Chapter 241 Introducing the Wolf
"Ahhhh! I'm going to die, I'm going to die, this is not a dream."

After Ni Yanyan was in a daze for a while, she started kicking her legs and rolling around on the bed.

She was sure that she was not dreaming or hallucinating because she missed Lu Ming too much.


After brushing, Ni Yanyan stood up again, rushed to the dressing table, smoothed her hair and looked at her bare makeup state.

She just came downstairs and was in the most primitive state after waking up. Her hair was fluffy and messy, and she didn't have any makeup. I just didn't know if she had eye guano!
"Huh... It's okay, it's okay."

Ni Yanyan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was no strange solidification in the corners of her eyes.

"It's okay Ni Yanyan, you are naturally beautiful and you look great even without makeup!"

She cheered herself up and tried her best to eliminate the embarrassing scene in her mind.

This Ni Yanyan is not bragging. Even when she just woke up and without makeup, her appearance is still quite high.

After her mood calmed down a little, Ni Yanyan became a little excited.

She hadn't seen Lu Ming for a long time.

Since the last time she watched Lu Ming and Lin Wan show affection in the Moss Island Haunted House, ate dog food until her heart collapsed, and left first, she went home.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan's dog food attack had a huge impact on Ni Yanyan, making her depressed at home for a long time.

But during this period of time, Ni Yanyan still couldn't help but think of Lu Ming, and even dreamed of the two of them alone on the day Lu Ming saved her.

Or perhaps, I dreamed of something indescribable, then got up, quickly took a shower, washed clothes, and destroyed the evidence.

During that time, she always harassed her sister, Ni Xiaoxiao, and confided in her, which made Ni Xiaoxiao annoyed.

Originally, Ni Yanyan planned to pick herself up again and embark on the path of pursuing Lu Ming again.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ming fell from the sky.

Came to his house!

Well, although there are still two people...

Ni Yanyan wilts when she thinks of Lin Wan.

She finally saw that the couple Lu Ming and Lin Wan not only had no bad relationship, but they were also extremely good.

Lu Ming took Lin Wan with him wherever he went, and the two were inseparable.

And through that period of getting along, Ni Yanyan had to admit Lin Wan's excellence.

Not only is her personality gentle and considerate, her skin appearance is no worse than hers, and she even has a charming temperament.

This was also the aspect that hit Ni Yanyan, causing her to lose confidence for a moment and go home in embarrassment.

After thinking about it, Ni Yanyan suddenly had a doubt.

"By the way, why did Lu Ming and Sister Wan'er suddenly show up at my house?!"

She couldn't think of any reason.

Ni Yanyan stopped thinking about unexpected things, put them aside immediately, turned around and rushed into the bathroom.

She wanted to wash up and dress up quickly, and then go downstairs beautifully to cover up the unbearable memory in front of her.

If the delay is too long, what if Lu Ming leaves.

So Ni Yanyan used up her lifelong skills to complete a series of things that usually only take an hour or two to complete, such as taking a shower, blowing hair, making up, choosing clothes, etc. in the shortest possible time.

Finally, she stood in front of the mirror beautifully and turned around.

"Ni Yanyan, you are so beautiful, you are the best!"

Then he raised his head and chest, opened the door confidently, and prepared to go downstairs.

"Da da da……"

The sound of high heels hitting the marble floor was very clear. Ni Yanyan also put on her favorite high heels this time, which were her combat boots.

This sound naturally caused everyone in the living room to turn around.

But this time Ni Yanyan was mentally prepared and went downstairs openly and walked in front of everyone.

"Dad, Lu Ming, sister Wan'er, good morning!"

With that dignified figure and sweet voice, she could be ready to participate in a modeling competition.

Seeing Ni Yanyan coming down, Ni Honghui laughed.

"Yanyan, come here, sit here." At his age, the most important thing is his two daughters, and he looks like a slave to his daughters.

"Hello Yanyan, long time no see."

Lu Ming and Lin Wan also greeted Ni Yanyan politely.

"Lu Ming, Sister Wan'er, why are you here?"


Lu Ming and Lin Wan briefly talked to Ni Yanyan about the whole story.

Ni Honghui watched from the side and did not interrupt.

I feel a little pity in my heart.

In fact, before he discovered Lu Ming's identity, he was very optimistic about Lu Ming and intended to regard Lu Ming as a possible son-in-law.

Because Lu Ming was able to protect his daughter in such a dangerous situation and did not escape alone.

This allowed Ni Honghui to see Lu Ming's brave, witty and trustworthy qualities. He felt more at ease when her most precious daughter was placed in the hands of such a person.

In this way, her daughter will be protected and loved.

It's just that it was an idea that flashed through his mind at the beginning. He couldn't be so hasty. He thought that there would be time to get along with him in the future, and then he would carefully examine Lu Ming's other abilities.

After all, such a large family business will definitely be handed over to his daughter and son-in-law in the future, so the son-in-law's ability in business and other aspects is also very important.

But unexpectedly, not only was he unable to wait for Lu Ming's contact, but he also learned about Lu Ming's true identity and that he was married.

So Ni Honghui felt quite regretful.

"Uncle Ni."

Lu Ming's sudden voice brought Ni Honghui back to his senses.


"It's like this. I've been living in the Magic City recently. There will be a banquet held in a while. Is it convenient for you to attend?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to meet, Lu Ming sent out an invitation. Of course, the more big shots he held at the banquet, the better.


Ni Honghui readily agreed.

Ni Yanyan on the side listened and immediately had some ideas.

"Lu Ming, are you going to hold a banquet? Can I go?"

Hearing what Ni Yanyan said, Lu Ming didn't know what to say for a moment. It was not good to agree or not.

"'s actually just a business banquet. It's quite boring. You girls probably won't like it."

Lu Ming tried to persuade Ni Yanyan to retreat.

But Ni Yanyan is not that easy to give in. He fell down and stood up again, already stronger.

"It's okay, I want to go see something."

When Ni Yanyan said this, Lu Ming really didn't know how to refuse.

Ni Honghui is here. If he refuses again, the scene will be ugly.

At this time.

Lin Wan spoke up: "Okay, welcome sister Yan, we can meet in the magic city then.

You can come and stay at my house! "

Lin Wan said this, on the one hand, she saw that something was wrong with the situation, and on the other hand, she really didn't know that Ni Yanyan had intentions for Lu Ming.

"Okay, okay! Sister Xie Xie Wan'er!"

Ni Yanyan stood up directly with joy.

Lu Ming looked at it and almost covered his forehead with a bitter smile.

Wife, you are inviting a wolf into the house! !
 Crab book friend 1603984221794541568’s monthly ticket rewards, Crab! (Guaranteed it’s correct!)

  Everyone who has a vote, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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