Chapter 239

The wedding is over.

"Sister, don't think too much, let's go back first."

When Lu Ming and the others were about to go back, Ni Honghui, Yang Yuanwei, Yang Yao, Lu Manni and others all arrived at the door.

Along the way, Lu Manni wanted to talk to Lu Ming several times, but because there were too many people, she didn't have the right time to say it.

She was really shocked that Lu Ming received a 1000 million red envelope. Although she knew that Lu Ming was rich now, she didn't spend it in such a way.

Lu Manni is not a money-grubbing person, she wants to return Lu Ming's check.

She was already very grateful for what Lu Ming had done for him.

Although Lu Ming said something like that on the table, she was the person involved, so she could understand what was going on as soon as she heard some words.

She knew that Lu Ming supported himself in front of everyone because Yang Yuanwei did not support her and Yang Yao being together.

It can also be inferred from this that the 1000 million red envelope was also given to support myself.

Lu Manni was very moved, but felt that the cost was too high.

Lu Ming said goodbye to everyone and got into the car.

He drank some wine, so Lin Wan drove back.

"Husband, I'm in a good mood." Lin Wan joked while driving the car.

She saw the corners of Lu Ming's mouth raised slightly. As his wife and the person who knew Lu Ming best, she could certainly tell that Lu Ming was in a good mood.

"Yes, tonight's goal was successfully achieved, even better than expected."

In the evening, he successfully beat up the Yang family, so that they would not dare to treat his cousin badly in the future.

He could see the Yang family's expression at that time.

However, the contribution of the variable Ni Honghui is also indispensable.

He didn't expect to meet Ni Honghui here, who was also Yang Yao's big boss.

Since he came out to support the scene, the effect of the beating was much better than he expected.

The county magistrates are better off now.

In terms of deterrence, Ni Honghui, the direct boss, is more powerful.

When he was leaving just now, Ni Honghui was still reluctant to leave and wanted to ask Lu Ming to continue the meal.

But Lu Ming refused because he wanted to take his family back, so Ni Honghui was too embarrassed to say anything.

I had no choice but to agree to make an appointment to have a good chat next time.

Lu Ming nodded in agreement.

Seeing Lu Ming happy, Lin Wan was naturally happy too.

"The wedding scene at night was very beautiful, and Nini is so beautiful."

Liu Yuru and Lu Jianguo in the back seat were also chattering, looking through the photos and videos taken on their mobile phones.

Well...the whole family is in a good mood.

But on the other side.

In front of Taibo Hotel.

"Mr. Ni, I will send someone to take you back."

"No need, the driver is waiting at the door."

Yang Yuanwei's good intention was rejected by Ni Honghui.

"Yang Yao, today is your happy day, congratulations.

You have to work hard, but don’t forget to live well and cherish the people in front of you. "

Although Ni Honghui didn't know what happened before, he knew what he should do from Lu Ming's behavior at the wine table.

He must have helped with the favor.

So before leaving, I also struck a note, which was also a heartfelt confession.

If Yang Yao can understand, the future is limitless.

Ni Honghui could see that Lu Ming was very close to his cousin Lu Manni, and Yang Yao married Lu Manni.

With this relationship, do you still need to worry about the future?

If the relationship between Yang Yao and his wife is good, even if it is to give Lu Ming face, he will not hesitate to promote him.

You know, to be exaggerated, Lu Ming is now someone who even Ni Honghui and he want to be polite to, and even want to have a close friendship with.

Yang Yao now has this kind of relationship with Lu Ming, and he is envious of it.

"That's it, I'll go first."

Ni Honghui said hello and walked down the steps, got into a car and left.

A confused Yang Yao and a pale-faced Yang Yuanwei were left behind.

"Uh, this..."

Yang Yuanwei didn't know what to say.

I thought that my daughter-in-law here did not have an ordinary family background, but who would have thought.

There are so many backers behind them that can crush them to death.

"Nini, is that Lu Ming your cousin? Who is he?" Yang Yao has been holding this question in his mind for a long time, and now he can finally ask it.

"Well...yes. He is the chairman of Hongyan Group...

We haven't seen each other for many years. "

Lu Manni's last words were ignored by them.

When they heard the first half, the two of them were already...


"Hongyan Group?!"

Especially Yang Yuanwei really regrets it.

at this time.

Lu Manni continued; "Yang Yao, I have something to discuss with you."

Yang Xiao nodded: "Well, Nini, you tell me."

"Can you return this 1000 million check to Lu Ming..."

Hearing Lu Manni's words, Yang Yuanwei and Yang Yao were stunned for a moment.

They were busy dealing with other things before and really didn't think about this issue.

But after hearing what Lu Manni said, I thought about it carefully.

It is indeed inappropriate for them to accept this 1000 million check like this, and it should be returned.

Although it hurts to think about returning 1000 million, smart people will make choices.

Returning it would be more beneficial to them.

"Okay! You should find a chance to return it to your cousin. This is really not a good idea."

"Great, thank you Yang Yao."

Lu Manni was very happy to see Yang Yao supporting her.

"Come on, let's go back."


Lu Ming is here.

Lin Wan had already sent Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru back in her car, and they were also going home.

The car drove into the yard, and the two of them were about to get out of the car.

Lu Ming's phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was a call from Wang Xingan.

After Lu Ming connected, Wang Xingan's voice came from the phone: "Brother Lu, are you free tonight?
Don’t forget you promised me to drink together!How about I send someone to pick you up? "

Only one day later, Wang Xing'an couldn't wait to ask Lu Ming out for a drink.

"Mr. Wang, what a coincidence. I'm at the beach now. I came back for something..."

If he were in the Magic City now, Lu Ming would naturally not refuse Wang Xing'an's kindness, but since he was not here, it was impossible to fly back to have a bar in the middle of the night.

After listening to Lu Ming's words, Wang Xing'an was a little disappointed.

"Huh? That's it, okay then..."

"Next time, next time for sure!"

Lu Ming said a few words of comfort and then hung up the phone.

Since meeting more people, Lu Ming feels that he has become busier.

After all, communication between people requires energy and time.

thought here.

Lu Ming suddenly remembered that when he was in Magic City, he promised to go shopping with Lin Wan...

But these days, he was so busy with one thing after another that he almost forgot about it.

So there was no chance to take Lin Wan shopping.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I'm so busy these days that I don't have time to spend time with you."

A good man should admit his mistakes.

Lu Ming immediately expressed his apology.

Lin Wan smiled after hearing this, grabbed Lu Ming's hand and put it together with her own.

"Husband, you don't like to apologize. As long as I can be with you, I am happy."

Lu Ming grabbed Lin Wan's hand and said no more.

The other hand moved and opened the sunroof in the car.

The two of them just sat in the car.

Quiet and tender...

 Thank you to book friend 1603984221794541568 for your [-] book coins to reward crabs!
  I have been busy going to the hospital recently and my condition is not very good. Please bear with me and I will adjust back as soon as possible.

  As usual, asking for recommendations, everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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