Chapter 210 Decision
The next afternoon.

That's right!

Lu Ming didn't wake up until the afternoon today.

In my mind, this was the last day he got up in recent years.

Just because.

Didn't sleep all night last night...

And Lu Ming remembered that they didn't even have dinner.

Maybe because Lin Wan was in a very beautiful mood yesterday, she did something she didn't usually do.

While Lu Ming was driving, a sentence suddenly came out.


"Ah?" Lu Ming was stunned.

"Didn't you say that men would like to say that?" Lin Wan picked up the pillow next to her and covered her face.

"Husband, don't you like it?" Lin Wan asked in a low voice like a mosquito.

"Ah, I like it! I like it!"


Can't think anymore, can't think anymore.

Lu Ming quickly stopped recalling.

Otherwise, you are setting yourself on fire.

Lu Ming glanced at Lin Wan beside him. At this time, Lin Wan had lost the wildness from last night.

She looked like a gentle and obedient little daughter-in-law when she was sleeping.


Humans are unbelievable!

Based on his usual experience, Lu Ming felt that Lin Wan would sleep relatively late.

At least I have to go at night to wake up.

I couldn't help but sigh.

A strengthened body is a stick.

I didn't even have dinner last night.

Lu Ming really felt a little hungry.

He planned to get up and make something to eat, and also prepare some for Lin Wan so that she could eat as soon as she got up.


Lu Ming took a kiss on Lin Wan's smooth and tender face.

Lin Wan may have felt something, there was a little movement, and she pouted.

Then he fell asleep peacefully again.

Lu Ming couldn't help but smile and got up to take a shower.

He opened the quilt and walked into the bathroom shirtless.

The various smells on his body were mixed, and there was an indescribable weirdness.

Don't ask, it's just a waste of time.

When the switch was turned on, hot water sprayed out from the canopy, hitting Lu Ming like rain.

The heat was steaming, beginning to blur the glass.

Through the glass, Lu Ming's body could be vaguely seen.

After the genetic modification of the body, everything has reached the most perfect state.

Water droplets streaked across the muscles that were as plump as fine steel.

Such eye-catching muscles make ordinary people want to touch them.



Soon, Lu Ming took a shower and came out wearing a bathrobe.

Come to the kitchen and start making some food to fill your stomach.

Eat alone.

Lu Ming didn't bother too much and just made a few sandwiches to fill his stomach.

But he cooked red bean and barley porridge for Lin Wan.

Bring to a boil over low heat.

By the time Lin Wan got up, it would be ready to eat.

After filling his internal organs, Lu Ming felt a little idle.

Come to the library.

Start sorting out some recent events.

The latest thing is probably moving, which is not a problem.

With two younger brothers, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, running errands, such a large villa will also hire a professional team of nannies for cleaning and maintenance.

He and Lin Wan just need to pick up the package and move in.

There is also the matter of going shopping with Lin Wan and holding banquets.

Holding a banquet was actually a press conference. He and Ouyang Qihui announced the news of their cooperation at the banquet.

But now there is a problem. Ouyang Qi suggested it to him when he left the nameless island.It is said that the banquet can be held in the Magic City.

This is one of the key centers in the country.

Holding it in the magical city will make it more convenient for people attending the banquet and attract more people.

What Lu Ming considered before was that he was not familiar with the place in the magic city.

But it is different now.

The three major families in the Demon City sincerely obeyed him. As the local gangsters of the Demon City, the three major families were extremely familiar with the Demon City.

Plus the city garden they sent.

It is also the best place to hold banquets.

If the matter is left to them, Lu Ming will undoubtedly save a lot of trouble.

This way he would have more time to spend with Lin Wan and go shopping with her.


In Lu Ming's mind, holding banquets, announcing cooperation, etc., these projects cost hundreds of billions.

It was not important to accompany Lin Wan or go shopping with her.

Money and other things are not as important as my wife's happiness.

So Lu Ming thought about it and finally decided to hold the banquet in the Magic City.

Then tell the matter to the people of the three major families and ask them to release the news.

As for those who matter.

Lu Ming will notify them one by one.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming immediately picked up his phone and called Ouyang Qi.

"Brother Ouyang."

"Brother Lu, you are fine."

Lu Ming immediately stated his purpose of coming.

After Ouyang Qi heard this, he was very happy that Lu Ming could adopt his suggestion.

"Okay! I knew Brother Lu would definitely make the right choice."

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Lu Ming found a reason to hang up. He still had to call other people.

For example, Wang Xing'an, the person he personally invited last time.

As soon as the call was dialed, someone immediately answered the call.

"Mr. Wang, how are you doing recently? Do you remember the banquet I talked about last time?"

"Of course I remember. I'm looking forward to it. I'm just waiting for your call."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang. I plan to hold the banquet in the Magic City. I wonder if Mr. Wang can do it?"

Lu Ming knew that Wang Xing'an was a travel explorer who ran outside all day long.

Now I don’t know where in the world I am, and I don’t know if I can come, so I just asked.

"Okay! I happen to be in the Magic City right now!"

Wang Xing'an's tone was a bit surprising. He didn't expect such a coincidence. He happened to be resting in the Magic City recently.

"That's a coincidence, then it's settled!"

Lu Ming didn't chat with Wang Xing'an for too long, he had to continue making phone calls.

Next up is...

Lu Ming took out several thick stacks of business cards.

Although he doesn't socialize much, he has now accumulated a lot of business cards handed to him by others.

For example, when I attended a mysterious banquet on an unknown island, I received the most business cards.

Lu Ming picked them one by one.

He couldn't have called them all himself.

Don’t think that if you have money, you don’t need to be ranked.

How rich you are depends on how rich you are, what background you have, what power you have in the industry, etc.

Lu Ming picked out the ones worth calling personally.

Not many, not even ten.

For the rest, just ask someone to send an invitation when the time comes.

Those people were probably very happy when they saw the invitation.

You know, this is another good opportunity to communicate with high-level contacts.

Some people who want to break through the hierarchy or get to know the big guys are fascinated by this kind of banquet.


Receiving an invitation to such a banquet also proves the person's status to a certain extent.

Those who have not received it may try their best to squeeze in.

This is the norm in this circle.

Those at the top are at the top, while those at the bottom are fighting to emerge.

And Lu Ming.

He is one of these high-ranking people!

(End of this chapter)

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