Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 234 Husband, you are really smart

Chapter 234 Husband, you are really smart

On the table.

Lu Ming, Lin Wan, Liu Yuru, Lu Jianguo, and Lin Kangtai's family sat together.

Lu Ming was the only one who was immersed in his food, feeling like his food was going in one ear and out the other.

Just because.

He became the target of Liu Yuru's criticism.

Lu Ming's sudden appearance over the yard in an armed helicopter Black Hawk really startled them.

Those who didn’t know the situation would have thought that a line of armed soldiers would jump out like in the TV series.

In the words of Lu Ming's mother-in-law Liu Yuru, that is.

"Scaring someone to death!"

So when Lu Ming and Lin Wan got off the helicopter and appeared, the family breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Then Liu Yuru began to criticize Lu Ming.

Lin Wan, Lu Jianguo, and Lin Kangtai were watching the show and laughing. Only Lu Ming endured the pain alone.

At home, it is impossible to be imposing.

Flying an armed helicopter is not impressive, and my mother eats it to death as soon as I get off the plane.

But say it.

In fact, Lu Ming didn't think there was anything wrong with this. It was his mother.

No matter how high his worth or status is outside, he is still her son.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, the son wants to be filial but the relatives are not there.

By that time, if you want to listen to people nagging you will never find them again.

Fortunately, after criticizing for a while, Liu Yuru also stopped. She also said that she was very happy to see Lu Ming and Lin Wan back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Ming also changed the topic slightly and asked about some more curious situations.

"Mom, why is Sister Manni getting married all of a sudden? Who is her fiancé?"

He knew nothing about his cousin Lu Manni's situation in recent years. This time he suddenly heard the news that she was getting married.

So Lu Ming was quite curious about her marriage partner.

"Why is it sudden?! Your sister is two years older than you. You are already married, so of course she will get married too!
Moreover, she also fell in love for two or three years before getting married. Her fiancé is fair and fair, and he is also a senior executive of one of our local groups!
Anyway, I think it looks pretty good. "

Liu Yuru's words left Lu Ming speechless for a moment.

But yes, my cousin has reached the age to get married.

And from what my mother said, it seems like my cousin’s marriage partner is pretty good?


When talking about Lu Ming's cousin Chen Manni, Liu Yuru seemed to have thought of something and frowned.

"I seem to have heard some rumors that the man's family originally looked down on Nini's background and did not support them being together.

So they persisted for a year or two before the man's family relented. "

After hearing what Liu Yuru said, Lu Ming fell into thinking.

This kind of rumor cannot be groundless, so it is very likely to be true.

My cousin's family is just an ordinary working-class family. If the man is a group executive, then his family may really feel that their son should find someone who is well-matched, and thus look down on his cousin.

However, they were able to stick together and win the confrontation with their family, which showed that her cousin's fiancé was quite independent and sincere towards her cousin.

It seems that I have to find a chance to support my cousin.

After all, she is my sister, and I was still very close to her when we were young.

What if you get bullied after getting married? !
Lu Ming thought so, but he hadn't decided what to do yet.

However, Lu Ming still comforted Liu Yuru and said, "It's all over. Don't they have to get married now? It's their own life."

Lu Ming's words can't be dealt with by Liu Yuru, an old Jianghu. The young couple lives their own lives, even though they say so.

But reality is often not that simple. Marriage is the union of two families and is a big event.

However, Liu Yuru was too lazy to talk to Lu Ming and left a few words. "To put it lightly."

Then he stood up and started to put away the dishes. Lin Wan also quickly got up and followed to help.

Lu Ming, Lu Jianguo, Lin Taikang, and the three elders moved to the living room to drink tea.

"Dad, how's the restaurant doing lately?"

With nothing to do, Lu Ming casually asked about the restaurant.

Since the last time he planned to open a restaurant for them, Lu Ming and his parents went out to find a store and stopped taking care of other things. He doesn't know how the restaurant is doing now.

Lu Jianguo did not answer immediately.

Instead, he secretly took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from a cabinet in the living room.

While Liu Yuru was washing the dishes, she lit one.

A cigarette after a meal, a happy match with the gods.

After taking a nice breath, he said.

"The restaurant is almost ready to be renovated. The construction team Xiaoxin helped us find is good, and we have people keeping an eye on it. Your mother and I will go over occasionally to check on the progress.

However, Xiaoxin seems to have been out on business recently, so she often calls to ask. "

Lu Ming nodded. He was relieved that Xu Zixin was doing the work. Although he asked for leave to go to the Modu Hospital, he would still care about things here.

But he didn't say anything about Xu Zixin, there was no need to say it.

"Xiaoxin also recruited a team of chefs for the restaurant. It is said that she has worked in a five-star hotel before. I have tried the chef's craftsmanship, and it is indeed better than mine!"

Lu Jianguo sighed with emotion. He was a small restaurant chef born in Yeluzi. He really couldn't compare with other professionals. He was convinced of the skills of other professional chefs.

"That's good. Only with good skills can the restaurant's business be better."

Lu Ming couldn't be more satisfied. He was afraid that Lu Jianguo would be brave and want to be a chef in a restaurant, which would not only cause a lot of fumes but also cause trouble.

Now that he is convinced by professional chefs, he will never become a chef again.

"Dad, what about you, what have you been busy with recently?" Lu Ming turned to Lin Kangtai and asked.

“Play chess and fish with old friends!”

The three of them chatted one after another until Liu Yuru and Lin Wan finished their work and joined in the chatting camp.

In this way, the family chatted comfortably all afternoon.

Until about five o'clock in the afternoon.

It’s almost time to head to the hotel for the wedding.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan got up and left. They went home to change clothes and get ready before driving over to pick up their parents.

On the way back, Lu Ming suddenly asked.

"Honey, do you have a check at home?"

"Check? What do you want that for?"

Lin Wan looked at Lu Ming and asked in confusion, how convenient it is to transfer money online now. Few people know how to use checks anymore, so she didn't know why Lu Ming suddenly asked about this thing.

"Pack a red envelope!"

Lu Ming thought about it all afternoon and decided to give a big red envelope to support his cousin.

There's probably too much money, and I can't fit in the red envelope.

If you use a bank card, you can't see how much money is in it and it's not shocking enough.

So Lu Ming decided to write a check.

When Lu Ming said this, Lin Wan immediately knew what he wanted to do.

"This is a good idea! Husband, you are really smart!"

Lu Ming looked helpless after hearing Lin Wan's words.

Wife, I didn’t know but thought you were scolding me... If you don’t know how to use Internet words, don’t use them randomly!

(End of this chapter)

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