Chapter 236 1000 Red Envelopes

Yang Weiyan looked like he had seen a ghost.

I was really shocked. Where had I seen a red envelope containing a check for 1000 million? !
Never heard of it!

He originally thought that there was not much money in such a thin red envelope, but this amount? ?
"If I change it to cash, what a huge mountain of money it would be? I'm afraid it could kill me, right?"

An outrageous idea suddenly flashed through Yang Weiyan's mind.

It would be okay if he was mentally prepared, but from his original psychology to the reality, the reversal was too big.

It was like going up to the sky and into the earth, which made his mentality explode even more.

But after the shock, Yang Weiyan felt something was wrong again.

I picked up the check and started thinking about it, looking at this and touching that.

"It can't be fake, can it?"

Suddenly, Yang Weiyan's face became extremely ugly.

I thought it might be a prank by Lu Ming and the others. How could someone give a wedding red envelope worth 1000 million yuan?
The main thing is that they don’t know anyone who can easily hand over 1000 million!

The more Yang Weiyan thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was right.

Even though he didn't know how to identify the authenticity of a check, he felt that he had been tricked, and a surge of anger rose in his heart.

After writing the check, I planned to go to Lu Ming to have a good argument.

But he just turned around and left.

He saw Yang Yuanwei and Yang Yao rushing towards him.

"Brother... you came just in time, I..."

Yang Weiyan was about to tell them about this, but the check in his hand was quickly snatched away by Yang Yuanwei.

As soon as Yang Yuanwei took the check in hand, he saw the amount on it at a glance.

A full 1000 million!

It is equivalent to the assets he has worked hard for his whole life!
Just wrap it up in a red envelope and give it away?But Yang Yuanwei had already seen that Lu Ming arrived in a Rolls-Royce and was a boss-level figure.

He was also shocked by Lu Ming's actions.

However, Yang Yuanwei still studied the check carefully. He still had some knowledge about checks.

"Brother, I don't know which kid just used a red envelope to wrap a fake check worth 1000 million to trick me!

I was about to find him to settle the score! "

Yang Weiyan said angrily.

"This check is real..."

"Ah?!" Yang Weiyan thought he heard wrongly.

“This check is real!!”

Yang Yuanwei strengthened his voice and tone, expressing that he was extremely sure.


Yang Weiyan's mood was up and down like a roller coaster, and he couldn't speak now.

After listening to what Yang Weiyan and Yang Yuanwei said, Yang Yao on the side couldn't stand anymore.

He asked Yang Yuanwei for the check in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"Did they identify themselves just now?"

Yang Yuanwei calmed down, but no matter what, he must first find out the identity of the other party.

"That person... seems to be named Lu, and he is said to be a relative of the woman..."

Yang Weiyan's mood hadn't calmed down yet, so he stammered.

After listening to his words, Yang Yuanwei looked at Yang Yao.

He knew nothing about the woman's relatives, so naturally he wanted to ask Yang Yao.

Yang Yao knew what his father meant, and his mind started to work quickly, and he went through the woman's relatives that he knew to a limited extent.

But I still can't get the number right.

He could only smile bitterly and shake his head, indicating that he did not know him.

“Well… I don’t know many relatives on Nini’s side.

I went to her house two or three times, and each time so many relatives came that I can’t even remember them all.

I just thought the two older ones looked a little familiar, but I couldn't place them. "Yang Yao couldn't think of any useful information at all.

“We don’t even know that big guy, but he came to your wedding banquet.

Coupled with the surname Lu, he must be a relative of Manni.

Manni has such awesome relatives?Why haven't I heard you say that? ! "

Yang Yuanwei analyzed it, and by the end, he was blushing a little.

Before, he looked down on Lu Manni's background and did not support Yang Yao being with her. He wanted to find another good match for his son.

But I didn't expect that this time, my face was directly swollen!
When a relative attends a wedding, he or she will receive a 1000 million red envelope.

The amount cannot be raised even by selling a house or a car.

Then what qualifications do you have to look down on others?

Yang Yao was also said to be dizzy, and he didn't know either!After all, he didn't care about family or not, he just liked Lu Manni.

Moreover, Lu Manni's family is ordinary. Who would have thought that she would have such a big boss-level relative, and they seem to be very close to each other.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have received the 1000 million check as a red envelope.

"I don't know either, I've never heard Nini say that before."

Yang Yao paused after finishing speaking: "Then what should we do now?"

As soon as the words came out.

Yang Yuanwei also fell into deep thought, what should I do?
He doesn't know what to do at the moment? !
Who has seen such a thing?Who has experience?
Just when they are troubled.

"Hey, groom, why are you still standing? I've been looking for you for a long time, we have to get ready quickly!"

The person in charge of the wedding planner rushed out and dragged Yang Yao away to take him away.

Yang Yao resisted for a moment and looked at Yang Yuanwei.

"How about this.

You go prepare for the wedding first, and everything goes as usual. Now that the big boss has taken his seat, it would not be good for us to rush there.

After the wedding is over, we will go there together and adapt accordingly. "

Yang Yuanwei expressed his thoughts.

Yang Yao nodded and went to work on the wedding first.

"Let's go take a seat too."

"Huh? Oh, good, good!"

Yang Weiyan, who was still wandering in his thoughts, was woken up and followed Yang Yuanwei to the ceremony hall.

The two entered the auditorium.

His eyes couldn't stop scanning everywhere, looking for Lu Ming.

Yang Weiyan's eyes lit up and he saw Lu Ming first.

He touched Yang Yuanwei next to him with his arm: "Brother, there."

Following his eyes, Yang Yuanwei also saw it.

Lu Ming and others were sitting at the table belonging to the woman's family.

But Yang Yuanwei and Yang Weiyan did not bother him because they really didn't know how to deal with this matter yet.

Especially Yang Yuanwei, he doesn't have this face.

After recovering from the shock, he couldn't help but start to think about Lu Ming's intention of giving such a big wedding red envelope.

He is a senior lawyer, and his specialty is analyzing things to the core.

A big boss like this who can easily spend tens of millions of dollars has a purpose in everything he does. After careful analysis, Yang Yuanwei came to a scary conclusion.

This boss is trying to support his relatives. In other words, he is warning himself!

Maybe he was dissatisfied after learning about his previous attitude towards Lu Manni.

Otherwise, why don't you just give the tens of millions directly to Lu Manni? Why do you have to include it in the wedding red envelope on purpose? !
Not just for the Yang family to see!

Yang Yuanwei became more and more frightened the more he thought about it, and he was thinking more and more...

 Thanks to book friends 616420 and 676924 for their monthly votes, haha, eh!

(End of this chapter)

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