Chapter 224 Invitation to Tang Palace

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di's expressions were so exaggerated that it was impossible for Lu Ming not to see them and guess what they were thinking.

But he had no intention of explaining to them. Why should he explain?

As the eldest brother, there is no need for him to waste time explaining these issues to his younger brothers?

You don’t have to start from the beginning, how troublesome it is!

So Lu Ming planned to drive people away.

"Is there anything else? If nothing happens, go back."

As soon as Lu Ming said these words, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di trembled.

Realizing they might be being too obvious, he nodded frantically.

"There is something wrong!"

"The relevant personnel of the document have been prepared, and it will take effect only after the signature of the elder brother."

Lu Ming knew that they were talking about the transfer of assets from affiliated families, and the details of the contract issues were left to the specialized staff below.

But the most important thing is that you still need to sign it yourself.

So the purpose of Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di coming here today was not just to give them mobility scooters.

Instead, the main thing is to send the documents over for your signature.

It is estimated that with the assets of the three major families, statistical transfer is not a simple matter.

At least it will take a long time.

Didn't you expect that this would be done?
It seems that the three major families are eager to embrace their laps as soon as possible.

That's why I worked overtime to make the task progress so quickly.

Lu Ming was right.

For this matter, the people of the three major families not only used all the people in the family, but also hired some professionals from outside. It can be said that they are impatient.

"Okay, bring the files."

After Lu Ming finished speaking, he turned around and took Lin Wan back to the villa.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di returned to the car, picked up the documents, and followed them in a hurry.

After returning to the villa.

Lu Ming took their documents, turned around and entered the study after leaving behind a few words.

"If anything happens, just go back first. I'll probably call you."

Integrating and transferring assets has never been a simple matter. With the assets of the three major families, each family needs to prepare a mountain of documents. It is a whole pile. Even two adult men, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, are a little overwhelmed. Effortless.

Lu Ming needed to go through these documents one by one. Although it was just a simple glance, the workload was quite large and it took a lot of time. That's why Lu Ming said that they could leave and call them when they were ready.


Throughout the afternoon, Lu Ming kept looking through these materials in the study room, and signed his name if there was no problem.

Through this information, Lu Ming also gained a deeper understanding of the assets of the three major families in the Magic City.

"Dong dong."


It was Lin Wan who came in to give Lu Ming some tea.

"Honey, are you tired? Are you ready to finish reading?"

Lin Wan felt sorry for Lu Ming while adding tea.

"It's okay, I'm almost done."

Lu Ming took a sip of Lin Wantian's hot tea and asked casually: "Where are Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, are they still there?"

Lin Wan covered her mouth and smiled.

"They're still here.

They begged me to open the garage for them, and then spent the entire afternoon looking at their dream car in the garage. "

Lin Wan didn't understand what the meaning of these two guys was.

I spent an afternoon just looking around and touching the sports car, and it wasn't boring at all.

Lu Ming also laughed after hearing this, but didn't say much.

He knew that these two little brothers loved cars, and even if they were allowed to stay with the car for a day and a night, they would be willing to sleep together.

On the other hand, they are also waiting for themselves, so that they can take back the documents they have processed as soon as possible.

Lin Wan didn't bother Lu Ming much and exited the study after adding tea.Lu Ming continued to devote himself to his work, and the study fell into silence again.

Another period of time passed...


Lu Ming stretched.

He was finally done with it.

Looking at the tall stacks of documents around me, I couldn't help but sigh.

"I haven't been this busy for a long time. I won't be exhausted if I come back a few times."

An afternoon of signing work allowed Lu Ming to take over most of the assets of the three established families in the Magic City, but Lu Ming still felt too tired and too busy.

It’s really a bit “ignorant”!

Now that the matter was settled, Lu Ming stood up, walked around, and left the study.

Then he called Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di, otherwise they would have to stay in the garage for who knows how long before they come back.

After a while, Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di ran over quickly.

"Big brother!"

"I have read all the documents and signed them. You can take them back."

Lu Ming started sending people away again.

In fact, he didn't like other people staying at home if he didn't have anything else to do.

Even for the housekeeping staff in the city garden, Lu Ming specifically gave instructions to the housekeeper Ma Zong.

Except for cleaning at specific times, do not appear in the main villa at other times unless necessary and disturb the world between him and Lin Wan.

Seeing Lu Ming chasing people away, Zhao Haifeng quickly said: "Brother, let's have dinner together tonight!

We have reserved a place in the Tang Palace as a celebration of cooperation! "

Lu Ming looked at the time. Unknowingly, he had been busy all afternoon and it was already past five o'clock.

Lu Ming had heard of the name Tang Palace in the Magic City before, but he had never seen it when he and Lin Wan came to the Magic City last time.

Plus, I thought about how I had declined many invitations.

Lu Ming simply agreed this time.


Lu Ming thought of something else. He originally planned to lend them the car to drive, so why not do it now?

So he said, "You can drive the car in my garage later. It's up to you."

That's what Lu Ming said, but without even thinking about it, he knew what car they would each choose.


Two exclamations sounded before and after.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di couldn't believe what they heard!
The eldest brother is actually willing to let him drive the car in the garage!
Or take your pick!
Then wouldn’t it be possible for me to drive the car I dream of?

Big brother cowhide!Long live brother!

"What? You don't want to drive?"

When Lu Ming saw the two people exclaiming in surprise, he froze on the spot and did not move. He knew that they were too surprised, but he still teased them.

"no no!"

"Think about it! Brother, let's think about it!"

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di waved their hands and shook their heads wildly, fearing that Lu Ming would take back what he just said and it would be too late for them to cry.

Lu Ming stopped teasing them and turned around to go upstairs.

He was going to talk to Lin Wan, and then they could freshen up and go out.

After Lu Ming went upstairs.

Zhao Haifeng and Xie Di started clenching their fists and dancing on the spot.

They were so excited that they couldn't suppress their excitement when they thought that they would be able to drive their dream car later.

Lu Ming was somewhat aware of their movements and shook his head.

I'll be so excited if I lend you my car to drive?

If I said I would give it to you, wouldn’t I be shocked on the spot? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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