Chapter 191 How to Break the Game
While Sun Li was going through a complex psychological struggle, someone on the other side was furious.

An underground cave on the island.

This is Ouyang Qi's secret base on the island.

Ouyang Qizheng and housekeeper Wang Lichao stood on the high platform and looked at the screen.

The number of people on the screen is decreasing one by one.

Those were the people who were completely eliminated by them, and had even been recorded in their notebooks.

For example, those who competed with the pirates to betray them have been recorded one by one.

After the matter is over, Ouyang Qi will settle the scores secretly.

Those who have been favored by their Ouyang family but betrayed them will spit out their money and profits.

If you don’t cooperate, you will never cooperate with them in the future.

Although the situation was disappointing to him, his mood was in turmoil.

But he still held a glimmer of hope in his heart, because his most promising candidate, Lu Ming, had not yet been tested.

But then Lu Ming appeared.

The camera on the island captured Lu Ming leaving the restaurant without hiding his figure.

Ouyang Qi frowned.

"Turn over all the cameras around Lu Ming!"

a time.

All the cameras that could capture Lu Ming around the restaurant captured Lu Ming.

Lu Ming looked motionless on the screen.

Just standing at the door of the restaurant waiting for the pirate to find him and come towards him.

Ouyang Qi's face began to look ugly.

Because in the eyes of ordinary people, Lu Ming's behavior was either death or surrender.

And how could a person not be afraid of death and take the initiative to die?
So we can only surrender.

Ouyang Qi didn't expect Lu Ming to betray him so easily.

He just surrendered without even doing anything to save himself.

This disappointed him.

So, Ouyang Qi sighed deeply.

"Lichao, it seems we all got it wrong.

Lu Ming is just a timid person, even worse than others.

He sold me straightforwardly. Can I cooperate with him? "

When Wang Lichao heard what Ouyang Qi said, his expression didn't get any better.

After all, Lu Ming is the person he has always been optimistic about.

He used to feel that his vision of people was very accurate, and Lu Ming had given him a good feeling since arriving on the island.

But now it turns out that he was wrong.

Because Lu Ming stood up like this, other than betraying Ouyang Qi, he couldn't think of another possibility.

Just when the two of them were extremely disappointed and were about to kick Lu Ming out of the screen and exclude cooperation with him.

Lu Ming suddenly spoke.

Lu Ming was seen facing many pirates, but he showed no fear at all.

Instead, it seemed like he was occupying a high position, looking down on his men.

"You said you wanted to catch Ouyang Qi for money, right?

In this way, I will give you 100 billion, how about you kill Ouyang Qi for me?

If it's not enough, I can add more. "

As soon as the words came out.

Not only the people around the restaurant, but also Zhao Haifeng, Xie Di pirates and others were shocked.

Even Ouyang Qi and Wang Lichao in front of the screen were stunned.

Lu Ming, what does this mean?
Not only did he directly betray himself, but he even tried to bribe the pirates at a high price to kill him? !
Ouyang Qi's anger just rose.

Then I heard Lu Ming speak again.

"I, Lu Ming, have never been weaker than others in my life, how can I be a person who is willing to be small?

In my opinion, the prerequisite for cooperation is mutual respect and trust between both parties.

But you insist on doing these tricks, making us seem to be inferior to you.

Sorry about that.

Not only can we not cooperate, we may even be enemies. "

What Lu Ming said.

The pirate leader was so shocked at first that he didn't know how to answer.

After all, their boss is Ouyang Qi!
Ouyang Qi asked them to perform this scene.

Some people actually want to spend 100 billion to buy their boss's life. If it's not enough, they can add more.

Needless to say, when they first heard it, their hearts were beating fast.

I lost my ability to think for a while.I just think that 100 billion is too delicious.

If this is true...

But then they couldn't understand what Lu Ming said.

What cooperation, respect?

I do not know!
But he didn't understand that it was okay, and Lu Ming didn't mean this to him.

It was said to Ouyang Qi who was far away.

Lu Ming had already discovered it.

Since he came out, all the cameras around him have changed their direction and are filming him.

So Ouyang Qi must be looking at him at this time.


Ouyang Qi completely listened to Lu Ming's words.

He was still furious just now, but he was soon shaken.

He heard it.

Lu Ming didn't really want to spend money to buy his life.

But he is.

Said that he had seen his trick.

At the same time, he vented his dissatisfaction and thoughts.

Now the anger on Ouyang Qi's face disappeared, and instead he burst into laughter.

It turned out that he had already seen through that this was an act.

And he was threatening me, showing that he was very dissatisfied with my test. "

Ouyang Qi instead praised him.

Wang Lichao also suddenly realized and exclaimed.

"I understand.

Lu Ming didn't see through your test simply, or even through the analysis of the incident.

Also guess your personality and habits.

Through those words just now, you will realize his excellence, and you will naturally not care about his threats to you.

At the same time, we will also take the initiative to cancel this test. "

Wang Lichao's face was full of shock.

He really missed it.

It's just that Lu Ming is even better than he imagined.

It's not just as simple as he thought before, but he has terrifying wisdom that can see into people's hearts.

This kind of person can only be friends with the other party. Once he becomes an enemy, the consequences will be terrible.

What Wang Lichao could think of, Ouyang Qi could naturally think of.

“The second son is terrible.

If he is our enemy, I can't believe what will happen to the Ouyang family in the future. "

this moment.

Ouyang Qi immediately selected Lu Ming as his partner.

And I dare not treat my partners with the same contemptuous attitude as before.

Because from Lu Ming's words, he also heard the premise of cooperation with Lu Ming.

That is, partners must respect and trust each other.

Lu Ming's strength is enough to put them on an equal footing in the cooperative relationship.

Instead of treating partners as mere subordinates and lackeys like the Ouyang family did in the past.

But Ouyang Qi also has some self-esteem and pride.

Lu Ming's words to buy his life with money just now really offended him.

Although he already regarded Lu Ming as his partner in his heart, he still wanted to continue to see it.

If he hadn't appeared, how would Lu Ming have broken this situation.

At this point, he believed that Lu Ming could guess his intentions even with his intelligence.

Just a tacit understanding between really smart people.

So he didn't stop the pirate's performance.

I see.

on the screen.

Lu Ming waited for a while and found that things had not changed and Ouyang Qi did not appear.

He also guessed Ouyang Qi's plan.

A playful smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

You want to see how I can break the situation, right?

Then just watch...!
(End of this chapter)

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