Ming and Lin Wan are watching the sea on the balcony, they don't have to worry about the embarrassment of meeting the people in the next room.

After settling down in the room, Lin Wan planned to take a shower and change clothes first.

Lu Ming was lying on the bed bored.

Suddenly it occurred to me that there was one more thing I had not done.

So I took out my phone and called the little secretary Xu Zixin.

"Xiao Xin, help me check the information about the Zhao family and the Sun family in Pucheng."

Lu Ming didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

Xu Zixin is also very straightforward.

"Okay Chairman, please wait a moment. I will retrieve these databases."

After a while, Xu Zixin's voice sounded again.

"Chairman, we found it. The three major families in Pucheng..."

"Send it directly to me."

Lu Ming knew that there would be a lot of information this time and planned to read it himself.

ten minutes later.

Lu Ming put down his phone. He had already taken a rough look at all the information.

I also saw information about Zhao Haifeng and Sun Li.

You can roughly analyze why these two people are so hostile to him even though they have never met him.

It turned out that the anger of not being able to defeat the Hongyan Group was put on him.

Lu Ming didn't know where they got their confidence.

Maybe it was because he was so domineering in Pucheng that he became famous after being called the three major families?

You know, the combined size of their three families is not as big as the Hongyan Group.

Just when Lu Ming was thinking.

Lin Wan came out.

"Husband, what are you thinking about?"

"It's okay, are you hungry? Let's go eat."

After Lin Wan changed her clothes, the two of them were getting ready to go out.

When the door opened, he found a person standing in front of it.

Astonishingly, it was Sun Li from the Sun family.

After he was startled by the sudden opening of the door, he immediately asked with a smile.

"What a coincidence, are you going out?"

"you are?"

Lin Wan still doesn't know who Sun Li is.

"We just arrived together."

Lin Wan then remembered that this was indeed the case.

"It's fate that we arrived together, so I thought of asking you to have dinner together.

May I? "


Lin Wan agreed without thinking too much. She came here just to make friends.

Lu Ming knew.

The other party didn't have any good intentions when they came to them at this time.

The so-called meal is just a Hongmen Banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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