Chapter 265 The Banquet In Progress

The banquet scene began to get a little out of control.

In the business world, asset strength is important, but connections, experience, and even age are also indispensable.

Although Lu Ming, as the chairman of Hongyan Group, could crush most of the people present, these people did not seem to realize this.

They all subconsciously look down on Lu Ming when they see his young appearance. They may feel that they have worked hard all their lives to get to where they are today, and some even worked hard for several generations.

How could Lu Ming do this at such a young age?

All this is caused by jealousy.

"What Lu Ming? I've never heard of him, he's just a chess piece."

"Yeah, you're not trying to trick us, are you?"

"This banquet is too unworthy of its name. What qualifications does a young boy have to hold it?"

There was already some harassment at the scene, so the heirs of the family would not miss this good opportunity.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he started to fan the flames, trying to end the banquet right after it started.

Some stupid people have even been secretly pushed to confront Lu Ming, without the slightest idea that they have been taken advantage of.

"Oh, Lu Ming, the chairman of Hongyan Group is nothing more than that...

I want to see what you can do. It's better to end this banquet as soon as possible. I still have to fight with people from other families. "

Hidden in the crowd, Baili Cheng shook his wine glass and was very proud of the masterpiece he promoted. If Lu Ming didn't handle it well, the banquet would have ended directly.

Even if Lu Ming and Ouyang Qi failed, it would be time for the heirs of their families to work together to tear the flesh from Ouyang Qi's body, and then fight each other to share the flesh.

In his opinion, the process of cooperating and then fighting with other family members is the highlight.

"What should I do? The situation at the scene seems not to be good..."

Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, and Wang Lingling in the audience all felt that something was wrong and were worried about Lu Ming for a while.

"Oh, it's okay, just wait and see." Lin Ruyin showed no signs of nervousness at all, comforting her roommate.

Lin Wan's smile remained the same as she looked at Lu Ming on the stage.

Among them, only Chu Yue, Pan Xiaoman, and Wang Lingling who didn't understand Lu Ming were worried and nervous.

Lin Wan, Lin Ruyin, Ni Honghui and even Ni Yanyan all have great confidence in Lu Ming and believe that this small scene cannot shake Lu Ming.

Lu Ming looked at the situation in the audience coldly and did not say anything immediately, allowing these people to express themselves freely.

He had anticipated this situation for a long time, and even judged that the people from the five major families would not miss this good opportunity and would definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble.

But why didn't he stop it immediately and stop the riot?
Because at this time, when the enemy thinks he is attacking and has an advantage, Lu Ming can observe more clearly who is the enemy and who is more hostile.

When the voices of doubt were about to reach their peak, everyone in Baili City believed that Lu Ming would be unable to continue and was about to step down.

Lu Ming ignored all doubts and said loudly.

“Here, I would like to first thank my good friend Mr. Wang, the owner of Tang Palace, for agreeing to open Tang Palace as the venue for our banquet.

At the same time, I am here to announce the first news. In order to celebrate the banquet, Mr. Wang and I will donate [-] million in cash respectively, which is a total of [-] billion to the Yixin Charity Organization, hoping to help more people. people. "

As soon as Lu Ming said these words.

The questioning voices at the scene suddenly stopped. Some people seemed to have their throats choked and were speechless. The situation was immediately under control.


Because these people woke up, Lu Ming's words were like a bucket of ice water poured on their foreheads.

Originally, they were stimulated, instigated, and had the mentality to follow the trend, which brought the momentum to a peak.The banquet was held in the Magic City, and most of the attendees were locals from the Magic City. How could they not know the mystery and power of the Tang Palace?

They knew that the Tang Palace never hosted large banquets, and this was unprecedented, which indirectly proved the energy of the banquet organizer.

That's why they all flocked to it one by one, and rumors spread that this was a high-end banquet hosted by top bosses.

Otherwise, none of them are stupid, so why would they fight over each other and pay a heavy price to enter this banquet?
Now Lu Ming directly pointed out his relationship with Wang Xing'an, the owner of the Tang Palace, just to make them realize that his identity and status are not something you guys can question.

At the same time, he also promoted the charity he and Wang Xingan did, giving this banquet a different meaning.

"Clap clap clap..."

After a moment of silence, there was warm applause. After these people came to their senses, they finally knew what they should do.

No matter whether these people were making noise or being quiet, they did not disturb Lu Ming at all. With a wave of his right hand, the applause stopped in unison, and the control of the banquet was completely returned to Lu Ming's hands.

This also means that Baili City's initial plan has failed.

"Humph, I underestimated you. But this is just the beginning..."

Baili Cheng was not discouraged. He had just made a small trick and he hadn't even really gone on stage to sing yet.

In the audience.

The father and son of the Qi family stood together, looking up at Lu Ming on the stage.

"To be the chairman of Hongyan Group at such a young age, and to be friends with the owner of Tang Palace, this is too..."

Qi Zhiqiang couldn't help but sigh when he looked at Lu Ming's young face.

He looked at his son next to him again. Originally, he had always thought that his son was pretty good, but now why...

"Junyi, what are you doing?" Qi Zhiqiang touched his son beside him.

"Uh...nothing...Dad, what did you just say?" Qi Junyi finally came back to his senses.

He always felt that the man on the stage, the chairman of Hongyan Group, looked so familiar?

I seemed to have seen it somewhere, but I couldn't remember it for a while, so I looked at Lu Ming and was so stunned that I didn't even pay attention to Qi Zhiqiang's words.

"It's okay...just keep listening."

Qi Zhiqiang said nothing more.

After the applause stopped, Lu Ming continued.

"Before announcing the second news, I first invite three people to come to the stage. Zhao Jianzhong, the head of the Zhao family, Xie Guanghui, the head of the Xie family, and Sun Yongfeng of the Sun family, come on stage."

As soon as the words fell, the three family heads who had been preparing for a long time came to the stage one after another.

They just showed up.

The people below couldn't help but make a sound.

"??!what's the situation?"

"What are the heads of the three first-rate families in the Magic City doing here?"

"I didn't expect that all three heads of the family are here? This banquet is well worth the trip!"

"Wait and see if there is a chance to go up and have a few words with the family heads."

The Zhao family, the Xie family, and the Sun family were local snake families in the Magic City. Most of the people present knew them, and even those who were not qualified to know them had heard of their names in the Magic City.

But now they all appeared on the stage, which made everyone very surprised and confused.

(End of this chapter)

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