Chapter 197 Invitation

Happy days are always short-lived. In the remaining few days, Lu Ming and Lin Wan visited almost every corner of the island.

Now he is Ouyang Qi's partner, and he has even entered his most important secret room.

So there are no restricted areas for them on the island, they can go wherever they want.

The staff on the island have been instructed to meet Lu Mingru and the island owner Ouyang Qi.

In a sense, Lu Ming is half the island owner?

But during these times, Lu Ming was not idle, he was swiping system rewards.

Early this morning.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan got up early and started packing their luggage.

They are preparing to leave the island today.

"Husband, just sit down and rest for a while, and I'll take care of it."

Lu Ming is not a macho man, and he doesn't have to let his wife do everything.

He originally felt sorry for Lin Wan and wanted to deal with it with him, but was immediately stopped by Lin Wan.

"I just got up. Where do I need to rest? Let's do it together."

Lu Ming also picked up a piece of clothing and started folding it.

When she folded the clothes clumsily, Lin Wan had already folded several pieces with her hand speed.

Lin Wan couldn't stand it anymore and took his folded clothes.


"Look at what you folded. It's so ugly." Lin Wan rolled her eyes at Lu Ming.

Lu Ming compared the clothes he folded with those of Lin Wan...


There's really no comparison.

The clothes I folded were full of wrinkles, but the clothes Lin Wan folded were neat and neat.


Lu Ming finally gave up.

After leaving the room, he poured Lin Wan a glass of water.

Since you can't do the work, do the logistics work.

"My wife, are you thirsty? Drink some water."

Lu Ming directly put the water cup to Lin Wan's mouth and fed her a drink.

Lin Wan drank a few sips obediently and laughed.

This is what it feels like to be cared about.

Even though she felt that what she had done was what she should do, at this time, Lu Ming would still show some concern for her, which was the most gratifying thing for her.

Women are always easily impressed by such details.

Just when the atmosphere between Lu Ming and Lin Wan was just right.

"Ding dong."

The doorbell of their room suddenly rang.

"Honey, I'm going to open the door."

Lu Ming spoke to Lin Wan and ran to open the door to the room.

The door just opened.

"Big brother!"

Two voices rang out suddenly, almost startling Lu Ming.

Take a closer look.

It turned out to be Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di.

Why are they here so early in the morning?

Lu Ming knew that children from rich families like them would not be able to get up until the afternoon if they had nothing to do.

Even if it was a day away from the island, they could leave in the afternoon.


Lu Ming suddenly had a flash of inspiration and slapped his forehead.

It's time.

The two of them still believed in the acupuncture points.

If nothing else, these two people came to him to relieve his acupuncture points.

No wonder he got up so early and rushed here.

They were afraid that if they left, no one would relieve them, and they would die.

"You are here to relieve the acupuncture points."

Lu Ming said straight to the point.

"Brother, what are you talking about?

We are here to have dinner with you and have already reserved a seat in the restaurant. "

Zhao Haifeng explained quickly.

Although they do have thoughts in this regard, after all, it is about their own lives, how can they not care, but how can they be so direct.

However, they had already been impressed by Lu Ming's strength and wisdom, and it was true that they wanted to treat Lu Ming to dinner before leaving. "Yeah yeah!"

What Xie Di wanted to say was preempted by Zhao Haifeng, so he had to keep nodding in agreement.

Lu Ming glanced at the two of them but did not respond.

He took action directly and pressed a few random buttons on both of them.

They are all insignificant acupuncture points, just giving them some feeling.

"Okay, I've released it for you."

Lu Ming said perfunctorily that the matter of death through acupuncture was originally meant to fool them.

It's just that the two of them believed it deeply, so now Lu Ming can only continue to fool him.

However, these two people have performed quite well these days.

The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to say hello to my big brother.

They were also respectful when they saw him and Lin Wan.

He and Lin Wan were treated as if they were the emperor and empress, and they were the little eunuchs below.

To put it crudely.

It's just that it's quite comfortable.

Both of them have the potential to be a bitch, and they have slowly discovered it.

After hearing Lu Ming's words, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di could no longer suppress their happy expressions.

The two were all smiles.

"Brother, please give me some face and a meal."

Zhao Haifeng mentioned it again.

Lu Ming thought for a while and agreed.

"Okay, you go to the restaurant and wait for us first."

"Okay, okay."

Seeing Lu Ming agree, the two of them left in a hurry.

Lu Ming saw the two people's backs, shook his head and smiled, closed the door and returned to the room.

"Husband, who is it?"

"Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, two idiots, said they wanted to treat us to dinner."

"Oh, that's fine, we have to finish eating before leaving anyway."

Lin Wan was talking as she was busy, not too resistant to eating with the two of them.

These days, her impression of these two people has also changed a lot.

Because these two people were always looking up to each other, they respected Lin Wan very much and kept flattering her.

Lin Wan also knew that Lu Ming had conquered these two younger brothers and would not treat them with the same attitude as before.

It didn't take long.

Lin Wan packed her luggage and went to the restaurant with Lu Ming.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di were already waiting for them on the third floor.


It was still the same place where they met for the first time.

Their feud started from this table.

"Brother and sister."

The two greeted Lu Ming and the others, and then asked the waiter to start serving the dishes.

The four of them sat at the dining table.

Lu Ming joked: "It's this table again."

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di's expressions instantly fell, remembering what happened before.

Sorry for the first time!
Lin Wan looked at the expressions of the two of them and burst into laughter.

Lu Ming also laughed.

Seeing the two of them smiling, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di realized that Lu Ming was joking and was not blaming them.

He also quickly laughed angrily.

"Brother and sister-in-law, where will you be meeting later?"

Zhao Haifeng quickly found a topic to talk about to divert everyone's attention.

"Back to the seaside."

"Brother, why not go to the Magic City! We will treat you and your sister-in-law well!"

This time it was Xie Di who suddenly proposed, and his proposal was strongly recognized by Zhao Haifeng.

"Yes, yes! Brother and sister-in-law, why not go to the Magic City to play!

When the time comes, I will bring my father to meet and get to know my eldest brother.

Now that you are our eldest brother, our Xie family and Hongyan Group can no longer fight each other! "

Zhao Haifeng mentioned the struggle between Hongyan Group and local families like them.

Lu Ming was really startled after hearing this.

You might want to consider this...

(End of this chapter)

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