Chapter 281 I passed by

The next afternoon.

Lu Ming drove a group of confused girls home.

They were staggering around in the car one by one, and they were all groggy. Looking at this scene in the car, people who didn't know would probably think that Lu Ming had stunned them.

In fact, they all drank too much last night and haven't fully recovered yet.

After Lu Ming and Lin Wan left to do their own things last night.

This group of girls was completely lethargic. They had everything from delicacies to beer, and they were having fun while singing karaoke until midnight.

Fortunately, Lu Ming booked Green Spring Villa. He and Lin Wan were so busy last night that they went to bed later than them, so they didn't disturb anyone.

Lu Ming looked back and saw that he was the only one who was awake, while the others were all lying on their stomachs and fell asleep again.

He smiled, started the car and went home.


"Here, let's all drink some sobering tea."

After getting home.

Lin Wan made sobering tea for them one by one.

After drinking the sobering tea, they finally began to regain their consciousness.

"Uh, it's warm, so comfortable..."

"I'm so tired. I must take a good rest for three days..."

Everyone started talking, chattering about what happened last night and how uncomfortable they felt after staying up late to party.

A group of people are chatting.

Ni Honghui heard the sound and walked out of the guest room.

"I'm home?"

Lu Ming turned around and nodded: "Yes, Uncle Ni."

"I just have something to tell you. We have been disturbed a lot these days. I plan to go back to the seaside with Yanyan today."

Ni Honghui and Lu Ming and Lin Wan said goodbye. They had stayed in the city garden for more than a week and it was time to go back.

After Lu Ming and Lin Wan heard this, they expressed their opinions one after another.

"It's okay, Uncle Ni, a house is lively when there are many people!"

"Yes, you stay a little longer."

But Ni Honghui waved his hand and said: "I have been out for a while, and I have to go back to deal with things in the group."

When he said this, Lu Ming and Lin Wan no longer had anything to say.

"Yanyan Xiaoxiao, hurry up and pack your luggage! Yanyan and I are back to the seaside, and Xiaoxiao will go back to school."

When Ni Honghui broke the news.

Ni Xiaoxiao didn't think anything was wrong, she just went back to school.

But Ni Yanyan felt uncomfortable. She didn't want to go back.

"Dad, are we going back so soon? I want to play for a while longer! I don't want to go back!"

Although Ni Honghui doted on his daughters, he did not spoil them. He immediately darkened his face and said: "Nonsense!
Why are you staying here if you don't go back? "

Lu Ming and Lin Wan looked at it and quickly smoothed things over: "It's okay, Uncle Ni, Yanyan can just play if she wants to play for a while..."

Ni Honghui continued to say to Ni Yanyan: "Everyone is going back to school. Who has time to play with you all the time? You are the only one left here. Are you okay?"

Ni Yanyan was also a little afraid of Ni Honghui, and what he said made sense, so she had no choice but to give in.

But she was still stubborn and didn't reply. She grabbed Ni Xiaoxiao and ran back to the room to pack her clothes.

"I'm sorry, Yanyan was spoiled by me before and made everyone laugh."

Ni Honghui returned to normal and apologized to everyone.

Everyone quickly said it was okay.

Ni Honghui and the others are going back to the seaside, and Lin Ruyin and the others are going back to school.

After Lu Ming and Lin Wan were busy for a while, they finally arranged for everyone to be sent out. The originally lively house returned to calm, and only the two of them were left.

"Honey, are you tired?" Lu Ming asked while lying on the sofa.Recently, Ni Honghui and the others have been guests at home, and they always gather in groups wherever they go.

As their eldest sister, Lin Wan must of course take good care of them.

"It's okay, it's quite fun. Everyone is happy together."

Lu Ming felt relieved when he heard Lin Wan say this.

The two of them were just lying on the sofa, talking about each other, suddenly.

Lin Wan thought of the current situation of little secretary Xu Zixin and asked: "Hey, hubby, how is Xiaoxin's mother recovering? Is she discharged from the hospital?"

After hearing what she said, Lu Ming finally remembered.

I've been a little busy recently, and I really forgot to pay attention to Xu Zixin's situation.

"Um... I'm not sure. Let me call and ask."

Lu Ming immediately called Xu Zixin.

The call was quickly connected.


"Xiao Xin, I'm sorry. There have been a lot of things lately and I haven't been able to visit my aunt often. I wonder how my aunt is recovering recently?"

Xu Zixin was a little surprised when she received Lu Ming's call. She immediately replied after hearing Lu Ming's concern.

"It's okay. Thank you, Chairman, for your concern. My mother is recovering well and will be discharged from the hospital in the afternoon!"

Lu Ming was surprised when he heard the news that Xu Zixin's mother would be discharged from the hospital today. He thought that the call today was lucky to have been made in time. If he had remembered it a little later, then everyone would have been discharged from the hospital and returned home, and it would be too late to care. .

"That's good. Lin Wan and I will visit you again in the afternoon and pick you up from the hospital."

Lu Ming immediately made a decision.

"No need, Chairman..."

Xu Zixin still wanted to refuse, but she hadn't finished her words yet.

"That's it. You have a lot of stuff, discharge procedures and so on. It's not easy to take a taxi from Maria Hospital..."

"Okay, thank you, Chairman..."

After hanging up the phone.

Lu Ming put away his phone, turned to Lin Wan and said, "Honey, luckily you reminded me, otherwise Xu Zixin and the others would have been discharged from the hospital and went home."

Lin Wan heard the conversation on the phone just now.

"I also had a whim, and I suddenly thought of it. Let's go take a rest, and we'll be there later."


So Lu Ming and Lin Wan went back to the room upstairs to catch up on their sleep.

When I woke up, I felt refreshed and it was already past three in the afternoon.

The two of them washed and dressed up and then drove out in the car.

After a while, we arrived at Maria Private Hospital.

"Chairman! You are here!"

As soon as Lu Ming and Lin Wan arrived at the hospital, they met the director, Ma Zhixin, who shouted enthusiastically.

"Dean Ma, what a coincidence?"

"Yes, Chairman, I just happened to pass by..."

Lu Ming always felt that Ma Zhixin was more enthusiastic and respected him than the last time he saw him.

Ma Zhixin secretly glanced at Lu Ming and couldn't help but sigh.

His chairman is young, but he didn't expect that he not only controls Maria Private Hospital, but is also the chairman of Hongyan Group, and even conquers three major families. The strength and ability behind him are far beyond his previous imagination.

That's right.

Ma Zhixin actually also attended the banquet.

As the director of Maria Private Hospital, he is considered a top figure in Shanghai, and there are many people who fawn over him.

He was fortunate enough to attend the Tang Palace banquet. He saw Lu Ming's grace at the banquet and knew about Lu Ming's background and strength, so he admired Lu Ming even more now.

(End of this chapter)

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