Chapter 195 Mr. Wang calls

Lu Ming guessed that Ouyang Qi was acting again.

Such a big thing as giving away 30.00% of the shares of Hang Seng Group will definitely cause different opinions.

Everyone will guess why the Ouyang family would do this.

On the surface, this matter seems to be that the Ouyang family is retreating at a rapid pace, taking the initiative to withdraw from the mineral resources industry, and allowing new people to come in to help them share the pressure.

To put it simply, it is a sign of weakness.

Everyone felt that the Ouyang family was weak.

But in fact, it was not the case. Not only did the Ouyang family not become weaker because they lost some of their shares, they even became stronger because they had new allies and obtained the precious mineral veins.

If at this time the Ouyang family's sworn enemy thought that there was really something wrong with the Ouyang family, it would be easy to deal with it.

Then they would fall into the Ouyang family's trap, and they would probably be beaten by Ouyang Qi.

This game is very Ouyang Qi's style.

It’s too radical, it’s too crazy, it’s just a gamble.

Just like this test, Ouyang Qi did not hesitate to set up traps in order to find the best partner.

Taking risks and risking offending countless rich and powerful people.

And now the overall situation of giving away shares is also extremely crazy.

Ouyang Qi seemed completely unconcerned about the consequences of failure.

Once it fails, the Ouyang family will be completely defeated.

Not only were the shares given away in vain, but the mineral veins could not be obtained, and the Ouyang family would even suffer crazy attacks from their enemies and become lonely from now on.

Can be said to be.

One side of hell, one side of heaven.

It just depends on where they can lead.

Lu Ming still admires this kind of adventurous spirit.

"Mr. Ouyang, I'm starting to admire you a little."

Lu Ming folded the information in his hands and said meaningfully: "Aren't you afraid of any accidents if you do this?

You know, if any uncontrollable factors arise, your plan may be ruined, right? "

Hearing what Lu Ming said, Ouyang Qi burst out laughing.

"Hahahahaha, Lu Ming, my choice this time was not wrong.

You are my best partner, you can tell my thoughts from my words. "

Ouyang Qi was very excited.

Originally, he thought that Lu Ming would have many questions and would ask him questions.

I will also answer him one by one.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ming realized it by mistake.

With that said, Ouyang Qi directly took out the contract documents.

He said that he would not regret it and that he was confident that he would work together with Lu Ming to complete the plan.

Lu Ming took the contract and read it carefully. There was no problem.

With a wave of his hand, he signed his name.

In this way, 30.00% of the Ouyang Family Hengsheng Group's shares belong to Lu Ming.

Lin Wan was frightened when she heard the conversation between Lu Ming and Ouyang Qi.

What they said was not hidden from Lin Wan, and Lin Wan could understand what big thing they were going to do next.

Looking at Lu Ming signing, Lin Wan looked at him with eyes filled with admiration.

This is my husband.

Turning hands is a cloud, covering hands is rain.

While talking and laughing, he easily won 30.00% of the shares of Hang Seng Group.

Even without paying any price.

It's just a gift from others to win him over and cooperate with him.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Lin Wan would have really wanted to scream and rush up to give Lu Ming a passionate kiss.

After Lu Ming finished signing, he and Ouyang Qi stood up.

"Lu Ming, there are countless pairs of eyes watching from all over the Hang Seng Group.

The share transfer cannot be kept secret, so the news will be released directly by publishing news when the time comes.

You will be in the spotlight then and I suggest you organize a party as well.

I will bring some big guys to participate, how about it? "Lu Ming didn't feel pressured by what Ouyang Qi said.

Since he wanted to get this benefit, he had already thought of the next thing.

Shrugged and said.

"no problem."

He believed that with the east wind of transferring shares blowing, many big shots would be interested in the banquet he organized.

Even the sworn enemy of the Ouyang family would come to the banquet to find out.

After the matter is discussed.

Butler Wang Lichao led Lu Ming and Lin Wan out of the secret room.

"Mr. Lu, I wonder if you plan to stay on the island or leave directly?"

Lu Ming thought for a moment: "The fifteen-day vacation is not over yet."

Wang Lichao understood what he meant instantly and continued to lead the way.

Lu Ming has now obtained the cooperation with Ouyang Qi, and he has nothing to do on the island and can leave.

But leaving at this time is obviously not a good decision.

If he leaves, other people on the island will most likely guess that he and Ouyang Qida have cooperated.

In this way, the outside world may make some speculations in advance.

It caused unnecessary trouble for him and Ouyang Qi's plan.

So Lu Ming decided to stay on the island and spend the rest of his days quietly.

Anyway, the island is full of food, drink and entertainment, and all facilities are available. There are some places that he and Lin Wan have not been to yet.

Let’s have a good experience in the next time.

Moreover, Lu Ming also wanted to watch a show.

Take a look at how Ouyang Qi eliminated the sequelae of the pirate incident.

After all, after this big incident, even if they pretended that the pirates had been captured, they were captured by the escort team that appeared on the island.

But when everyone calms down and regains their senses.

There will always be someone who can see through this show.

It is impossible that all the 200 or [-] people on the island are fools.

At this time, if Ouyang Qi doesn't have a safe way to solve this problem.

Maybe this matter will all be revealed, and then Ouyang Qi will feel the pain.

However, he also believed that Ouyang Qi would definitely have a way to solve it.

It is nothing more than blocking the mouths of insiders with benefits.

Then everyone spent the rest of the time safely and happily.

Just like that, Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to the room.

The two just wanted to take a good rest.


Lu Ming received a call.

"Brother Lu, do you still remember me?"

The person who called was the old man Lu Ming and Lin Wan met during their honeymoon trip.

Wang Xing'an.

They made an appointment to go on an adventure trip together, so Lu Ming and the others suspended their trip to come back to buy equipment.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ming almost forgot about it because of the mysterious banquet.

Now Mr. Wang is calling, probably to ask about their departure time.

But in this situation, Lu Ming still had some unfinished business and obviously couldn't leave yet.

I had to say apologetically.

"Mr. Wang, I'm sorry.

I suddenly have something to deal with here. Can our expedition trip be postponed for some time? "

Fortunately, the other party didn't mind and responded immediately: "It's okay. I have nothing to do anyway. I'm not in a hurry to leave. If you have something to do, deal with it first."

Hear this.

Lu Ming suddenly thought of something.

Since Mr. Wang has nothing to do, why not invite him to your banquet?

(End of this chapter)

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