Chapter 254 Merry Christmas
After finishing the meal, Lu Ming got up and went to the bathroom to pay the bill.

When I came back, my phone suddenly rang. It was the housekeeper Ma Zong's call.

After the call was connected, Ma Zong's voice came over the phone: "Mr. Lu, today is Christmas, would you like to decorate your home?"

After hearing Ma Zong's words, Lu Ming was stunned for a moment.

The city is a big city at the forefront, and due to historical reasons, there are still some remnants of this kind of foreign festival, and there is a habit of celebrating Christmas.

But Lu Ming has always been single, and he doesn't care about holidays at all.

If it had been a traditional national holiday before, he would have been happy because school was on holiday!

But what’s the point of this kind of foreign holiday if there’s no holiday?
"No..." Lu Ming was about to speak, but suddenly stopped.


It was the past, but now he was married and had a wife. Lu Ming immediately changed his mind.

"Okay, you can make some arrangements."

Lu Ming planned to give Lin Wan a surprise, and began to secretly plan it in his heart.

"Okay, Mr. Lu."

Ma Zong agreed. He had been a housekeeper in the Magic City for many years and had rich experience in these matters.


After Lu Ming hung up the phone, he returned to his seat.

Since Lin Ruyin's roommates still had classes in the afternoon, everyone didn't stay too long and left the restaurant.

The group returned to the girls' dormitory, where Lu Ming's car was parked.

After saying goodbye to the foursome in the dormitory, Lu Ming and Lin Wan got in the car.

The car started and left the Magic City campus.

"Honey, are we going home?"

Lin Wan actually didn't want to go back yet. Lu Ming heard it, but he deliberately teased her.

"Yeah, I have some work to do at home."


Lin Wan's tone was full of regret, but Lu Ming was talking about work, so she couldn't say anything.

Seeing Lin Wan pouting and looking unhappy, Lu Ming smiled.

"I lied to you!
Let's go to the shopping mall and buy, buy, buy! "

Lu Ming still remembered the last time Lin Wan said she wanted to go shopping.

As soon as the words came out.

Lin Wan instantly changed from sadness to joy, and at the same time she was dissatisfied with Lu Ming for lying to her.

"Husband, you lied to me! You...hum!"

Lu Ming knew that she was not really angry, but he still cooperated with her.

"I was wrong, I was wrong. I shouldn't have lied to my wife. I admit my mistake and let my wife punish me."

As soon as the words came out.

Lin Wan seemed to have thought of something and became weird.

"Really? Let me punish you?"

Lu Ming saw that Lin Wan didn't look right and was about to regret it.

But it was too late.

"Then I'll punish you by wearing a nurse's uniform! Once I wear it, you wear it once..."

Lin Wan's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue, causing Lu Ming to turn black.

this? ? ? ! !
This is simply eye-catching!
When Lu Ming thought of...

wrong!Can't think about it!

Lu Ming couldn't accept this punishment, absolutely not.

His lifelong reputation cannot be ruined just like that.

Seeing Lu Ming's constipated expression, Lin Wan laughed out loud like a child who had succeeded in playing a prank.

"Hehe. Okay, I won't play with you anymore."

How could she really let her husband wear women's clothing?

Hearing Lin Wan's words, Lu Ming was relieved. Although he knew that Lin Wan could not really let him dress up as a woman, it was scary to hear such words.

Some indescribable images couldn't help but come to mind, making people tremble.


Lu Ming quickly shook off the image of the phenomenon in his mind, accelerated his speed, and drove towards a large shopping mall nearby.

After arriving at the shopping mall.

Lin Wan immediately started buying, buying, buying mode.

If you see anything you like in the entire shopping mall, you can just swipe your card without saying anything.First, he bought a bunch of miscellaneous things for Lu Ming, and then went to a home furnishing store to buy some things for his new home.

a time.

Numerous system prompts sounded in Lu Ming's mind, but since the items he bought were not particularly valuable and did not trigger rewards, Lu Ming did not bother to read them.

"Honey, you go shopping here by yourself first, I'm going to use the toilet."

While at the home furnishing store, Lu Ming took the opportunity to sneak out.

He has big things to do.

He just saw a handicraft shop here, which was a place for couples to make clay sculptures, carvings, and silver jewelry.

When he came to this store, Lu Ming thought silently in his mind.

Light up the carving skill.

next second.

A massive amount of information poured into Lu Ming's mind.

In an instant, Lu Ming became a top and all-around sculptor!

That's right, Lu Ming used the skill points awarded by the system last time to activate the carving skill in order to make a Christmas gift for Lin Wan in this handicraft store.

"I underestimated this skill point..." Lu Ming sighed after coming back to his senses.

He found that the carving skills he lit up were so amazing. They actually included stone carving, wood carving, rice carving, and other skills.

Now, Lu Ming had an idea of ​​what to do with this Christmas gift.

15 minute later.

Lu Ming came out of the handicraft store with something in his hand. He took it to the car and hid it.

Then we went back to the home furnishing store.

"Wife, I'm back."

"Husband, what do you think of this vase?"

Very good, Lin Wan was not suspicious at all.

Lu Ming calmly walked around with Lin Wan, and bought a lot of things after going around.

In this way, Lu Ming and Lin Wan spent more than three hours shopping in the shopping mall, buying countless things. When they were about to leave, night began to fall.

Even though Lu Ming's body felt a little tired, Lin Wan was still in high spirits.

Sure enough, women will not feel tired when shopping, but will only be more energetic.

"Well, wife, let's go back."

The Lamborghini was speeding on its way back to the city garden, and the surprise Lu Ming prepared came with it.


Gorgeous fireworks exploded in the sky, right in front of Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

"Hubby, the fireworks are so beautiful!"

There were fireworks to watch on the way home, and Lin Wan was very happy.

The surprise doesn't end there.

On the road approaching the city garden gate, the trees on both sides have been decorated with Christmas decorations.

When Lu Ming's Lamborghini drove into this area, the star lights and Christmas songs lit up together, as if he had entered a fairy tale world.

Lin Wan turned to look at Lu Ming in surprise.

The source of the fireworks is in the city garden, and there is another surprise like this on the way home.

Apart from Lu Ming, her husband could not be anyone else.

She actually knew that today was Christmas, but like Lu Ming, she had no habit of celebrating Christmas at all, so she had no expectations and just regarded it as a normal day.

But she didn't expect that Lu Ming would arrange these surprises for herself without her knowing it at all.


Lin Wan shouted emotionally.

At this time, the car had already arrived in the city garden, and the location of the fountain had been changed into a Christmas tree by Mazong.

The Christmas tree glows and sings.

Lu Ming took Lin Wan under the Christmas tree, held her hand, and looked at her affectionately.

"Honey, this is the first Christmas I have celebrated, and it is also the first Christmas we have celebrated together. I hope that we will celebrate Christmas together every year in the future.

Merry Chrismas! ! ! "

At the same time, Lu Ming opened the gift box.

Jingle bells, jingle bells...

Two little people danced gracefully in front of Lin Wan...

 Single dog coding at home on Christmas.../(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
  So let the male and female protagonists have a happy holiday...

(End of this chapter)

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