Chapter 182 Fear
Normally, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di are supported by everyone wherever they go, and they are the most dazzling handsome boys in the crowd.

Why are you so resigned to following others' tail?

But now they have no choice.

Because their lives are still in the hands of others, they are the ones who take the initiative to be Lu Ming's younger brother.

If you don't behave well, your life may be lost.

When they thought of this, the two of them looked bitter.

Especially Xie Di, he didn't know Lu Ming at all, and he had no conflicts with Lu Ming.

This time he was just dragged over by Zhao Haifeng and made a big deal with him.

He said he could get a piece of fat meat.

In a moment of greed, he joined Zhao Haifeng's plan.

So Xie Di felt in his heart that he was so wronged and that his life was in danger for no apparent reason.

When I think of the scene where Zhao Haifeng and he were patting their chests and sworn that there would be absolutely no problem and that they could handle Lu Ming's scene 100%.

Shady gritted his teeth with hatred.

I thought that if I could go home safely, I would make Zhao Haifeng look good in the future.

The two of them just followed Lu Ming with their heads bowed, and everyone who saw them could see the strangeness at this time.

"That's a member of the Zhao family in Pucheng, right? Why are you following that person so awkwardly? And he seems so obedient?"

"Yes, I know Zhao Haifeng from the Zhao family. The other one is also Xie Di from the Xie family in Pucheng. Both of them are the second generation with high ambitions. Who can make them do this?"

"Ah? Pucheng Zhao family and Xie family, the strength of these two families should not be underestimated. There are actually people who can overwhelm them."

"That person looks familiar. He seems to be someone from the top circle at the banquet. This makes sense. Are the Zhao family and the Xie family acquainted with others?"

"Hiss... You are a member of the top circle at such a young age? The Zhao family and the Xie family are lucky. With this connection, this banquet is not in vain."

After walking out of the mountains, many people saw Lu Ming and the others.

Some local people in Pucheng also recognized them and started talking about them.

Some sounds reached the ears of Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, and everyone was envious of them.

Only they know their own bitterness in their hearts.

Lu Ming also heard a lot of these words, but he didn't pay attention.

He went straight back to the restaurant and went up to the third floor.

Walked to Lin Wan's side.

"Honey, I'm back. Did you enjoy the chat?"

"It's good. I learned a lot of interesting things about Miss Sun."

Lu Ming smiled slightly after hearing this. He could tell that Sun Li couldn't beat Lin Wan.

But it is.

How could such a smart wife like him lose to a girl?

When Lu Ming and Lin Wan spoke.

Sun Li was stunned.

Looking straight at Lu Ming.

Look at him looking safe and sound.

I feel like this is different from what I thought!

When she couldn't defeat Lin Wan in words.

She was extremely looking forward to Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di's return soon.

At the same time, Lu Ming, who was beaten up by them, was also brought over.

In this way, she could take a good breath in front of Lin Wan.

He had even thought about how to show off his power in front of Lin Wan.

But now Lu Ming seems to be back intact.

And what about Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di?

Sun Li did not wonder for too long.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di have also come over.

Although the two of them tidied up before coming up, they patted the dust off their bodies to make themselves look less embarrassed.

But the injuries on their hands and faces will not heal for a while.Everyone has a bruised nose and swollen face.

Especially Zhao Haifeng, the most serious.

After the two people walked up, they were too embarrassed to say hello to Sun Li.

He just stood behind Lu Ming obediently, with his head bowed and his brows bowed. Lu Ming didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to speak or sit down.

He didn't even dare to look around.

Sun Li kept looking at them, trying to figure out what was going on.

But no one responded to her, which made her anxious.


Sun Li just spoke, and then stopped.

Her face turned pale instantly, and she understood what was going on.

Lu Ming was safe and sound, but the two of them were in such a mess.

That could only be because the two of them failed and were taught a lesson by Lu Ming.


Sun Li's eyes were wide open and she couldn't believe it.

Because Lu Ming seemed to be just a handsome man with no strength, how could he beat Zhao Haifeng, who had practiced with him!
Not to mention Xie Di, two against one, how to lose?
But the scene in front of her made her disbelief.


Sun Li's mind was racing and she thought of something wrong.

Even if Lu Ming defeated Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, he counterattacked and beat them up.

But why did Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di treat him with such respect after coming out?

It was as if he had surrendered at Lu Ming's feet.

From what she knew about the two of them, there was no way they would give in easily.

Even if they were beaten up, they would be very angry when they came out, refusing to admit defeat, and vowing to get the situation back next time.

It shouldn't be like this.

In this situation, even though Sun Li always thought that she was extremely intelligent, she couldn't figure out why this happened.

So Sun Li spoke.

"Zhao Haifeng, what's going on with you?!"

Sun Li wanted to ask Zhao Haifeng directly, but Zhao Haifeng did not answer Sun Li's question immediately after hearing it.

Instead, he glanced at Lu Ming first, but Lu Ming ignored him.

He then lowered his head and dared not make a sound.

Sun Li saw this scene and was even more shocked.

Why do you have to get Lu Ming's consent to even say something?
Lu Ming could see Sun Li's expression.

In fact, in his opinion, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were just pawns, and the most powerful one was the woman named Sun Li.

This plan should have been planned by her and then executed by Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di.

She successfully used her identity as a woman to hide herself behind the scenes and reap the benefits.

And it also made Zhao Haifeng think that he was the leader of the three.

In fact, this is not the case. It depends on the nature of the matter and who is safe and profitable in this matter.

There is no doubt that it is Sun Li.

All he had to do was deal with Lin Wan and Lu Ming as a woman to lure them out.

Then you can sit aside and let Zhao Haifeng and the others come forward to fight with you.

So Lu Ming stopped being polite to Sun Li and spoke directly.

"Are you wondering why they are like this?

In fact, it was nothing. We just had some friendly exchanges and they recognized me as their eldest brother. "

"I also know that you are the mastermind of this matter, so you said, do you want me to help you too, so that you can become like them?"

When Lu Ming said this, his aura was fully activated, and his eyes were as sharp as knives shooting at Sun Li.

Sun Li's body trembled subconsciously, and she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look at Lu Ming...

(End of this chapter)

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