Chapter 248 The World Is Wonderful

The quartet in the dormitory are quite famous in Shanghai University. People can't help but take a second look when they see them on the street.

Not to mention it is such a rare opportunity to go out dressed up and dressed up, it is simply uncontrollable and makes people look there unconsciously.

What's more, passers-by with their girlfriends also stopped to take a look after passing by.

The girlfriend was not upset at all, and followed her boyfriend to take a look at it.

Because she knew very well that no matter how greedy she was, her boyfriend, the four major goddesses of Shanghai University, could not get close to her, and he could not stay far away. This was just like chasing a star.

Who doesn’t have a few idols? He can’t get them anyway.

Besides, she is really beautiful, and she also covets the looks of the four goddesses, so let’s take a look at them all.

There are many people who are attracted to the foursome in the dormitory, but there are also many people who are attracted to the Lamborghini Bat.

Those young people who love luxury cars saw a Lamborghini Bat parked downstairs in the girls' dormitory, the car they dreamed of.

Everyone couldn't move their heels, and they gathered in a group to discuss the performance of the sports car.

a time.

The downstairs of the girls' dormitory was unprecedentedly lively, comparable to the grand occasion of someone making a confession.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Lin Ruyin felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by so many pairs of eyes.

After waiting for so long, Lu Ming and Lin Wan could not be seen, and Lin Ruyin became a little anxious.

The other three did not speak, but it could be seen from their expressions that they were somewhat uncomfortable.

Standing here, a bunch of people looked at them blatantly, and none of them planned to leave. They talked to the people around them from time to time, undoubtedly discussing them.

This feeling is very strange!
"Hey, Mom. Are you guys here yet?"

Lin Ruyin couldn't bear it anymore and quickly called Lin Wan to ask.

"We're waiting downstairs in your dormitory, right in the car."

Lin Wan was also puzzled when she was asked this question. They had obviously been waiting for a long time.

"We are just downstairs in the dormitory."

Lu Ming also heard Lin Ruyin's words, unbuckled his seat belt and motioned for Lin Wan to get out of the car.

The two got out of the car and walked a few steps and saw Lin Ruyin and her roommates.

It turned out that the line of sight between them was blocked by some onlookers, so they didn't notice each other. They waited in vain for a while and were watched for a while.

"Yinyin, here."

Lin Wan called into the phone.

Lin Ruyin also immediately saw Lin Wan and Lu Ming walking into their field of vision.

Seeing Lin Wan and Lu Ming, the four of them immediately became happy and ran in their direction.

This scene was seen by everyone present and watching.

"Hmm? Someone got out of the sports car?"

"Damn, it's a handsome guy and a beautiful girl!"


"Why did the goddesses run towards them?!"

Lin Ruyin and the four of them ran to Lu Ming and Lin Wan. Lu Ming held Lin Wan's arm, and the four of them surrounded them.

To outsiders, it looked like Lu Ming was a man surrounded by five goddesses.

The five goddesses all smiled brightly and chattered around the only man.

"You're here?"

"Well, here I am."

"Do we look good?"

"Who is the prettiest?"

The boys who were watching had already imagined a drama in their minds about five girls competing for one boy.

Normally the goddesses are very aloof, how could you see them smiling so happily, but now they are smiling around a man!

hate it!

I just hate why that man is not me!
At this time, countless boys wanted to take Lu Ming's place.

in fact.

Although Lin Ruyin and the others were in a good mood, they were not as exaggerated as those people imagined.

They were just saying hello on a daily basis.

"Hello, uncle and aunt." Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, and Wang Lingling greeted politely: "I heard that Yin Yin said that you want to visit the campus, can we come together?"

"Of course you can."

Lin Wan affirmed, and Lu Ming also said: "Well, it's quite lively with so many people."

Yingying Yanyan is not only lively, but also eye-catching and has a bonus to your mood.

"Let's go then."

Lin Ruyin noticed that there were more and more people near the dormitory building. They were all called by friends, and some came specifically after seeing the forum posts.

The group of people randomly chose a direction and walked out.

Mordu University has a history of hundreds of years, and there are many famous attractions in it. During the student holidays, some places will be opened for foreign tourists to visit.

The six of them were chatting and walking aimlessly, with no particular destination in mind, just wherever they went.

With the understanding from the last family dinner, Lu Ming and Lin Wan got along more comfortably and harmoniously with other people this time.

In this way, the group of people passed by the canteen first.

Originally there was nothing interesting to see in the cafeteria, it was just a place to eat a big pot of rice, so no one planned to stay.

But at this time, Lin Wan suddenly spoke: "Husband, did you eat in this cafeteria when you were in school?"

Lu Ming didn't think much and nodded.

"Yes, this canteen tastes better than other canteens."

There are several cafeterias in Shanghai University, and this one is indeed the one he visits more often.

Lin Wan was thoughtful.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ming asked.

Lin Wan answered truthfully: "Nothing, I just want to know something about you.

However, I still regret not eating in the cafeteria with my husband. "

Lu Ming understood what Lin Wan said.

It wasn't just eating together in the cafeteria, but regretting not being by Lu Ming's side at that time.

Others more or less understood what was going on. We were no longer children.

There was nothing unusual about Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, and Wang Lingling.

Only Lin Ruyin's heart skipped a beat as she thought of something.


This canteen…

She has been here with Lu Ming a few times...

When she and Lu Ming were familiar with each other, she had come to this cafeteria to eat.

The aloof campus goddess and the good-looking male god ate together in the cafeteria, and there were more or less scandals at that time...

But how dare Lin Ruyin mention it!

I was also worried that my roommate would remember the scandal at that time, and if it was leaked...

I'm afraid that Lin Wan will kill the family out of righteousness.

Moreover, Lu Ming has now become Lin Ruyin's nominal father.

If you say something like this, you will be killed on the spot!

But whatever you are afraid of, come here.

Because of the angle and concentration issues, Lu Ming and Lin Wan did not notice anything strange about Lin Ruyin, but her roommates did.

Something is wrong!
Dead memories revived.

Looking at Lin Ruyin's face and the people in the cafeteria in front of her, she had already thought of something.

Their expressions also began to change...


how to say? ? ?

I can only sigh, the world is so wonderful.

Lin Ruyin looked at their constipated faces and immediately guessed that they must have thought of it.

He quickly started to wink.

"I want to die...! You can't talk nonsense!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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