Chapter 180
In Lu Ming's eyes, Zhao Haifeng's methods were too low-level.

Just like a child playing house, you can't jump into this kind of trap with your eyes closed.

If he had been the one to set up the trap, he would definitely not have laid things out so blatantly.

It's about making the other party mistakenly think that they have smelled it, and look for it, and they have to cry and beg and try their best to get into the trap.

This is the highest level of trapping.

But now, if he directly refuses, Zhao Haifeng and the others have absolutely no choice.

However, Lu Ming considered that Lin Wan was by his side.

Zhao Haifeng has now seen the situation, although it is unlikely that he will do anything in front of so many people in public.

But for safety reasons, Lu Ming still planned to lure them away.

“Haha, you shouldn’t make such a hasty decision on this kind of thing.

How about we go for a walk down there, and I'll think about it before making a decision. "

Lu Ming pointed to the mountain woods behind the restaurant. There were lush trees there and there were no specially built paths. Almost no one would go anywhere.

He wanted to lead Zhao Haifeng and others there, so naturally he had some plans in mind.

As soon as Lu Ming said these words, Zhao Haifeng suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He was worried about what to say next.

Lu Ming's words gave him some inspiration.

They accepted Lu Ming's invitation to hang out below, if Lu Ming wasn't ready to agree.

He was ready to use violence to make Lu Ming surrender.

Although the threat of violence was not an advanced method, he could not think of any other way for a while.

And he still has a little confidence in his own strength.

He has learned karate!
Dealing with Lu Ming, who looks weak and weak, is not a matter of pinching him with both hands?

So Zhao Haifeng quickly agreed.

"Okay, I happen to be full too, let's go for a walk downstairs to eat.

Mr. Lu should also think about it carefully. "

After Zhao Haifeng finished speaking, when he got up and went downstairs, he didn't forget to take the contract and other things with him.

This will be used later.

Although Lin Wangang and Sun Li didn't know the inside story when they came out, after watching the scene at the dinner table, how could they not know that they came with bad intentions.

When I heard that Lin Wan was going down with Zhao Haifeng and the others.

He reached out and grabbed Lu Ming, his eyes full of worry, and he was about to say something.

But Lu Ming patted Lin Wan's hand twice to reassure her.

"It's okay, I'll come as soon as I go. They can't do anything to me.

Just wait here for me to come back. "

Lu Ming did not deliberately avoid Sun Li when he said this.

Sun Li listened and kept sneering in her heart.

I just felt that Lu Ming was still acting stupid and didn't know what would happen next.

She and Zhao Haifeng have known each other for many years, and she can guess that Zhao Haifeng may use violent methods next.

I also know that Zhao Haifeng has some strength.

Not to mention, Zhao Haifeng and the others were two people, how could they not be able to deal with Lu Ming?
It can only be said that Sun Li and Zhao Haifeng are worthy of being the same.

Although in the eyes of outsiders he is an elite junior in the family, he really has too little experience and too few means.

I haven't learned much about business methods. At critical moments, I can only think of using violence to solve problems.

Lin Wan also felt relieved after being comforted by Lu Ming.

Since Lu Ming said he would come back safely, she believed him.

So Lu Ming also left the restaurant and followed Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di towards the forest.

Lin Wan could see Lu Ming's leisurely figure in the restaurant.

The man left, leaving only Lin Wan and Sun Li at the dinner table.

But women's war has also begun.

Although the words between the two sounded like they were just chatting about ordinary things, in fact, the words were filled with fierce exchanges.

Constantly damaging the other party or deceiving the other party's information.

A few words come and go.

Sun Li fell into the trap.

She gritted her teeth, unable to accept it.

Originally, she thought that Lin Wan was just a vase beside Lu Ming, and that as long as she used some tricks, she could crush him.But he didn't expect that Lin Wan was obviously of a higher level.

She was speechless and didn't know how to respond.

But this is nothing more than normal.

As Lin Wan was the former CEO of Bingshan, how could her methods be comparable to that of a kid like Sun Li?

at the same time.

In the forest, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were walking at the front, whispering something at the same time.

They were probably discussing how to deal with Lu Ming.

Lu Ming followed the two of them, not caring what they were secretly saying.

Because no matter what they do, there is only one ending.

Lu Ming looked up and saw that the three of them were completely enveloped by the forest, and the restaurant could not be seen from this side.

Get started right away.

He immediately took a big step and ran towards Zhao Haifeng.

Zhao Haifeng's reaction was not slow and he turned around immediately after hearing the sound.

But Lu Ming had already arrived in front of him and punched him hard in the stomach.

Let’s knock Zhao Haifeng down first.

This guy is the leader of all this. To capture the thief, capture the king first.

After knocking him down, the other guy was naturally not a problem either.

Lu Ming's punch barely retained any force, it was extremely powerful, and it hit Zhao Haifeng's abdomen.

This moment caused his entire body to bend into a bow.

His face flushed instantly.


I vomited everything I ate just now.

Fortunately, Lu Ming reacted quickly and dodged, leaving Zhao Haifeng lying on the ground screaming after vomiting, completely losing his fighting ability.

All this happened in a flash of lightning.

Before Xie Di could react, Zhao Haifeng had already been knocked down.

He backed away in fright.

But soon, his eyes lit up, as if he had hope again.

Before Lu Ming could figure it out.

Shady suddenly pounced on him.

Just as Lu Ming wanted to hide, he realized there was someone behind him.

It turned out that this guy Zhao Haifeng had recovered.

I didn't expect him to resist being beaten so hard, and he got up so quickly after being punched hard.

He also tried to cooperate with Xie Di to control himself together.

Lu Ming was once surrounded.

But Lu Ming did not panic. In this situation of being surrounded, he naturally wanted to find the easiest point to break out.

He stopped avoiding and headed straight towards Shady, like a tiger descending a mountain.

Shady has never seen this kind of posture before.

He was so frightened that he just moved away.

Lu Ming successfully broke out of the siege.

"Trash, why did you let him run out?"

When Zhao Haifeng saw this scene, he couldn't help but cursed.

Lu Ming looked at it funny.

Is there internal strife?
At this point, Lu Ming stopped playing.

I picked up a relatively hard branch on the ground, which was about the size of a rolling pin.

He directly used a move, the dog-beating stick method.

One against two.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were beaten severely.

The two of them were blocking left and right, and they really wished they had four hands.

Even so, the two of them were still beaten with bruises and swollen faces by Lu Ming...

(End of this chapter)

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