Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 185 Qian Zhengye of the Qian Family

Chapter 185 Qian Zhengye of the Qian Family

Early the next morning.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan woke up one after another.

Open the balcony, the breeze is mixed with a hint of salty sea smell.

The waves crashed on the sandy pond, and several seabirds chirped in the distant sky from time to time.

Such great weather.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan walked outside for a while before going to the restaurant to eat.

Just on the way to the restaurant.

Lu Ming noticed a young man.

This man had been following them for a long time.

Lu Ming didn't pay attention at first, thinking he was just walking like them.

But after seeing this person many times.

Lu Ming realized that it was no coincidence that this person had been following them for a long time.

But tracking them.

He kept his eyes on them.


After Lu Ming and Lin Wan entered the restaurant.

The young man stopped following him, turned around and hurried to a certain place.

It's just that he doesn't know.

When he returned, there was already an extra tail behind him...

Not too far.

The young man ran to a secluded place.

There are two people waiting for him here.

It was Qian Zhengye, the Qian family of the three major families in Magic City, and his butler.

In the eyes of Zhao Haifeng and Sun Li, Qian Zhengye is just a rich second-generation playboy who has nothing to do.

But as the heir to the Qian family, there is more to him than meets the eye.

If he was really a loser, he would not become the heir to the Qian family.

The Qian family would not feel comfortable sending him to the mysterious banquet.

It can only be said that many people were fooled by Qian Zhengye's role.

Because Qian Zhengye came to the island later than many others.

So I missed a lot of things.

He had also heard about Lu Ming for a long time.

"Little money." The young man said respectfully.

"How's it going? Do you have any useful information?"

It turned out that this young man was brought by Qian Zhengye to inquire about Lu Ming's information.

"Master Qian, the man you asked me to follow went to the amusement park last night and came back very late.

They lived in room six. "

The young man told all the information he had.

Although it didn't have much effect, Qian Zhengye still spared no expense and took out a bank card.

"Here's 100 million. If you have any information in the future, I won't treat you badly."

“Thank you for the money, thank you for the money!!”

The young man did not expect Qian Zhengye to be so generous, and he was very grateful.

"Go down."

Qian Zhengye waved his hand, and the young man left obediently.

Watching the back of the young man leaving.

The housekeeper couldn't help but say.

"The family in this small place is really lonely. They have a little reputation, but the younger members of the family don't even have this little money.

I was so excited after receiving 100 million. "

Qian Zhengye smiled disdainfully.

"This 100 million is just my remaining pocket money, which is enough to send him away.

Moreover, he is so grateful to me, so he will surely tell me any information he has in the future as soon as possible. "

The housekeeper nodded, subconsciously agreeing with what Qian Zhengye said.

Although the information the young man just said was of little use, Qian Zhengye generously gave him 100 million.

Just buying people's hearts.

Maybe that person has already rushed to inquire about Lu Ming.

But the housekeeper suddenly frowned and asked.

"But Master, why are you inquiring about Lu Ming?"

After listening to the butler's words, Qian Zhengye had a look of anger on his face. "What?! Of course I have to teach him a lesson!"


The butler was shocked: "Master, aren't we going to make friends with others?
Why bother with him? He's not easy to mess with.

Looking at Zhao Haifeng, Xie Di, and Sun Li, they seem to have a bad ending. "

Although Lu Ming taught Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di a lesson in the mountains and forests, no one saw it.

But in the end, the two of them followed Lu Ming with bruises and bruises. There were many people in the restaurant.

These people are all human beings.

You can analyze some things to some extent.

But when these things happened, Qian Zhengye and his butler were not there yet.

Unexpectedly, they already knew this.

Judging from the efforts in gathering intelligence, Qian Zhengye and his team are indeed not that simple.

"Oh, those two idiots Zhao Haifeng and Sun Li, don't compare me with them.

They act like an elite all day long, and think I am a playboy who spends all his time drinking and drinking.

Little do they know, they are the clowns I am playing in the palm of my hand.

They couldn't deal with Lu Ming, but were killed instead, which only meant that they were not good enough. "

Although the housekeeper knew that his young master was not what outsiders said, he still felt that Lu Ming should not be targeted and wanted to persuade Qian Zhengye again.

"Master, even so, Lu Ming can kill Zhao Haifeng and Sun Li.

It also shows that he is not a simple character.

Let’s think about it again…after all…”

Before he finished speaking, Qian Zhengye interrupted the butler with a wave of his hand.

"I have decided not to retaliate against Lu Ming. I can't bear this tone.

Tao Bo, just wait and see. "


The butler, who was called Tao Bo, sighed.

He knew his young master's character, he was extremely stubborn, and even nine cows couldn't get him back from the decisions he made.

Moreover, he is just a butler. Although he has served the Qian family for a long time and gets some respect, he still has no say.

So I had to follow Qian Zhengye's wishes.

Qian Zhengye said nothing and looked into the distance.

He silently recited Lu Ming's name in his heart.

He has always prided himself on being smart, and the Qian family's industry has developed rapidly under his secret leadership.

People outside were completely deceived by his playboy persona, and felt that the Qian family would be lonely sooner or later.

He didn't take the Qian family seriously.

But in fact, Qian Zhengye continues to expand the Qian family's territory, waiting to show his fangs one day.

But I didn't expect that Hongyan Group would be such a stumbling block.

The Qian family and the Hongyan Group fell behind in several confrontations.

This was unacceptable to the conceited Qian Zhengye.

Ever since he knew that the chairman of Hongyan Group would come to the mysterious banquet, he had always wanted to teach Lu Ming a lesson.

Anyway, after arriving at the island, he would return to Pucheng.

No matter how powerful the Hongyan Group is, they can't touch him in Pucheng.

all of these.

They were all seen clearly by Lu Ming, who was hiding in the shadow corner.

Although they were far apart, it was hard to hear what they were saying.

But Lu Ming could roughly decipher their words through lip reading.

"Qian Zhengye of the Qian family...this guy really wants to deal with me too."

Lu Ming showed a playful smile.

He had read the information on the three major families in Pucheng, so he immediately recognized Qian Zhengye and the housekeeper beside him.

The three major families have all fought against the Hongyan Group.

Since the people of the Zhao family and the Sun family couldn't bear to attack him.

Therefore, Lu Ming also guessed that the Qian family also had malicious intentions towards him.

I didn't expect it to show up today.

However, Lu Ming also took a high look at Qian Zhengye.

This guy is much smarter than Zhao Haifeng and Sun Li.

He can't help but be good at forbearing, and he will also send people to find out information.

"Then let's have some fun with you...!"

(End of this chapter)

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